Hi, I have recently taken an interest in making my own models (that are by no means to as high a standard of others on this forum) but I can't think of anything to sculpt, it doesn't matter if it Can't fit in my current army because I can make a new list to fit it in. So the only real criteria is that is needs to be a main model not a RnF and the biggest base I have is 40mm x 40mm (I do have flying bases as well) and a picture would be great. P.s. please check out my painting log (link in signature)
If your not looking only at Lizardmen, war machines might be a good place to start, specifically Goblin Spear Chukkas and Rock Lobbas. They are fairly easy to scratch-build, and any mistakes can be considered an accurate depiction of shoddy goblin workmanship. It seems like a good first step to work on skills. If you are only considering "live" figures, Night Goblin Squigs (Giant Cave Squig or Mangler) seem like a good first step. They are basically balls with a mouth and legs. Again, this seems like a relatively easy first model to sculpt. With Lizardmen, the easiest might be a howda to fit on a Stegadon alternative. For creatures, a salamander seems the easiest, but it definitely won't be simple. Good luck!
Yea, plus I have a friend who plays Orc and goblins so I could compare them to some of his models to see if I'm improving. My plan was sticking to lizardmen but I think I should expand my horizons : thanks
You can always start by making accessories for your models: helmet for your steg, chains for krox, flag banners, etc. then proceed with making whole body parts and before you know it, you've made your own model.