8th Ed. what to get

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by sarusaidan, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. sarusaidan
    Jungle Swarm

    sarusaidan New Member

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    could some one please help what to get for my new lizardmen army

    ive got nothing and i have a buget of $200

    i don't know what's good and bad.i want to do around 2000p for my starting army.
  2. lordberti3

    lordberti3 New Member

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    I suggest first get a couple of core units and a lord/hero and then
    Build an army around that rather than going straight out for the full 2000 points
  3. Ragnar

    Ragnar New Member

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    I would recommend starting with a small basic force and playing with it a bit to understand what you like and dislike, so you can slowly add more of what you like. Add a little bit at a time, don't overwhelm yourself! With that in mind, I feel a nice first purchase would be the battalion and a hero (Either an oldblood or a priest, maybe both?) :)
  4. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    unless you can find second hand you wont get a 2k point army for 200$.

    The skink box is of GREAT value. it has 24(!) skinks that can be equipped with either javelins or blowpipes. Some quick GS work will enable you to use them as chameleons, a unit almost everyone uses. Get at least one box of them, more if you want to use skinks as cohorts. (35-70$)

    You will pretty much need sauruses. 16 per box is decent, but you will need at least 2 boxes for one unit. 20-25 is normal for a unit, but up to 40 is not super uncommon. 3 boxes gives you two medium sized units. Make a few unit fillers, like a statue or something made out of polystyrene to save some money. (105$)

    If you want a slann, you should probably get a unit if TG too. two boxes will be needed for one unit (probably a third box or some proxies if you want to play any other school than life, since 20 is pretty few models, and without the defensive buffs and raising of lore of life the unit can quickly be crippled by shooting and the like). (124$)

    The stegadon kit is fairly cheap, and most armies contain at least one stegadon. you will also get at least one skink character "for free" with the kit, so that saves a bit of money too. (58$)

    Most armies include several salamanders. they are expensive, but i bought kroot-hounds from the 40k range instead. they are MUCH cheaper, and you can use spare skinks as crew (see link in my signature for pics). (25$)

    The total then comes to 348-383$. well over budget, but you should be able to make a decent 2k point army of it.

    If you want bargains, you can try and get hold of the old saurus models on e-bay or the like (they were included in the starter kit back in ages past and should be fairly common), or just buy second hand. If you buy painted models also buy a bottle of simple green/dettol and soak the models in it to get rid of the paint. note that this does not include any cost for paints, glues or other hobby supplies.

    warhammer isnt cheap :¨(
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    If $200 is your absolute limit I would suggest a cheaper game. With games of this sort it's hard to stop at a certain point so your gaming budget is likely to grow regardless of what game you choose. One thing you could do is buy a few boxes of Saurus or Skink (or whatever looks fun to paint) and use empty bases, lego figures, or other cheap proxies to play actual games at least until you have more money to spend. That way you can still play casual games with friends while practicing your painting skills and building your collection slowly and cheaply.

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