8th Ed. 2400 Fire Slann and Company versus O&G

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Scalenex, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Slann, Three Disciplines: Power Die, Lore Master, Ethereal, Lore of Fire, Crown of Command, Cupped Hands

    Scar Veteran, BSB, Iron Curse Icon, Light Armor, Dragonhelm, Burning Blade of Chotec, Shield
    Skink Priest, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Iceshard Blizzard (green)
    Skink Priest, Forbidden Rod, Iceshard Blizzard (blue)

    25 Saurus Warriors, Full Command (blue)
    25 Saurus Warriors, Full Command (green)
    10 Skink Skirmishers + Brave (blue)
    10 Skink Skirmishers + Brave (green)

    3 Kroxigor
    7 Chameleon Skinks + Brave
    7 Chameleon Skinks + Brave
    3 Terradon Riders

    Salamander with Snack (female)
    Salamander with Snack (male)

    I do not remember the exact numbers of the larger units.

    L4 Savage Orc Great Shaman, Lucky Shrunken Head, Spells: Ere We Go, Fist of Gork, Hand of Gork, Brain Bursta
    Goblin Warlord, don’t remember equipment or magical items

    Savage Orc Big Boss, Fencer’s Blades, BSB
    2 Night Goblin both level 2, between them they had Night Shroud, Gift of the Spider God, Sneaky Stabbin’, and Vindictive Glare

    A large unit of Savage Orcs
    2 large units of Night Goblins with Netters (which we usually forgot to roll) and 3 Fanatics each

    Goblin Wolf Chariot
    Orc Boar Chariot with extra Orc
    6 Trolls

    Mangler Squig
    2 Goblin Doom Divers

    My opponent made a major miscalculation and didn’t realize that his Great Shaman had a higher Ld than the Goblin Warboss so he had to make the Great Shaman the general where he really planned around the Goblin being General (for the purpose of the trolls). Not realizing his error until he was almost done deploying so he had to place his Shaman solo in order to give the trolls his Leadership.

    We rolled five forests (four of them were Abyssal Woods) that only mattered when a Fanatic got tangled up in the woods. We rolled one wall that only mattered when the Orc chariot decided to go after my Salamander or Skink Skirmishers.

    Left to right I had my male Salamander, my blue Skink Skirmishers, my Blue Saurus, my Stegadon, my Kroxigors, my Green Saurus, my Terradons, my green Skink Skirmishers, my female Salamander. The blue Skink priest was with the blue skirmishers and the green with the green skirmishers. The Slann was in the middle keeping both priests in channel distance

    Left to right from my perspective was the Orc Boar Chariot in front of a Doomdiver, a Night Goblin block with his Goblin Warboss and one Shaman, his six trolls, his Great Shaman right behind the Mangler Squig, his Savage Orcs with BSB, and the other Night Goblin Block (with the other Shaman) in front of his other Doom Diver. On the far right was the Goblin Wolf Chariot.

    My Terradon vanguarded towards the isolated Great Shaman. My opponent’s skillful positioning gave me no ideal places to drop my Scouts. I put one of the left and one of the right. I won the roll off for first turn.

    LM Turn 1

    I advanced with my most of my troops, The Terradon triggered three Fanatics (getting wounded once) and the Chamo Skinks lined up for shots, the left one trying to get a bead on the Orc Chariot and the right unit trying to get a shot on the enemy general.

    The Slann took out a Fanatic with a fireball, the skink priest used the Ruby Ring of Ruin to toss a fireball at the right Night Goblin block. My Slann killed the Mangler Squig with Flame Cage and I used my last power die to put Cascading Fire Cloak on my Slann just in case.

    A unit of Chamo Skinks wounded the Boar chariot once. The other Chamo Skinks and three Terradon riders tried to shoot at the lone Shaman but he was near the Savage Orc block and got good Look Out Sir rolls so he took one wound and three Savage Orcs died. The Stegadon fired the great bow and missed. My blue skirmishers were out of range, but my green skirmishers put a wound on the wolf chariot. Both the Salamanders fell short of their targets.

    O&G Turn 1

    The Savage Orcs charged a unit of skirmishers who fled. The Wolf Chariot charged my female Salamander who also fled. The rest of his units advanced. His Fanatics didn’t hit anything, but one of them moved dangerous close to the Orc and Goblin battle line.

    A few buff spells were cast and he used Hand of Gork to reposition the Fanatic that was near his troops to be near my troops instead. One Doomdiver put a wound on my male Salamander, the other misfired and lost its shot this turn and next.

    LM Turn 2

    My Terradon flew to get in charge position of one of the Doom Divers killing some Savage Orcs with rocks while in-transit. My non-fleeing Skinks moved out of the charge arcs of enemies with a Chamo Skink unit lining up behind the trolls and my green Skirmishers moving to the flank of the Savage Orcs. My male Salamander had a reasonable position to fry some goblins and was manning a wall so I kept him in place. My fleeing blue skirmishers rallied but the female Salamander kept running.

    My blue priest used his Forbidden Rod to get four extra power dice and managed to survive the Rod’s use. I ended up wounding the trolls twice, got the Flaming Sword of Ruin on the Green Saurus who the Savage Orcs were rapidly approaching and then hit said Orcs with the Iceshard Blizzard to be extra safe. I burned several night goblins from the left block with the Firestorm and killed a handful on the right with the Ruby Ring.

    I forgot to shoot with my Terradons (grr). My male Salamander burned a few Night Goblins on the Left block and panicked them. The fleeing goblins were sandwiched between my Chamo Skinks and his Trolls. The Chamo Skinks couldn’t shoot the trolls anymore so they shot at the fleeing Goblins. My green Skirmishers on the other side of the board killed the Wolf Chariot. The Stegadon fired the Great Bow and missed.

    O&G Turn 2

    The Orc Chariot chose to charge my blue Skirmishers since the Salamander had an obstacle. I chose to stand and shoot (and regretted that decision). The trolls charged my Stegadon who also chose Stand and Shoot. I didn’t think they’d make it but they did. The rest of his units advanced or failed on charges. One Fanatic died by hitting a forest, another got strangled by its chain. The rest did no damage but were well positioned to block my blue Saurus block’s advance.

    I don’t remember what spells he attempted and which ones he succeeded at but I remember I used my dispel scroll and one of my Kroxigor was wounded by something. His one Doom Diver that could fire shot my Slann. This was the point he realized my Slann was invincible to non-magic attacks.

    The Chariot took no damage from the stand and shoot and easily broke my Skinks but failed to catch them. The Trolls took one wound but badly wounded the Stegadon.

    LM Turn 3

    My Terradons charged the Doomdiver, my green Saurus charged the Savage Orcs. My Kroxigor tried to charge them too but were blocked by own Chamo Skinks (doh!). My female Salamander rallied on the edge of the board but the blue skink skirmishers (and the wounded skink priest) fled right off the table. My remaining Skirmishing units lined up for shots on things. My Blue Saurus could have charged the rear of the Night Goblins but didn’t feel like running through two Fanatics to do so.

    I knew the right Night Goblin Block was going to flank my Green Saurus next round so I threw a Flame Cage on them to make them pay dearly for that maneuver. I recast Iceshard Blizzard and Flaming Sword of Ruin to try to help my Saurus who would be horribly outmatched otherwise. I burned a few units here and there with my remaining power dice.

    My male Salamanders decided to eat three handlers. My Chamo Skinks and Green Skirmishers took out a few Night Goblins and Savage Orcs.

    Many orcs and Saurus died, the end result was a draw. The charging terradons killed one goblin crew member, the Doom Diver crew inflicted two wounds on my Terradons. Another draw.

    O&G Turn 3

    The Night Goblins charged the flank of my green Saurus and in the process had their numbers cut in half by my Flame Cage. The fleeing Night Goblins on the other side of the board decided to reform towards my Chamo Skinks and not the Saurus (that turned out to be a poor decision). Remaining Fanatics didn’t do anything significant. The trolls and Chariot moved a little.

    He cast some buff spells on his units in the big melee.

    Many Orcs, Saurus, and Goblin died. I got cocky and declared a challenge with my BSB only to have the challenge met by the Night Goblin champion who of course was reduced to a smoldering pile of amorphis goo. The result was once again a draw. Neither the Terradons nor the Doom Diver crew inflicted any new wounds. Another draw for them too.

    LM Turn Four

    My green skirmishers charged the rear of the Night Goblins adding a fourth unit to the big fight on the right side of my board. My blue Saurus successfully charged the rear of the other Night Goblins and my male Salamander hit the flank. Just for fun, my Slann charged the Trolls because with most of the board engaged he didn’t really have opportunities to cast direct damage spells anyway. My Kroxigor finally charged the Savage Orcs as well.

    Flame Cage took out a few Savage Orcs. Flaming Sword of Ruin was dispelled. I cast Ice Shard Blizzard on the Savage Orcs going off with Irrestiable Force. The miscast wounded my skink priest and took out five of my Skinks and four goblins. The Cascading Fire cloak took the trolls down to three members. I didn’t have anything that could shoot.

    The Terradons and Doom Diver inflicted no wounds on each other. The Slann being unwoundable beat the Trolls due to having the charge and a flank attack but the trolls were still technically steadfast and rolled the three they needed not to break. My Blue Saurus and male Salamander broke the Night Goblin unit, I couldn’t pursue because my Chamo Skinks were in the way but the Chamo Skinks made a fair accounting for themselves as many Night Goblins died due to Dangerous Terrain tests. My Blue Saurus pointed themselves at the Orc Boar Chariot and my Salamander pointed itself at remaining Doom Diver.

    Then came the big melee between the Kroxigor, Saurus, Skink Skirmishers versus the Night Goblins and Savage Orcs. My BSB issued another challenge. I pointed out that the Savage Orc Big Boss would not want to let an underling fight his battles so we had a BSB vs. BSB throw down. The Scar Veteran was wounded once and did not manage to wound his foe. The Orcs and goblins had more buffs on the table than I and managed to win close combat by two points but everything passed their break tests with a little help from the battle standard. He also directed attacks to kill my wounded skink priest. I was down to two skirmishers, four Saurus, the BSB, and two Kroxigors. He had five Night Goblins, his Night Goblin Shaman, five Savage Orcs and his BSB.

    At this point my opponent conceded since it was likely that his Savage Orcs, Trolls, and Doom Diver were toast and the only extra kills he was likely to get on me was my remaining Skirmisher block and maybe the wounded Salamander.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Nice report. Interesting choice of Slann. Too bad your Krox didn't get to see more action. I hate it when I have a unit that just runs around for a couple turns due to poor planning on my part.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I like to try new lores out in friendly games. At some point I plan to do some more experimentation with the Lore of Beasts.

    I am pleased with a Fire Slann backed by two Skinks to serve as targeting systems and add Ruby Ring to the mix. I may try something similar in a more competitive game. Probably with a bunkered Slann though. The only think a solo Fire Slann can do that a bunkered Slann can't is Burning Head, and it's fairly difficult to safely line up a particularly effective line of fire with that spell. That and the Panic test isn't so great because Salamanders can do that a lot more efficiently. I REALLY like Flame Cage.
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the report, it was a nice read. I take it your Fire Slann served you well. I think the Lore of Fire has some nice spells in it and while not the best lore around, it has it's uses. But wow, you had so many draws. And he of course had a musician, so you couldn't win the draws by that?
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Right musicians for everyone for the main blocks. No musicians either side for the Terradons versus war machine crew.

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