8th Ed. Potential Allcomers Tournament List, 2500 points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scalenex, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    No restrictions other than legal with the current army book. Don't know the scenarios. If this follows past tournament formats there will be three matches with points systems. One Battle Line and two other basic scenarios very slightly modified.

    I don't know what armies I will be facing or how many people will compete.

    Slann, Lore of Light, Power Die, Lore Mastery, Iron Curse Icon, Cupped Hands, BSB Standard of Discipline

    Skink Priest, Cube of Darkness
    Skink Priest, Forbidden Rod

    2 x 25 Saurus Warriors FC
    20 Cohort Skinks, FC

    26 Temple Guard, FC, Venom of the Firefly Frog, Banner of Eternal Flame
    3 Kroxigor
    2 x 7 Chamo Skinks with Brave
    3 Terradons

    2 x 1 Salamander team with snack
    Razordon Team with snack

    To defend my more controversial choices. I want to test out Razordons as a fast cavalry counter to protect Salamnaders. I'd like to test Razordons out and I can't do it iif I'm afraid to field them. I would have taken two but I wanted to take my Kroxigors so I have something that hits at S6. I want to try out flank attack with a 20 man block of skinks. Also the skinks are there to garrison a watchtower if that comes up and to keep my skink priests out of harm's way.

    I'm going to try this out against my friend's O&G all-comers touranment list this weekend.
  2. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    I've had positive results with my razordons. The lack of penalties to hit make them consistent against all but skirmishers, and I've used them to hold buildings and block light troops well. Charging them is the worst thing they can do, and I force melee units to do it and pull them out of formation. For the points, I enjoy killing infantry or light cav that just want to avoid them and getting more than their points worth in tactics and kills. But I guess I've been lucky.
  3. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    why no rumination or cogitation? Pretty big call, imo.

    Lore of Light should work a treat if you keep your 3 main blocks close together. Those augment bubbles are amazing.

    Standard of Discipline I feel is probably a little bit overkill, but maybe that's me; I trust to my cold blooded + bsb to do its job.

    I'm assuming you're including the unit champions everywhere incase of scenarios? Otherwise, I hate unit champions as a rule. Expansive, and generally not worth it.

    What was the reasoning for not having the krox in the skink cohort? Extra deploy unit? Extra flanking unit? I always like the meat-shield factor of Skrox units.

    Let us know how it goes. I'm especially interested in how the razordon shield works.
  4. NexS

    NexS New Member

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    Couple of questions for ya!

    1: If you're taking 20 skinks, why not take 24 and 3 Kroxigors rather than wasting points on a useless skink unit? You'd get your 3 Monstrous Infantry Supporting attacks, AND they count to your minimum core choices.

    2: Why take the venom for Temple Guard? I wouldn't be taking on a Lord or Hero with my TG champion, and most other things are being wounded on 2's or 3's with Str5 hits - you could buy another Saurus Warrior with the points (2 more Str4 attacks).

    Looks like a fun list anyway - I haven't used razordons on sallies before, but I imagine fun!
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    To answer the questions in random order:

    The Venom for the Temple Guard champion is because I know the vampire player likes to put ethereal characters in his units.

    The reason the skinks are 20 strong is so they can be deployed in a watchtower. I didn't put any Kroxigor in the unit because Skroxigor cannot occupy buildings.

    The Temple Guard don't need the Standard of Discipline because they are always Stubborn, but the extra point of Ld often made a difference for nearby regular Saurus in other games

    I take unit champions out of habit. There may be some very nasty characters out there to absorb challenges for too. Mostly I worked hard converting my chamo skink champions and I like my paint jobs on my other champions.

    I did take Rumination, I just called it "power die" on my list. I didn't take Cognition because I want to get high marks for sportsmanship.
  6. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    all makes sense :)

    Personal choice: I would want to squeeze an extra terradon in. Mine seem to always be 1 short.
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I did a test battle with the list


    I won but my luck was so spectacular I don't know if I can draw any conclusions about the list from that battle. I also learned that there is a small chance the referee will let us pick our lore before each battle rather than run with one Lore all game. My friend today said I should not forgo Cognition out of sportsmanship because touranments are supposed to be competitive. Food for though, but I don't know what I'd want to cut for 50 points now that I've seen this list perform so well as is.

    Also the people signed up for the tournament besides myself are listed thusly:

    Dwarf (guy I play all the time, he usually beats me but not overwhelmingly)
    Vampire (I don't know this person)
    O&G (I beat his list pretty badly in a practice game, he is likely to revise it heavily)
    WoC (very strong player)
    Demons or Vampires (very strong player)
    Empire (I THINK he was the newb I played last year. If that's the case he was the one who made me show him all the LM, BRB, or FAQ rules in writing whenever a rule was against his favor. Hopefully he is both more experienced and less suspcious now)
    Empire or Ogres (I don't know this person)

    I find it extremely odd that the local TK player (who is very very good) has not signed up yet. I would not be surprised if 1-3 more people signed up.

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