So, yeah, there are lots of blue lizardmen and green Cold Ones (not that there is anything wrong with that). To make my army look unique, I'm planning on coming up with a more unique scheme for my lizards when I finally get around to collecting/painting them. Here's what I was thinking so far: Good 'ole Lizzies Skin: light grey (lighter for skinks) Scales/fins: mottled mix of purple and tealish Armor/weapons: probably traditional gold color, not yet sure Salamanders Skin: Black Scales: Dark green/teal Details: Was thinking some orange vein-like designs, May hold off because of newbishness though. Terradons Darker grey with blue higlights I would also like to integrate some blues in the regular lizzies (maybe use a blue wash to give it a bit of a tint) and some lighter whites if I could (maybe as warpaint?). What do you think? Would a color scheme like this look okay? I have never painted models before, so I don't really know a lot of the specifics or what would or wouldn't be a good idea. If you have any tips, I would be delighted to hear them. ^_^
Re: Color Schemes I really like the sound of it, I think the salamander veins would be cool but very difficult to get it to look right I also think a medium grey (white black 50:50) would look better on the Saurus but if you whip up a few test models you could try all sorts of shades of grey. And for the purple scales; that will look awesome. Good luck and when you painted a few post some pics!
Re: Color Schemes I think the grey Saurus with purple scales sound really cool! Unlike lordberti, I'd rather use some off grey hue, like a bit blueish. GW has some different off grey paints in their selection, or you can mix regular grey and then give it a blue or purple wash. I like the idea of having white details. Bony protrusions are great for that. Warpaint works too, but unless you have good free-hand painting skills, I would advice against it. On the other hand, if you are experienced in other types of painting and have the confidence and a steady hand, then go for it! It will look amazing, if done well enough! Good luck with your first steps to miniature painting and hopefully you'll show us some of your models when you have them ready!
Re: Color Schemes Personaly I waould stay away from painting them the same color as the unpainted plastic.
Re: Color Schemes Actually, now you mention it a bluish tint would look good, something like blue grey 25:75 would look good.
Re: Color Schemes Yeah I see what you mean... but I just like the color grey in contrast to other, brighter colors and I thought it would look odd the other way around. However I was planning on using a lighter grey, and it will have a blue tint over it as well so I don't think it would look much like the plain model. I am also going to try to add some light accents (maybe some sort of spots rather than warpaint...) as well. I mean, honestly, if it looks good as grey, why is it bad that it's the same color as the basic model? However, I can see how at first glance it would look like they were mostly unpainted. Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. Wasn't really sure if grey with a blue wash would work, but I think it will look neat and give them a kind of shimmery look.
Re: Color Schemes I was gunna say something more along the lines of be careful using grey. Make sure the skin tone has plenty of hilights and shadows. It's harder than most other colors. If you're new to painting, I'd stay away. It shouldn't just be grey. Gunna have to layer the shades a lot.
Re: Color Schemes Yeah, I can definitely see that. I have experience working with grays in some pixel art that I do off and on, and it is definitely the hardest to shade well. If nothing else I will try a model or two and see how I like it, and if it proves too difficult I may rethink my colors. Thanks for the advice ^_^
Re: Color Schemes I personally think it soiunds cool and am looking forward to seeing some test models. Ultimately the choice is yours and do what makes you happy man
Re: Color Schemes Alright, so I'm wondering what to do about the teal color I'm looking forward. I will probably be getting coat d'Arms paint, so my choices are Scorpion Green, Emerald Green, or Jade Green.. Jade Green seems like the obvious choice, but I'm 'afeared that it will be a bit too blue once it's over with, since I"m planning on giving it a blue wash afterwards. Thoughts?
Re: Color Schemes Jade green with a blue wash can look mighty fine, but i would mix about 50/50 of blue and green wash and it would look smoother. Scorpion green and Emerald green are not really teal imo though both can be nice anyway. my OLD sauruses are based on emerald green with enchanted blue scales and yellow bellies (lol) and they look fine (if you disregard the horrible painting that is
Alright; my first model! Thoughts? I've since touched up the gold on the spikes a bit. The colors are reaper Misty Grey with a citadel Nuln Oil wash, reaper Marine Teal with citadel Coelia Greenshade wash, reaper Imerial Purple for the eyes and bit of warpaint, and vallejo Old Gold with citadel Agrax Earthshade wash. Also used vallejo Ivory and Leather Brown.
Looking good. Throw some sand and static grass on that base and the mini will look great. Not sure about the color of the spear tip, seems a bit close to the skin tones, maybe get some mor contrast there.
Thanks! I'm waiting until I'm finished with the whole unit before I worry about doing the bases. I was going for a bone look for the spear tip (ivory with brown wash), but I do agree that it's lacking in contrast a bit. But thematically, I think I'm going to keep it, at least for now.
Update time! Finally got around to painting some more. I'm super proud of how it turned out. Bastiladon sans-howdah! Gonna be building him with a Solar Engine.
Thanks! Yep, I'm planning to do the shields in purple. Teal, purple, and shades of grey are my primary colors.
Hmmm... I'm thinking sold purple might be a bit much.... how about coloring the scales o the edge of the shield light grey ?