8th Ed. My attempt at a competitive fluffy Storm of Magic List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scalenex, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Lizardmen Component
    Slann Mage Priest, Lore of Fire, Cupped Hands, BSB Standard of Discipline, Ironcurse Icon, 2 Disciplines, Power die and Lore Mastery. (I’ll trim 50 points elsewhere to negate 6s for hypercompetitive environments)
    L2 Skink Priest with Dispel Scroll
    L1 Skink Priest with Cube of Darkness (for Tournaments) or Hex Scroll (for friendly games)
    L1 Skink Priest with Scroll of Shielding
    31 Saurus Warriors, FC
    2 x 11 Cohort Skinks + 1 Kroxigor
    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers with javelins and Brave
    8 Chamo Skinks
    3 Terradon Riders
    31 Temple Guard, FC, Standard of Swiftness, Warrior Bane (in case the Temple Guard have to assault a fulcrum wizard and he has protection versus non-magical attacks)
    Ancient Stegadon
    Storm of Magic, Vampire Counts Pact
    Vampire (Count Renliss), level two, Lore of Vampires heavy armor, shield, Dragonhelm,
    Necromancer (Modrek), level one, Lore of Vampires, Corpse Cart
    36 zombies, Standard bearer, musician
    Black Coach (zombified Stegadon)

    So I’m working on a long-term goal of having a small Lustrian themed Vampire Counts army to use for Storm of Magic games. I wrote a story about a vampire that got tricked into serving the Lizardmen.
    I currently have four skink zombies (pictured below) and am going to work on some more zombies this week.

    I want to make a competitive list but I am dead set on including specific things: an indeterminate number of skink and Saurus zombies, a corpse cart (filled with LM corpses), a Black Coach (represented by a zombified Stegadon with a coffin and other vampiric accoutrements in the howdah), and the obligatory vampires. With that limitation I want to make a list as competitive as possible.

    Arcane Fulcrum One will be the Level 2 Skink Priest. I’ll plant the Saurus in front to absorb any would-be attackers and have one of the little Skroxigor blocks waiting in the wings to flank charge anything the Saurus tangle with.

    Arcane Fulcrum two will have the vampire sitting on the fulcrum with the zombies parked in front. The Corpse Cart will buff the zombies and provide flanking support if necessary. I’ll back the undead up with flank support from the OTHER little Skroxigor block provide additional support to the zombies. I figure I will use the signature vampire spell for both undead casters and add 2d6 additional zombies to the pot every magic phase.

    The Terradons and Chamo Skinks will knock out war machines, lone wizards, or low armor save monsters and otherwise run interference. The two Skink Skirmisher units will protect the level one skink priests until the Slann clears an arcane fulcrum for the priest to occupy OR an enemy kills one of my level two wizards forcing me to relocate one of the skinks to re-occupy my own fulcrum. While the skinks are waiting to occupy a fulcrum they can serve as targeting devices for some of the Slann’s magical missiles, cast Fantastic Foresight, and flinging spells any enemy flyers.

    The Slann will be the main tool to dislodge enemy wizards from their fulcrums blasting them with fire, also blasting enemy monsters and infantry blocks with fire (originally I planned to use Death but I realized in Storm of Magic you don’t have to use spells to snipe them, any magical missile works on an exposed target). The large Temple Guard block will keep him safe while he does. To back up the Temple Guard will be the Ancient Stegadon and the Zombie/Stegadon Black Coach. With the huge amounts of power dice used in Storm of Magic games the Black Coach should power up to full very quickly.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Looks like you've thought this out quite well. You're going to need a lot of zombie LM models to pull it off, lol.

    Haha! Oh, so much fun. I have a jungle swarm frog on a 20mm base just for this occasion. He's only been used once, but still. Good times.

    My only thoughts are:

    a) 31 TG seems excessive. But maybe not since this is SoM. You may have a bunch of magic missiles flying at your TG bunker.

    b) I've yet to try the skrox delivery party of 11 skinks, but it sounds like a good idea. It looks fun too. Your article about their use was insightful, no doubt. I am skeptical of their use in a tournament though. I guess I'll have to give 'em a go.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I only did the mini-Skrox twice, but they did okay.

    I do more zombies. I thought about dropping the Corpse cart for more zombies but I REALLY want to make a LM themed corpsed cart and I don't want to make something I don't plan to use.

    EDIT: As a rule of thumb I add 5 Temple Guard for Storm of Magic and I add 5 Temple Guard if I play without Light or Life to protect them. Then I adjust it up or down if the game is more or less 2500 points.

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