Hi everyone. I am working on a volcano-themed army. Saurus are dark red with dark grey scales. Skinks are dark orange with light grey scales. Sorry, no pics to post, camera is out of comission at the moment. I have all my Core done and am moving towards my Salamanders. Rather than the usual orange/yellow fire look for the back/head fins, I was thinking of going with more of a blue/white flame look. However, I could use some ideas for the body and scale colors. Any suggestions?
If you want to go for a blue white flame look, go right ahead! Don't feel super inclined to stick to painting the scales only a single colour or confining your colours to only one region though. You could totally freehand flames on the salamander's bellies and mix up the colours to come up with something that is not only really creative but that you're also really happy with =) If you feel extra adventurous, you could also try making some greenstuff flames for the bases too, coming out of vents in the ground or something. When you do finish these though, I'd love to see some pictures of them!
If blue flames is the thing you are searching for, totzro here has a really nice Salamanders with blue-flaming back fins: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=7894&start=130
I have tried using the water effect stuff to try to make some lava on the small bases with no luck so far. Maybe will try again on some of the larger bases (Stegadon) or flying bases or a unit filler. Back to the Salamanders, I have 4 of them all together. I was thinking of varying how blue/white the fins are so it (hopefully) looks like they are in varying degrees of "heating up.". Still haven't had any luck with figuring out the body colors, though.
Volcano themed... Sounds Nice! Check out my sallies - they are painting with lava effect between the scales. I Think a grey body would we a nice match up with such scales. Just an idea
@Kirk yeah, I like the lava effect you did on those black scales. I did consider a grey body but was concerned about the Salamanders blending in too much with the Lizardmen and their grey scales. Also, for my chameleon skinks I was planning on inverting the skink color scheme: grey skin with orange scales. Definitely something to consider though