8th Ed. 1500pt balanced list.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by loq-gar, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. loq-gar

    loq-gar New Member

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    hi al, new to this forum, not new to lizzies but been a good 5-6 years since i played and my army was too small. heres a new list I'm trying to make esp 'cos I have most of the models in this list. $ an issue here haha. C&C please!

    Slann, life, higher state, rumination, divine plaque, plaque of tepok

    scar vet, enchanted shield, light armour, sword of strife

    scar vet, light armour, shield, burning blade

    16 saurus, musician, standard

    16 saurus, musician, standard

    12 skirmishers, blowpipes

    11 kirmishers, javs

    6 cham skinks

    6 cham skinks

    3 terradons

    1 salamander, extra handler

    totals 1497 points

    the other option i was thinking of was combining the 2 saurus regiments together into a 32 unit block and use the extra points from the removed standard and musician to make the 2nd scar vet's burning blade into the orgre blade.

    I currently have these models

    2 scar vets

    1 skink priest

    16 saurus

    12 skink blowpipes

    12 skink javs

    3 terradons

    1 salamander

    anything else I can do with these models to make a list?

    thanks for reading!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Since you only have two non-skirmishers block troops with a mere 16 models I'd drop a Scar Vet and use the extra points to buy more models. I'd even consider dropping both Scar Vets in favor of more stuff. If you go with a single Scar Veteran, consider making him the BSB.

    I'm a recovering addict from Herohammer and like most recovering addicts I can go into extremes of denial.

    You probably have enough skirmishers but an extra Salamander wouldn't hurt. The large supporting cast of skirmishers should help you out since you are running an unbunkered Slann and they should be able to keep him safe against most things.

    I like having a skink priest provide support to my Slann but I think it is a wise decision to leave the littel guy at home in a game of 1500 points unless you drop the Slann but doing so would mean your are basically scrapping the list and starting over rather than revising the list.
  3. loq-gar

    loq-gar New Member

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    hmm.. I see your point there. the reason I put the 2 scar vets in there was to help bolster the saurus as I know they're kinda small units. I have another idea though. How does this sound?

    I remove the scar vet with the burning blade and combine both blocks of saurus together in a block of 32. stick the remaining scar vet in there. The reason I dont have him with the BSB is because I dont have that model with bsb hehe. anyway, with the extra points I stick in another 2 packs of skink skirmishers. how does this sound?

    so essentially it'll be

    Slann, life, higher state, rumination, divine plaque, plaque of tepok

    scar vet, enchanted shield, light armour, sword of strife

    32 saurus, musician, standard

    12 skirmishers, blowpipes

    11 kirmishers, javs

    10 skirmishers, blowpipes

    10 skirmishers, javs

    6 cham skinks

    6 cham skinks

    3 terradons

    1 salamander, extra handler

    totals points
  4. Huichi Mixi

    Huichi Mixi New Member

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    Yeah I think one large unit of 32 would be better than two units of 16. The large unit being fielded 5 wide will mean you can probably rely on steadfast for a while or you can run them in horde formation and get 3 ranks of saurus fighting. There is nothing stopping you from reforming during the game to switch between the two formations either which gives you a layer of flexibility. Units of 16 on the other hand mean that you will unlikely be steadfast (3 ranks deep to begin with, being 5 wide) If you lose 2 saurus or 3 if you have the vet in there, you will only have 2 complete ranks, which is easy to match or beat, denying you of steadfast.

    You have a lot of skirmishers in that army and only one unit which can stand up to more than a stiff breeze in combat which are saurus. This could be a problem if the opponent has two or three dedicated ranked-up combat units which your skirmishers will find hard to deal with and they could gang up on your lone saurus unit. Basically steam rolling over you through your skirmish fire. I will say if there are any lone mages/small units/war machines facing you then they won't last long against your skirmishers :)
  5. khsofsso

    khsofsso New Member

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    Only take skirmishers of 10 easier for manuvering less points to give away. Big block saurus works better. Definatly get another salamander the more the better of these. Obviously points on slann will be issue but would recommend dispell scroll at smaller points games then move towards cupped hands.

    Scar vet needs dawnstone. Would build with a cheap magic weapon or just flyfrog
  6. loq-gar

    loq-gar New Member

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    thanks for the replies!

    @Huichi Mixi ah well, my plan for the skirmishers is to redirect, block charges and stay out of the way and pepper them to a fine pulp, hopefully causing a few panic tests along the way. my plan is to not stick the slann with the saurus but instead use the slann as kind of a bait to lure them into a position for the saurus to hit. essentially the only way left to kill my slann is to engage him in close combat with a magic weapon. otherwise i have him etheral so normal weapons wont cut it and he has a 2+ ward save against all missiles. and my skirmishers will be able to run rings around them.

    @ khsofsso I cant find the extra points to get an extra sallie though but I'll do this when the points get bigger!

    I'll change the scar vet to

    scar vet, biting blade , light armour, enchanted shield, dawnstone

    the new list is now

    Slann, life, higher state, rumination, divine plaque, plaque of tepok

    scar vet, enchanted shield, light armour, biting blade, dawnstone

    31 saurus, musician, standard

    12 skirmishers, blowpipes

    11 kirmishers, javs

    10 skirmishers, blowpipes

    10 skirmishers, javs

    6 cham skinks

    6 cham skinks

    3 terradons

    1 salamander, extra handler

    totals points 1500

    how is this? i had to take out a saurus cos apparently the previous one i calculated wrongly haha
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Solid army, just make sure your super block of Saurus isn't flanked and double teamed. Try to deploy your megablock next to dangerous or impassable terrain features to guard a side or consider hugging a table edge. That way you only have one flank to guard with your skirmishers alone.
  8. loq-gar

    loq-gar New Member

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    sounds good! thanks for the help! cant wait to get my army up and running to test this out

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