(PICTURE HEAVY!! ) Been posting lots of updates on my new models! I have only just started painting properly for around a week now so it's not amazing but ok. I have recently completed a skink chief and another kroxigor and will show you a "tiny" conversion on my slann and stegadon. so here goes! oh and the kroxigor are basically fineshed (a few touches needed) but not on any other model. My kroxigors! my second krox's weapon, it's different form the first one because I liked it to variate. I might keep the 3rd krox's weapon the same when I get it because I like that weapon My steg! (added 2 horns) My soon to be saraus champion (the picture makes the saurus weapon look really big!) My krox who will be with my skinks and skink priest! And now my slann with an added swirly magic thingy! Oh and ignore the paintjob that's been done on the slann and the rest basically, that was ages ago, it will be changed, and at the top pf the swirly thing below the "chair" a "cloud" will be added. Sorry about the amount of pics!! My skink chief looks scruffy so there will be some touches done up on that! any criticism and advice is needed and appreciated! thanks!!!
Looking good, the Saurus weapon looks a little too big for my tastes but whatever works for your style go for it!
it's the picture, above the photo's of him I said "the picture makes the saurus weapon look really big!" but thanks anyway (the weapon is still quite big though)
looking good, however wouldnt it be more convenient for everyone if you posted your pictures in a single thread, that you updated when you felt like it. that way we can all more easily find your pictures when we want to check them out in the future.
Yeah that's true, but It if people have already seen the thread? would they still look back on it, they might not know I will post future pictures?
Alot of regular posters do what I do, hit that fancy button up top called "View New Posts" This lists for us all the threads that have received new posts so we can review them. I may not reply to everything, but you better believe I read it all!
and you just edit the title of the first post to say "nathanbomb6's army (updated 2012-08-31)" and then we will all know instantly that there are new pics avaliable
Yeah, a paint blog is more user-friendly. That way, if someone is looking for a certain picture from you for inspiration, they can find it more easily. I also check all the posts on the threads I have commented on (the "View your posts" link), so I'll notice the new posts too, so it's not a problem. So, you don't think the Stegadon is horny enough (ehehe)? And after I'll go and fetch my Award of the Lamest Joke of the Week, I can say it looks really menacing! I think you'll have lots of fun to paint that up. Oh, and also, that's not fair, your Kroxigors cannot lose now that they have the Triforce at their command! Keep up the good work!