HI all. I had this idea and it won't exit my head. I have a triceratops toy from my depressed childhood, and thought "There is no good Lizardmen cavalry!" So Im thinking: Skink chief with scythe on saddle of green stuff on Trike. Also have idea which I will share later, just need more details.
Post a photo or a drawing of what you plan to do and we can comment on that. No idea what you mean by "trike", and not sure how you will make this look like a cavalry mount as opposed to just a different kind of steg.
By Trike I meant triceratops, and its fairly small. I want a kind of Skink Cavalry thing. Still cant post pics, it doesnt work for me. Sorry, but thanks for reply
Hey, Moustache! You need to have the picture you want to post on a web page. You put the link of that page between the pic command. For example: . Easy way is to create an account for photo hosting page, like Photobucket, and take the web address from there. Photobucket even has a one-click button to get the address for the picture you want that will take you to that picture directly. Hope this helps.
Thank you very much Caprasauridae, your help is much appreciated. Ill try: If not, just follow the link. Thanks!
(working pic) Thank you very much Caprasauridae, your help is much appreciated. Ill try: If not, just follow the link. Thanks!
Thanks n810. My fluff is: Stegadons are useful when they are Big and Strong, but not when they're adorable babies. Then some random skink came up with the idea of using them as mounts.