I wanna know can I prime/undercoat my models with other aerosol spray like the cheap ones sold in convenient store or I must use the ones from GW?
other sprays CAN work, but they may also be useless. some sprays dissolve the plastic. some will not adhere properly to the plastic/metal. some sprays will have a too sleek surface and make it hard to paint over them. it doesnt have to be GWs sprays, but it is probably worth the extra money to buy a spray paint designed for miniatures (the army painter or similar), but if you feel like gambling, but a cheap spray and test it on some old model.
I find Automotive grade primer in a spray can pretty decent. (USUALLY COMES IN WHITE BLACK, GREY AND DULL RED)
maybe i should try spraying on the sprue 1st... I'm looking for grey colour to prime all my models. GW only have white or black. Sometimes it makes me wanna paint them straight without priming them. =.="
Not a very good idea, painting without priming that is. Army Painter has grey spray paint and it's bit cheaper (and at least in my mind, much better) than GWs. Pretty sure other ranges have grey spray too, but I'm not familiar with them.
Yeah army painter have a massive selection of primer and a few quid cheaper (in the uk it is anyway) Also, a bit off topic, why is it bad to paint without priming models first?
Takes more layers paint to cover the model and paint tends to rub or ship off more easily, and generaly harder to paint.
I still have lotsa old Citadel paints left... wonder how would the new paints do. Haven't try one yet...
And it has been scientifically proven, that models painted that way are much more prone to roll ones on their combat rolls and sixes on their characteristics tests. Also, they might cry at nights. EDIT: I think the new GW paints are rather good. If you see a colour you fancy from the new range, give it a try! Also, some new paints have better coverage than the old ones, so if you have troubles with a particular paint, a solution might be found there. The new metallics are rather fantastic!
I use inexpensive Krylon primer and it works fine. An automotive grade primer will cover a little better though.
Yeah! Talking about the chemistry between bad dice and over layered painting. Anyway, will be heading to store to replenish some paints and at the same time trying to look for the desired primer. Lol!