Hi All I've recently launched a new games workshop building and painting blog at http://www.howtopainta.wordpress.com. It's currently aimed at beginner painters who want step by step instructions on how to build/paint and convert good quality miniatures. So far I have articles on Lizardmen and High Elves (coincidently the armies I am collecting at the moment). I'd love some feedback, also if anyone is interested in contributing (any armies are welcome) let me know. As I'm sure you're aware trying to paint/build a new model weekly is no easy task!
They're a pain to photograph, I'm using ice blue which does work quite well. The problem I have is that with the flash on everything appears blown out but with the flash off it's blurred.
Yea, flash and miniture photography doesn't mix, use a couple of desk lamps as a light source instead. (like this) Ps. Try ice blue mixed with skull white for the last dry brush.
Just in case anyone is following I've now moved to http://morrslieb.wordpress.com/ Shameless publicity - There's a simple Saurus hero conversion as this week's topic!
Hello, liath! I only now noticed your blog, it's a nice read. Very easy to follow and "clean", so to speak. You also have the same interests as I do, Lizardmen and Tomb Kings, so points for you there. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your blog for future updates! Keep up the good work!