8th Ed. Funny 2000 List.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ejpok, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    I will be playing a 2000 point tournamet. The Big problem is, i Don't play with proxys and I don't play with unpainted miniatures. Add to this that I don't have much lizardmen, and It starts to get pretty tricky.
    I usually play (start making a list in fact) by fielding 3x10 skink skirmisher units, 2 salamanders 2x6 chameleon skinks, a cowboy scarvet, and a Slann with Heavens. This time, the point cap is quite decent, I had to field Temple guard, to manage the points (Funny thing, these models convinced me to collect Lizardmen, and I havent used them yet:). And when fielding TG it best to have either Life or Light, and if you have the latter, you have to have some miscast control.

    So, my list looks like this:
    1 Slann Mage-Priest 500.0 Pts
    General; 3 Discipline; Magic Level 4; Lore of Life; Battle Standard
    Focus of Mystery
    Focused Rumination
    Becalming Cogitation
    Obsidian Amulet
    Standard of Discipline
    Forbidden Rod
    Curse-Charm of Tepok

    1 Skink Priest 150.0 Pts
    Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll
    Ruby Ring of Ruin

    29 Saurus Warriors @ 360.0 Pts
    Shield; Standard; Musician
    1 Champion

    24 Skinks @ 299.0 Pts
    Javelin; Shield; Standard; Musician
    3 Kroxigors Pts

    19 Temple Guard @ 395.0 Pts
    Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
    Banner of Swiftness
    1 Revered Guardian
    Light Armour; Shield
    Blood Statuette of Spite

    6 Chameleon Skinks @ 72.0 Pts

    6 Chameleon Skinks @ 72.0 Pts

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs @ 75.0 Pts
    3 Skink Handlers

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs @ 75.0 Pts
    3 Skink Handlers

    My Heroes and Lords are loaded with points to fit the limit. There are almost all of my models, I can also field: an Acient Steg with the EotG, One scar ver on foot, and one mounted, 30 skink with blow pipes, and that my whole army. Oh wait, I have 6 more Saurus Warriors unassembled and unpainted, and 8 CoC with are still in frames waiting for better times.
    Decription: The Slann is at max cap, because of the points, I could delete one discipline, but the question is: which one? Rumination is a must, Mystery with a Bunker slann is very important(playing solo life you can leave the shield of thones or the signature). And Cogitation made my day on my last tournament (the WoCh player had 11 PD and cast flickering fire, rolles a 2 and a 6, and therefore the Slann ended his magic phase:) So I wanted to give it a try once more. The forbidden rod Will be an experiment, it can't kill the Slann, who will heal up the wounds, or ward them off:). The curese charm was just to fill the points, If I will find another way to fill them, than It will gone.(If thinking about the ironcurse icon + assemble one more saurus:) The Banner stays.
    The Ruby ring on the skink priest is too clear they way from eagles, harpies and other stuff. The Priest himself apart form the Dispell scroll caddy, will be used to fire the awekaning of the wood, making it a 36" magic missile.
    The Blood statue on the TG champion is for laughs, and to frighten some elven mages.

    If you made it to this point of the post, feel free to write what you think:)
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    That's a great use of limited resources! I'd invest in some more Temple Guard soon though.

    I generally go on a percent basis. If I'm fielding LM I go no proxies and I want to have around 75% of my stuff painted with no proxies. If I play non-LM I relax my no proxy rule
  3. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    I feel it's common courtesy to NEVER proxy at tourneys
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I guess the tournament thing slipped my mind. I agree that one should be more literal in tournaments.

    Even then at my store people proxy relatively often, ast lest for Rares. I've seen a lot of variations for Chaos Spawn and Hellpit Abominations and the like.

    I only have about about ten Temple Guard (or I did) and no one complained that I used regular Sauri for the back ranks. Other people have done similar things filling up the back with reasonable facsimiles.
  5. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    After first test I've to make some changes. First of, I need skink skirmishers, extra deployments and some basic shooting it Really helpfull. Secondly As I predicted I can't play with a Skink kohort, every single time I field this unit, It Sucks. Thirdly Awekaning of the Wood is a DD spell not a magic Missile so I can't channel it, and therefore I don't need a buffed up Priest. So I End up with something like This:

    Slann BSB (std of Discipline)
    -Forbidden Rod
    -Plaque of Protection

    Priest with EotG (lvl1)
    -The other Tricksters Shard

    Priest lvl 1
    -Dispell Scroll


    30 Saurus FCG
    12 Skink Skirmish
    11 Skink Skirmish


    20 TG Fcg (swiftness)
    2x6 Cham skinks

    Still no Salamanders, thus I may have some problems with Slave rats and other big units, but 50 Slave rats are worth 100 poits, so... I'd Rather kil the Abomb with skink fire, and the grey serr on Bell with Dwellers:)
    The EotG fills the same role as the Kohort, flank charge. Plus Give me Magic support, provides with extra resistans vs Shooting, deals with etheral units and can by Itself deal with 20 SO :) thanks to tricksters shard ofc:)
  6. Wiggus

    Wiggus New Member

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    Do you find the dawnstone useful on the ancient steg at the moment my opponants are taking advantage of the fact that a cannonball will pretty much snipe my priest of the EOTG in one shot given that he has no invuln (if you get first turn you can have the 5+ ofc) but because of this my steg with war spear and EOTG have pretty much dropped off my lists for the time being.
  7. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    Well, we are playing on Simple Line of Sight, So i just bunker my Steg behind a hill or a house, and try to deal with the war machines with chameleon skinks or magic. Besides this list will be on a team game, where I will be deployed to adversaries with no war machines:)
  8. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    Another Idea, or 2:)

    the First one is based on the Metal Lore. The Only saurus Warriors are Colde one cowyboys.

    1 Slann Mage-Priest
    General; 3 Discipline; Magic Level 4; Lore of Metal; Battle Standard
    Standard of Discipline
    Plaque of Tepok
    Divine Plaque of Protection
    # Focus of Mystery [0.0]
    # Focused Rumination [0.0]
    # Becalming Cogitation [0.0]

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 166.0 Pts
    Great Weapon; Light Armour
    Dragonhelm [10.0]
    Amulet of Itzl [30.0]
    Venom of Firefly Frog [10.0]

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 160.0 Pts
    Light Armour
    Sword of Might [20.0]
    Charmed Shield [5.0]
    Dawnstone [25.0]
    1 Cold One

    1 Skink Priest @ 90.0 Pts
    Magic Level 1; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll [25.0]

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    24 Skinks
    Javelin; Shield; Musician
    3 Kroxigors @ [165.0] Pts

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs
    3 Skink Handlers

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs
    3 Skink Handlers

    1 Ancient Stegadon
    2 Giant Blow Pipes

    This is how i usually play, The EotG is magentized So i can make a regular acient in no time:) Metal has the answers to what my army lacks, Anti Armour fire. I have 2 -1 As spells, and a Magic missile vs Cav and Stanks.

    The other one is quite daring I think:

    1 Slann Mage-Priest
    General; 3 Discipline; Magic Level 4; Lore of Life; Battle Standard
    # Focus of Mystery [0.0]
    # Focused Rumination [0.0]
    # Becalming Cogitation [0.0]
    Forbidden Rod
    Standard of Discipline

    1 Skink Priest @ 385.0 Pts
    Magic Level 1; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll [25.0]
    Luckstone [5.0]
    1 Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods
    4 Skink Crew @ [0.0] Pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts

    24 Skinks
    Javelin; Shield; Musician
    3 Kroxigors
    Great Weapon

    19 Temple Guard
    Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
    Banner of Swiftness
    1 Revered Guardian

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs
    3 Skink Handlers

    1 Salamander Hunting Packs
    3 Skink Handlers

    Models in Army: 97

    Having Life Magic Its nice to have some kohort action. I Played a couple of games without skinks, And you just can't do nothing without those pesky repliles. I'd better of drop the Saurus. 20 Tg should be a good Tanker and with the Banner of swiftness the should keep up with the Steg and the rest of the Army:)

    What do you think?

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