+Castles an Online Strategy RPG Game+

Discussion in 'Online RPG' started by Lord Timtikotl, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. Lord Timtikotl

    Lord Timtikotl New Member

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    I would like to start out stating that I do not believe this goes against board policy of Spam, since its not unrelated to gaming and it has no cost I am just posting this because the games played by pretty much all warhammer/warmachine players and Our kind of gamer like this kind of game. (the game is free and is merely ran on a Free Forum)

    I would post the nice banner but this site doesnt allow it lol

    The game is a Strategy game where Kingdoms fight to take control Of Renascent. Now the most interesting part of the game is that players design their own kingdom (write the story, create the units with a unit designer rule set) so its great for those who are creative or always wanted to play a race in Warhammer that had no book or has no book. The game of course isn't like Warhammer in that its closer to Axis and Allies and Risk as it is a territory grab game, Every territory is worth RP and RP buys troops, boats, special units, boats ect. Your Kingdom also gets to design 1 Special Character or as we call them 1 Hero which can be as strong as a Unit and have special actions like your special units. I have mentioned special units twice now and well I think I better explain what they are. Basically there is 6 Special units the first a Scout (which can steal from kingdoms and spy on there territories giving you exact troop counts, they also have lots of cool missions they can do like Assassination and Hinder Building) Mages are your spellcasters they can choose when you build your Mage Tower what lore to use from the following Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Death each lore has specific advantages and disadvantages but they give players even more choices that make their kingdom unique. The next thing are priests which can follow a different religion (there is several created ones but you can make your own too) His Religion allows him to cast prayers through Faith Points. Siege weapons which barrage the enemy before a fight, and flyers which can be used to fly across territories giving you the ability to attack the unguarded. Now this game is not just mindless war there is a great deal of political intrigue and exchange between Kingdoms, players can use special Merchant units to travel Castle to Castle trading goods with allies.

    All in All its a fun game that takes about 30 minutes to 90 minutes of actual involvement a week to post orders and talk to allies, if you want to join just register don't worry about reading the rules just yet they are lengthy, but alot of it pertains to Creating Units and Heroes which is done once than never looked at until next game., I am Voltek on the site pm me for help if you need it. after you register go to kingdom registration and register as a Kingdom or Hero, if you want to play. To Register the button will be top right middle thats to get a Username on the site. To literally Register as a Kingdom is here http://z6.invisionfree.com/Castles/index.php?showtopic=2543&st=0

    Thanks for reading and enjoy Castles, (or not if you think its lame lol )

    A Plea to all Kingdoms and Heroes, I King Rolf of Lancaster have an urgent request. My sister Queen Fiona of Lancaster wife to The King of Talendor Mindin of whom I hold in high esteem, but the recent trespass may change my view She has been taken by presumed enemies of the Kingdom of Talendor or perhaps foes of my own Lancaster. My Kingdom plunged in civil war with the princes of the noblemen my Father once united each thinking their own self deserving of the Crown presses me to not be able to send adequate forces to save my sister. However Kingdoms already have shown interest in claiming the torn lands south of Talendor, Renascent for their own may be able to find her as Talendor scouts have tracked the villains responsible to that area. Talendor is besieged by the eastern Kingdom of Grey Fork and the small united Provinces of Southern Renascent or Kell by the Barbaric Tongue. Talendor was attempting to give the Queen safe passage away from the Capitol which now is under siege, when she was taken.

    You know each know the background of what has happened I will pay 500 Gold Pieces to anyone who returns my beloved sister alive. If she is dead we will also pay a sum, but I will not let myself believe that it is to much to bear. Please Lancaster humbly ask the aid of any who will give it. We do not care the means in which you accomplish this as long as she is safe. I sail now to Renascent with my Red Guard we will search aswell.

    King Rolf Kloitz of Lancaster
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Lord Timtikotl

    Lord Timtikotl New Member

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    GAME 9 is OPEN


    Delsbruck lies in the Mountainous Region of Old World cut off from general contact. For much of its time this peaceful valley lie empty of civilized races, but about 300 Years ago was settled by a variety of races creating one united city Delsbruck under the strong guidance of a Human Emperor Magnus the Just his rule was great and Delsbruck quickly took strides in advancement of technology they would be one of the first Kingdoms to discover steam power and utilize it for airships in which they have created a large merchant fleet. Delsbruck supplies the Old World with its vast ores and excellent crop land all the while stays safe in its mountainous harbor. The next 4 Emperors would be a step down each generation until finally the greed driven Magnus the 5th had a group of peaceful tax protestors brutally murdered it was this moment the Revolution began led by Jamison Sweddle and Theodore Hoffman a group called the Delsbruck Republic gained favor like a wildfire and swiftly the Empire was replaced in favor of this New Republic, but on the cusp of their Revolution many other ideas were also being formed many parties and groups were being formed in this chaos and it would seem that the Republic would have to deal with the same protests that they once were the ones creating. Delsbruck current state of affairs are as fluid as a raging river no one knows what lies next.

    In this Chaos the Magna Wings Trading Company Long seeking rights to a road building contract have struck a bargain with the new republic and have now finished construction of the Great Delsbruck Skyway a road that travels over 100 miles through the mountains wide enough for great armies to march upon, it is with this road Kings, Heroes, Mercenaries, Tribes, and peoples alike come to the valley of Delsbruck to make a home for themselves there is much land in the valley that lie peacefully untouched by the people of Delsbruck and are ripe for the taking. Come Kingdoms to Delsbruck and make your Claim.

    Welcome to the 9th installment of Castles.

    I cannot post the Map so I would suggest going to the site and then clicking the map link to see it, its pretty cool.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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