I'm currently in the middle of working a skink chief BSB from some scraps I have laying around from some poorly painted stegs and some poorly made custom bases from a year back. It's just a little side thing I'm not planning to sink too much time or resources into. So, today I looked for some reference stuff. And I didn't find a single skink bsb! Not one! I know they offer poor survivability, can't cleanly rank up in the 25mms, and can't actually be put into a unit of skrox without bending some rules. But I was actually surprised to come up with nothing. Anyone make one or have any pictures? Naturally, I figured I'd model him with the skink only skaven pelt banner. So any simple recipe for Skaven fur would save me time as well. Last request, since he is pretty much a throw away model made of a rejected model and rejected base, I figured I'd try my hand at some free hand. Anyone know a lizardmen symbol that would represent "frenzy" or "hatred" or "blood lust"?
Why can't the skink bsb be put into a skrox unit? He would be plopped in the front rank with the command group if you're using them. You could use a skaven head and then greenstuff some fur around the back to look like a pelt. Theres quite a few fur sculpting guides on youtube
Characters can't join units with the unit type unique unless it say otherwise in their entry. And Skrox are now unique in 8th. On the plus side, it means they can't be stomped as well. I got him all sculpted out and actually about 25% painted too. I just took a tooth pick to the banner. It looks OK from a distance.
I'm not sure about symbols, but on page 39 of the codex it says the word for hatred is "Chaq." If nothing else, you could spell it out with the phoenetic glyphs.
I was kind of hoping for a single symbol. I may just leave it off. But It could really use it. It's pretty small and basic looking for a BSB. Current WIP Basically done but a wash and a hilight or two on the jade and skin. Maybe take better pictures in the morning with some non flash lighting. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Chibi_Mushi/Lizardmen/SkinkBSB.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/Chibi_Mushi/Lizardmen/SkinkBSBside.jpg
Very nice! Sotek is the deity that makes LM kick all sorts of Skaven-rat-butt. And the Skavenpelt Banner was forged during the whole Skaven debacle. So I'd say a snake glyph would be fitting. Also, the old Tenehuini model has a pretty awesome standard. I have one. I've used him as a bsb a few times. NOTE: This is not mine. Just a Google search result.
I am using small standart poles from cold one riders bitz. It fits perfectly on skink hand with javelin:
I've used a skink BSB in the past and it usually works ok as long as you keep him in a unit of skink skirmishers out of harm's way, in the back somewhere. Beware of enemy spells and you should be o.k. I have a conversion for him but it's not finished...on the back burner for now...too many other projects happening!