Hey everyone, I am new here but had to share some of my latest exploits with my lizardmen army. I crafted the base for my Gor-rok myself. Unfortunately my mazdamundi model is done with an old stegadon who was missing a hornn. I made him a new one though. Hope you like the start of my purple with accent color lizardmen.
gotta say that i LOVE the color on those kroxigor! very unique and it works well together. Also like the purple titnt on the stegadons skin. a very nice touch looks good overall i must say
These look great! The colour scheme reminds me of blue gems. Also purple is my favourite, so that doesn't hurt either
Blue gems? Thanks guys glad the two toned is going over well. I am going to do somw salamanders next. I will post them ASAP
I love the Kroxigor. The two toned skin is very successful there. Really cool. That model makes an awesome Gor-rok too. Not sure how he'll rank up with that foot though. I like your base a lot better than the regular one too. IMO The steg falls a little short though. The two toned isn't so striking and again, IMO I personally would have trouble running a larger stegadon than that one just because Mazdamundi rides "the largest Stegadon ever seen". I think it's just not what i picture in my head when I think about him. I feel like his steg would have gold armor and jewels and stuff as well.
sweet maybe a very careful drybrush or edge highlight with a very light purple, or even bone color. i think that will make them look much tougher, worthy of guarding the slann.
I think Lord Tsunami said it first, but I think pupils really give models life. I think that would be great for your army. And again I think you are doing an awesome job with your armies skin tones. This salamander is no exception.
I have tried pupils ( mind you not on lm). I don't think I am skilled enough yet to do pupils well. I will try them on my skinks though. I really appreciate everyone's feed backon these
It's worth a shot. I find it easier on LM. All you have to do is make a line top to bottom. Much easier than a small circle half covered by eye lid.