Icebloods... My Lizardmen PLOG

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by APhilmon, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    The air is frigid. Snow falls steadily, coating the ground with a stark whiteness that is blinding. The morning has come, and the sun peaks slowly over the horizon. Beams of warmth spear the Petrified Forest. Naggaroth is waking. Signs of life break free from the banks of snow in the form of greenery, rodent-size animals become active, birds begin their songs, and the air warms.

    As the snow loosens with the warmth, a low but carrying sound is heard. A chanting in a language unknown is reaching out, calling.

    Sudden shivers originating from beneath snow cause breaks, and then explosions. Throughout the forest mounds of white erupt in a shower of packed snow and debris. Large, muscular forms stand in place, taking in the surroundings. Scaled bodies rotate joints and warm the appendages. Rippling muscles and vicious teeth move in anticipation of what's to come.

    A small opening in an embankment comes to life, voices pouring from it with such fervor and fury, it warms all who listen. Something magical is infused with the words, causing icy blood to flow with fire.

    The Icebloods have awoken...

    Long displaced form their southern cousins dwelling in Lustria, the Icebloods have adapted to the frigid winters of Naggarond in the Petrified Forest. For centuries their home has been this desolate and bleak land, with densely packed trees. The trees have been here for centuries, seemingly petrified, they have a grey hue to their bark. No lush vegetation covers the ground as it did in Lustria, but rather sparse and hardy bushes coat the forest floor.

    Everything here is cold and hard. Adapted to a life under harsh conditions, the occupants of the Forest had ice coursing through their life's veins. Several months in hibernation takes time to awaken from, and has made them lethargic and slow to respond. But with spell-induced warmth making its way through their iced bodies, in mere minutes the effects of the frost will wear away.

    Filing out of the opening in the embankment, smaller and more lithe figures emerged. The entrance to a now buried temple can be made out in minor detail beneath the snows.

    Having spent their time below ground, the crest-headed specimens each carried several obsidian-colored items; clubs, spears, swords, and shields. All glittered with a deadliness that put any form of denial that their effectiveness was lacking out of one's mind. There was no doubt as to the purpose of the equipment.

    The smaller brethren approached their larger, more ponderous kin. Although slow to awaken, the massive ones could move with a speed of a river croc at a moments notice. All movement was slow, conserving energy, packing it away for immediate action. The silence of the air was gone, instead replaced with a steady roll of hissing and shuffling. Donning their gear, the Lizardmen of the Icebloods looked resplendent. Their pale white scales providing a stark contrast to their grey and ebon hued gear.

    Then a silence rolls across the mass, an expectant hush settles. A single set of steady, heavy, and menacing steps approach the assembled Lizardmen... The crowd parts, and a figure towering over the rest by half a meter walks the opening. At the end of his path, three Skink Priests stand ready, bearing ornate relics of the Icebloods. A decorative sword, detailed with gold images that told the story of their people is bestowed upon him. His arm held wide, the immense obsidian shield is ceremoniously strapped to his arm. The shield is festooned with the symbol of the Icebloods, a sacred symbol that gleams when the sun's rays catch it. Finally, ornaments of battle; bracers and a helm are placed with practiced precision upon the Champion.

    Once the final pieces are in place, a bestial roar erupts from his powerful jaws. It fills the air and carries for miles around, warning the inhabitants of the Petrified Forest that the Icebloods have awoken and they hunger...

    Just started these guys after several years of putting them on the back burner. No real details done, just skin, scales, teeth and claws. Thoughts?
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Wow, kudos for the powerful background story, really sets you apart from others!

    I like the colours of petrified forest and your work looks smooth and clean. I would personally like the skin more if it had a small hint of blue in it. The new GW paints Eshin Grey and Dark Reaper would be wonderful for that. And just a suggestion, if I may: Paint the thin skin on the crests with a bright colour. This way, when the Skins are hibernating and the crest is pressed against the back of their head, they blend in with the vegetation, but when they are fully active, they raise their crests and expose the vibrant colours. Of course, this is just a suggestion, you can paint them anyway you like, but I think it would be really cool that way.

    How are you planning on painting your Saurus?

    Anyway, good luck with your painting and keep up the good work! Hopefully you'll show us the results as you get more done!
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Very Cool man
    (pun intended) :D
  4. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    @Caprasauridae - sorry no blue on the skin, not a fan of it. But I did make a concession, your idea about the crests had tons of merit! So at the end is a pic inspired by you, I did it about 5 mins before I posted this just to try it out! Voila, I love it! For the Saurus, basically something similar, of course no crests, just maybe the eyes. I want these Lizzies to have adapted to their environment and obtained a color that will keep them camouflaged when they are the most vulnerable, the middle of winter.

    @N810 - thanks much, glad you like!

    That background fluff has been around since about 2001, posted it in 2009 on Warseer, and now I am giving it a go!!!

    Without further ado, here is a pic of a couple added details. Plenty to go, but hope this looks decent!

  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Maybe just a small black line down the center of the eye for an iris...

    Any thoughts on the metal parts, I was thinking that weathered bronze might look pretty good.

    and maybe a driftwood kinda color for the wood bits...
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Very nice. Easy 3-color minimum to make your whole army look great.

    You mentioned obsidian for a shield earlier. I kind of think that would blend in with the army a little too much. Perhaps you could do a bluish color on the shields like you did with the skink crests to give them an icy look? Dry brush over that with some white or something to make it look frosted.

    Just some thoughts. Great job so far!
  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I think that crest looks awesome and really brings the model to life! Great job with that! I'm with Qupakoco on the shields, they can ditch the shields if they want to blend in better (and keep them stored somewhere during hibernation), so they would be awesome with a bit brighter colour. Maybe really really light blue, ice blue?

    Cool indeed, keep 'em coming!
  8. Ragnar

    Ragnar New Member

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    Woah. I love that colour scheme. The blue looks super good!

    I'm reminded of white walkers from game of thrones.

  9. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Thanks all!

    @N810 - thanks for the ideas, I like that armor, and it is actually close to where I was headed! Still not sure on the eye, I want the eyes to have a "fire within" type of look, basically as though they are kept warm from within and it emanates thru the crests and eyes.

    @Qupakoco - I have thought about it, and am still on the fence about the shields. I may do up 2-3 tests on the shields and see what I like. Good idea!

    @Caprasauridae - Ice does look nice, and as Qupakoco described. I will keep it in mind and show it when I get to that point!

    @Ragnar - I never even thought of that, and I just watched the second season!!! Good reference!
  10. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    looking cool, though i agree with n810 on the eyes.

  11. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    My goodness, that actually appeals to me. Thanks for showing that to me, I may just implement that.
  12. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I think you can have both the "inner fire" and the eye slit / pupil.
  13. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Just put the first bit of paint on the saurus and finished the scales on more skinks. Also got all the blue eyes and crests done on one unit oN them! Will take pics tomorrow.
  14. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Here are some pics as promised!




    Thoughts? Ugh my picture taking skills are lacking. And I know they are a little plain as of right now. But basing should do a little bit of help. I am going with a snow theme, so keep that in mind. Thinking maybe some type of hardy grass, rocky, and snowy.

    Anyway, enjoy.
  15. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Looking good so far man. Nice background story to go with it too.
  16. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Perhaps a very thin wash of a dark brown or a blueish grey, or even sepia...
    it helps break up the monocrome bust wil keep them looking white.

  17. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Perhaps it may work. But in front of my face they aren't blindingly white. In fact their skin is a greenish color, as it should be from the paint.

    I am still deciding on weapons. I am considering an icy blue theme to continue on the weapons. Thoughts?
  18. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Also, I am looking to run this tonight in a doubles game:

    Rit'i Saqra(Snow Devil) - Scar Vet
    -Armor of Fortune
    -Venom of the Firefly Frog

    Rit'i Taytakura(Snow Priest) - Skink Priest
    -Plaque of Tepok

    Rit'i Awqaq(Snow Soldiers) - 29 x Saurus Warriors
    -Full Command

    Rit'i Tujllaki(Snow Hunters) - 10 x Skink Skirmishers
    -Javelins and Shields

    Juch'uy Awqaq(Small Soldiers) - 15 x Skink Cohorts

    Rit'i Sach'a-Sach'a Tujllaki(Snow Forest Hunters) - 9 x Chameleon Skinks

    Rit'i Sach'a-Sach'a Tujllaki(Snow Forest Hunters) - 9 x Chameleon Skinks

    Ancient Stegadon
    1250 Points

    Will be working on the Stegadon a little today and another 15 skinks, just basecoating them all. The Saurus might get their scales done today. I may try a test of how I want the weapons and ornaments to look on one of the skinks.
  19. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    The army was a blast to toss on the board. My buds were surprised at how much painting I had gotten done! Everything did its job, especially one of the chameleon skink units. Took out a Casket of Souls first turn, my opponent was shocked! It was a good game. I will be getting a bit more painting in today.

    I have to post a few of the pics from yesterday's painting session, but I will do that later. I will be painting some more today. Probably get the scales on the Saurus done and start on some details.

    I am a little unsure where to go, but this is my thought:

    1. Weapon blades/points will be icy blue with plenty of highlighting
    2. Hafts and non-deadly parts will be obsidian, using gray as a very extreme highlight on the sharp edges
    3. I am not sure on the ornamentation. I think N810 mentioned a bronze color for some things, but I am thinking I want to stay away from metallic colors. I want my guys to use wood/stone/icy to emphasize their environment. Of course it was all magically altered and shaped by the Priests and most importantly the Slann.

  20. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I suppose you could do some of the ornamentation and weapons in bones, teeth, and stone.

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