Blog Yet to be named Lizardmen army!

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by DanBot, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    looking good man :)

    i like your strong colors in general. the move treys look interesting too. are they magnetized? are they hard to lift off the table (since they are so thin, and it may be hard to get a grip on them)?
  2. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    They are magnetized. With earth magnets. I can pick the tray up buy grabbing a few models if I needed to.
    As for gripping. I haven't had a problem yet. I stuck felt at the bottom. So on a completely level ground they still sit about 4-5mm up. It's about at easy to pick up as a mouse pad or more like an envelope stuffed full of mail. You can see it best if you look at the Saurus in picture one. It actually sits pretty high up. But if I really needed to, I could grab them by the models as well. Really strong magnets. Too strong actually.
    The biggest appeal I had to this kind of tray is two units can actually be base to base rather than tray to tray. The lower price helps too. Also my friend has copied my trays a bit and he hasn't put felt or magnetized his models yet. But he doesn't seem to have a problem picking them up. They fall a lot, but I don't know for sure. He'll have the felt and magnets by next week.
  3. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I have seen a ton of people working on stegadons lately which inspired me to do some work to mine.

    A few months ago I saw some real raggedy looking stegadons in the showcase at my local hobby shop for like $15-$20 each. I couldn't resist. I bought them both! You can see them in the pictures on page 8. Couple problems with them though.
    1. They must have glued them together before they started painting them because they didn't paint the inside of the howdah completely or the top of the stegadon under the howdah. Which is a real big problem considering they both had half painted heros on them. :/
    2. They never primed them. They look old and dusty and a lot of the paint is chipping off.
    3. The skinks are blue so they don't match my army. And neither do the bases. And the bases lack gravel. Just flocked.
    4. Most importantly, when playing at my local shop, naturally, people like to snoop around and peak at all the armies layed out. And of course when looking at mine people go right to the stegadons. You could say I'm pretty self conscious about them.
    5. All other problems aside the paint job is really just 1 thick layer of paint and a thick wash over top of it.

    Here is what I'm talking about
    I started ripping them apart and primed them both before taking any pictures. Didn't plan on posting them. Pretty bad at keeping up. Still trying to get better at painting before I'm proud enough to show everything and take WIP shots.

    Lucky for me, when collecting my army I ended up with 3 steg kits still on sprus. (Puts me at 5. No magnetized howdahs for me) Anyway, I ruined a few skinks stripping them before, so rather than doing that to my stegs I decided to just prime them and make them both regular bow stegs taking parts from my other kits. That's why I still got the head of this one. I decided to go with the smaller one for the bow stegadons. My current WIP, I'm much happier with. Tablet Camara and bad lighting due to it being the middle of the night and I don't have a light box.

    It's actual color is somewhere between the two shades in these pictures. Probably closer to the side view. The actual thing blends better and has better shadows than the front view. But the highest highlights are about that bright. I'll try and get my girlfriends camara and do a major update when I am feeling ambitious. Get some better lighting and some pictures of my camos, sallies, razordons, terradons, and my now complete tetto'eko conversion.

    Also, I fixed that eye already. XP
  4. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    i like the colors BUT there is one thing that just screams "n00b alert!" to me (ok, i know you are no n00b, but you get my point ;)) The transition between the bone of the horns/spikes and the blue of the skin HAS to be lined with a dark color. the remedy: go back with devlan mud and a fairly big brush and using a lot of wash, draw a line at the bottom of each spike. the wash will gather at the base and make for a great divider between the two colors.

    do this, and you will have one (or two) good looking stegadons, cause the rest is pretty good. i like the color transition on the belly, and they will look great along your flamboyant army :)
  5. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Havent fixed that yet. I dont like the idea of mud. I washed the horns with a home brewed vermin brown wash. Dark enough? Or suck it up and use mud? Trying to keep the horns on the lighter side. The first wash was thinned about 1:1. How dark does this divider need to be? Is the goal to just get rid of the white where i got sloppy at the base of some of the horns. Or is it to create depth and shadow where the horns come out? I kinda am stil a noob. Less than a year in i think. Maybe slightly more. I think i started 10/4/11 on my b day last year.

    Also finished the other one. Basically the same thing. Only he is purple with grey scales and peach belly. May post him later.
  6. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    the divider can be any color that is significantly darker than the two colors meeting, and it should only be about a millimeter wide. im sure you will do a great job :)
  7. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    So I went to war this weekend 4000 a side. 2000 LM and 2000 Daemons VS 4000 Dark Elves.

    I was supposed to be the 4000 so our DE friend didn't have to go up against Bloodletters. He has awful luck with leadership tests and my friends blood letter horde with 2 heralds and lore of life buffs (at it's nastiest) makes his entire army break no matter how he seems to run them. But I came up nearly 500 points short.

    Anyway I took a quick picture of my army before I fielded it.

    Use the link if you'd like a larger picture.

    Note the two missing Kroxigor. ;)
    Should be getting them fairly soon though.
  8. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Yeah, you definitely need the krox (and I know where you can get some!)

    I like your movement trays for the salamanders. I might have to do something like that eventually.

    Good work on fixing up that stegadon :)
  9. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Doing a pretty small update again with the poor picture quality from my tablet in a damp dark basement with poor lighting. haha. One day I'll take the time to do some decent photos of my army.

    First off I fielded max painted points for me. Capping out at 3452! Sadly I had to paint another set of krox waiting for my others to be released.

    So I've been getting inspired by n810's terrain lately and felt the need to do some of my own.

    My first jungle!

    I set it up so it can be used to make two small jungles or one large one.



    Few close up shots of the single jungle plots.



    I really like this jungle's set up from a gaming perspective more than from a aesthetic view. The simple very flat jungle floor lets models move and stand on it very easily and allows me to shift the tree plots around to where they aren't standing rather than remove them completely like on the GW forests. The big draw back of course is, the jungle floor doesn't look as full and nice as I would like it to look.

    Last bit, If you didn't see them hanging around the edges in the jungle photo's I got these guys today for my second WIP skrox unit. :)


    Having them in my hand, I can say they are very detailed and very professionally done. Mine lack 0 detail from the pictures here on the forums. Great casts! The tails and faces look great! All the detail is there.
    If you are planning on getting just one, I'd say get the club. Having them here side by side I prefer his stance and he looks a fair bit sleeker. Ie his tail, legs, and face. But they are much better as a pair.

    Having put the GW krox together less than a month ago, I am really looking forward to putting these together. I had to do a lot of fiddling, bending and gap filling with the GW and I noticed that the forearm pieces didn't fit well and were very small thin ad smooth. They kind of lacked definition and muscle tone. I'll keep posting my thoughts as I go with these guys and I'll answer any questions of size and such that you all might have.
  10. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Sweet jungle! You can literally move any unit into the jungle. So simple.

    I know what you mean with the bending and gap filling nonsense. I wonder how the new finecast Krox's are for that. Regardless, I'm looking forward to getting myself some of those Croc-Ogre's also.

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