8th Ed. Carnosaur Protection

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by skink95, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. skink95
    Jungle Swarm

    skink95 New Member

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    I am sold on running a carnosaur but it really lacks survivability. I was thinking I could put it in a unit of temple gaurd or cold one cavalry with the sun standard of chotec behinD a stegadon as moveable cover . It would be able to go in both units because it fits and the effect from standard applies to everthing in the unit . So an overall -3 to shooting between the hard cover -2 from the stegadon and the -1 from the standard . Is this viable ?
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Sadly monstrous mount can't join units in 8th. :(
  3. skink95
    Jungle Swarm

    skink95 New Member

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    Well that sucks . Would you say using the stegadon as cover is a good tactical manouver ? Or am I using to many points to make my carnosaur effective ?
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well the engine of the gods can offer some shooting protection.
    a plain steg could block line of sight as well, probably a good idea to have some in a carnie list anyway.
    solid cover probably is the best protection though.
  5. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Even if it delays the carnosaur getting into combat for a turn or two, it's worth hiding behind terrain if possible so he can charge in for the killing blow when the time is right.

    Having at least one other stegadon is always a good option, as it provides the enemy with another target to shoot at as well. If you've got the Engine, they'll usually try to take that out first which can save your carnosaur some time.

    If you take a carnosaur, a baby steg and the Engine, hide the carnosaur and keep him inside the gungan shield, and make the baby steg the easier to hit target.
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I'm pretty sure any unit in front of the carno will provide him with heavy cover (-2 to hit). So keeping him behind any fighting unit or some skirmishers would be good for protection from archers or bolt throwers. This doesn't apply to cannons or catapults though. Best to hide him or use the above mentioned tactics.

    OR take a shadow slann and launch him into combat on turn 1 :smug: (grand army required)
  7. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    large targets do not benefit from cover from other units.

    BS shooting should not be a big issue. the carnosaur has pretty high toughness and a bit of armour, and the saurus on top should have enough armour to soak any number of shots. sure, jazzails and volley guns are technically BS shooting and they can hurt alot, but they are probably not too common. (most armies are not skaven/empire, and many skaven do not incluse any jazzails)

    the real crux is cannonfire, and other such warmachines that cause multiple wounds with high strength. as mentioned, the engine of the gods is paramount here, and you NEED the charmed shield (or the amulet of izil) for the rider. You might want to include more stegadon to soak fire, or even to use as a shield for cannon balls for the first turn (place the stegadon right in front of the carno, facing sideways. that way he will easily cover him. a cannonball that fails to kill the stegadon will stop dead). But perhaps more importantly you need plenty of warmachine hunters, ie chameleons and/or terradons. if your opponent gets the first turn he will fire at the carnosaur (he would be silly not to) and you pretty much have to rely on luck for him to survive. when it is your turn you charge the cannons with your vanguarded terradons. if you get the first turn, you move in with the chameleons and can hopefully snipe at least one cannon. in either case he should not get to shoot more than once or twice. if you survive that, you can have a field day with the carnosaur. if not... well you are working uphill from there then.

    ogres are even trickier. their cannons are rock hard and can be killed by terradons, and skinks will need multiple rounds of shooting to kill it. HOWEVER the ironblaster can only shoot straight forward. not in a 90 degree arc. you could (with luck and skill) box it in with skinks so it cant turn to face the carnosaur (it is allowed RAW and if you want "realism" just see it as the skinks goading and prodding the rhinox, preventing it from going where it should. you may not make any friends doing this though ;))

    If all else fails, just remember that you have to close in FAST with the carno. he MUST charge by turn two if you cant kill the cannons. he will be much safer in close combat.

    Lastly, it is worth remembering that only dwarfs, empire and ogres have access to cannons. bolt throwers are dangerous too, but far FAR less so. most battles (depending on your gaming group at least) you wont face any cannons and then the carno is great. if you are up against an empire army with three cannons and two volley guns you will lose your carno. cant win em all ;)
  8. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    Then it is a good thing that Carnosaurs are not large targets.

    I wouldn't call T5/4+ high for a 210 point model, but at least it isn't garbage like griffons.
  9. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    lol. silly me :D

    It is indeed not too impressive, but the AS really helps. for example, DE crossbowmen would need 135 shots to kill it, and empire handgunners would need 54. it is very rare for an opponent to be able to output this much firepower in a single turn. However, since i was misstaken about the large target, skinks may give hard cover (those who actually still use TLoS may have problems though...) making it almost impossible to kill the carnosaur with BS shooting alone.
  10. Huichi Mixi

    Huichi Mixi New Member

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    Ironcurse icon on your oldblood will give you a 6+ ward on the whole model vs warmachines which is something
  11. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    The only shooty army in my group is bloody Tomb Kings >.<

    Stupid blessings of the asp goddess.
  12. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    but then again he would (an average) need to shoot 270 times at the carno model just to get rid of the carnosaur (the guy on top will only suffer less than half a wound on average during this barrage). he is very unlikely to manage that feat. however, a single hit from the screaming skull could prove fatal.

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