Blog Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and OnGs!)

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Old Mossy, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Ragnar

    Ragnar New Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Wow. Waterfalls are always really impressive. How are you going to do the falling water effect?

    FANTASTIC idea with the statues. The question is, what the heck did the old ones look like?
  2. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    @Ragnar - I've read a few places online about ways you can do the water effect, but I think I'm going to go with silicone sealant on top of plastic wrap, then paint up some white tips on it.
    I feel like olmec art is fitting for the old ones. The "were-jaguar" in my last post is a supernatural entity/deity.

    Here's a guy I spent very little time on. I don't know why, but I managed to pump it out in 2 pretty short sessions. I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. The only thing I feel is poorly done are the horns. I tried something different, and it just really didn't work.

    He's my Lore of Light Slann, with the palanquin meant to be boosting off the ground on beams of light (that just so happens to steady/re-enforce the ridiculously weighty model).
    I tried to do a bit of object source lighting from the beams onto the ground, which is more apparent in real life, but probably still not bright enough. I might go back and touch that up.

    I've seen people do some pretty amazing horns on here. I've tried blending up colours, and that was fine, but I wanted to try the stripes/lines build up approach. I think I just didn't do them thin enough, or do enough layers/colours. Anyone have some pointers?
  3. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Double post! Oh well. I made some minor changes to a few models over the weekend, figured I'd post.

    First off, I re-painted my old blood on carnosaur, and the carnosaur's eyes. Pretty happy with the result. The OB looks much less Slaanesh-y, and the carnosaur has the right amount of "crazy-eye" IMO.
    OB front:

    OB Back:

    Carnosaur eyes:

    Next up, in my last game, my mounted scar vet fell off his rock. :( So, I took the opportunity to re-base him a bit. He's now crushing a dark-elf corsair into the ground :p Dark elves were my old army that I played when I was 11 or 12 (about 15 years ago), so it's sort of an ode to progress.

    Lastly, I took a couple of photos up close with one of my terradons, who's managed to snatch himself another dark-elf corsair. The lighting wasn't great, but it's still about right:
    20121019_173310_2_zps203bc462.jpg 20121019_173918_2_zps089e025a.jpg 20121019_173835_2_zps604b8746.jpg
  4. Ragnar

    Ragnar New Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Wow, those are epic. That Saurus looks like he's really struggling to control that carnosaur, just like it should be!
  5. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    I don't mind the horns on your slann so much. And I think the OSL is plenty enough. I noticed it in the picture without reading. I think the beam could be blended a bit better, but it does look bright in the second picture. The bottom yellow chunk may need a white hilight too. But it looks like a light is under the slann for sure. Before I realized it was a beam of light, I thought it was camera flash/glare. So in person I'm sure people will notice the light. (and that was on my phone with bad picture. It's hard to make out anything)

    I like the base a lot too. The OSL is really good IMO. Color of the stone and sand, even looks like the OSL made it onto the plants? That really thin gravel covers the edges of the stone really nicely.

    But as far as improvements I think the slann's checks need a hilight. And the skink looks pretty plain. Doesn't really match the skinks you normally have. Needs some teal belly or two toned somehow like all the others. Need some color.

    And I think the chain on your carrnie needs to be pulled toward him. He looks like he is pulling on it so hard, but it seems like his force creates no tension on the section of chain around his neck. Best seen in this picture. Lizzies/20121022_071121_2_zpsf14b9bf0.jpg

    I liked the first rider, but this one is better. His skin tone is pretty awesome and between that and the spines are the best blending I think I've seen you do. His front is possibly the best painting I've seen you do. Tail seems to go with the blood letter body. Doesn't look added at all. Can't even recall what you made it out of without looking back. I assume green stuff, but it's a clean conversion. I like the way his giant spear came out. Same as last time? I Don't recall.

    The terradon's colors are pretty awesome in the first picture. I hope it's colors are closer to that than the 2nd and 3d
  6. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    @Danbot: Wow, thanks for the feedback mate. The slann definitely needs some highlights, you're right. I liked his base colour so much, I couldn't think how to highlight it properly. Might try some ice blue. And that skink is actually more boring in real life. He might have to be next on the list of things to do. I'm mainly unsatisfied with the horns because I'd originally planned to really try to do them well.

    Thanks heaps for the feedback about the carnosaur's chain. It's going to be tricky to give the proper effect, but we'll see how it goes. The spear/great weapon thing is the same as before. I like it. It always bothers me when there's a model on the back of a giant dragon, swinging at people with a tiny sword.

    The terradon's colours are, unfortunately, very well represented in the 2nd and 3rd photos. It's quite plain, no real highlights, just a mid tone and shadow. Good enough to play with, which was my first concern, but he'll need some finishing sometime soon.
  7. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Minor update:
    Here's the temple guard I'm currently working on. Early WIP. Meanwhile, good god there's a lot of detail to paint on these models. I forgot how laborious it is to try and smash out a full unit. Currently painting what seems like endless brown.
  8. synical

    synical New Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    spent quite a while looking through this thread and i have to say, very very nice work. My favourite is probably your bright green terradons next to your slann - how did you manage the base for that? It looks like temple ruins or stones or something, i like it.

    Temple guard and saurus are pretty tedious to paint i have to say, they look nice completed though. I love the bright colours you have chosen for them, can't wait to see more.

  9. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Small non-update just to say that for a fairly detailed model, such as a temple guard, I would never batch paint an entire unit again. Progress is just too slow, and you feel unsatisfied with the end result. Next time, I would either do 1 at a time, or less than 5 if I was going to batch paint. Live and learn, I guess. Meanwhile, I should have some finished pics in a week or so.

    @synical: cheers mate. The ruins on the base are meant to be a serpent statue, kind of coiled up and around on itself. It's made from the pink/blue type foam, just sanded a bit and given a few uneven chunks out for weathering.
  10. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Temple Guard: Tick!
    IMG_4752_2.jpg IMG_4757_2.jpg




    And I've finally gotten round to putting together a battle standard:
    20121116_202639_2.jpg 20121116_202659_2.jpg

    For my next model, I think I'm going to tackle something a little less daunting. Might be time to get some paint on my scar-vet :D
  11. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    i like how you painted that serpent on the standard. the conversion is a little too much for my taste, but it is nice and colorful :)
  12. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    I think it's an awesome block. The banner could use a little something. Stripes or another color. Nice Blending maybe. Big block of color in that block. At least in the picture.
  13. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Awesome army! I am definitely a fan of the green color scheme. Good inspirational stuff in here.
  14. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    @Tsunami - Cheers! I really like the colour on the banner. I wanted something bright, to warn off foolish aggressors. :D

    @Danbot - Thanks! Looking back, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I just wish I didn't give myself painting fatigue again so quickly. I'm going to be putting together a mordheim force pretty soon, which will mean focusing on individual models, not mass-producing. With the banner, while I like the colour and general look, you're right, it is lacking depth. I really did try, but my washes ended up being too light. Next time, I'm adding a little black ink to the mix.

    @Qupakoco - Thanks! I know I'm a pretty average painter, but part of the reason I'm posting my stuff is in the hope someone else gets something out of it.

    So, long time no update. I've been working on my alternate army (why? why did I go and buy another army? I'm not even close to finished this one!). Anyone want to see pics of my orcs & goblins army?

    And check out what arrived today in the mail :D :D :D

    I had my doubts about what the detail quality was going to be like in real life, but very satisfied! The tiny details on the head and muscles came up really well. Where's my brush!

    Attached Files:

  15. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards

    Welp, I'm going to show off my goblins anyway :p
    I did try to speed-paint them, but failed spectacularly. The theme that I chose, which I thought was probably not (even close to being) original, but that I liked, was Outback Orcs - an Australian themed army. Since starting, I discovered a freaking awesome plog over on da-warpath that I can probably never compete with, but alas.

    As a starting point, I chose to do some night goblins. With their fanatics, they are sport supporters, these guys being specifically Wallabies supports (the Aussie Rugby Unino team). I can't remember if I stole the idea, or came up with it on my own (read: I totally stole it), but here goes:


    Boss and Standard Bearer

    Fanatic 1

    Fanatic 2

    The unit

    For the bases/ground, I was going with this picture for inspiration, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result:

    On the plus side, I'm already at 32 models painted in 2013 :D
    I've got quite a few projects planned for this year - hopefully I can get one of them done. I think the one I want to do next is make a Mysterious Forest, with grasping branches and trunks with faces on them.
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On

    Just read through everything, Had I been keeping up with this all along my comments would have been similar to this.

    Page One: I like the whitish Cold Ones, you provide good contrast with the riders without being jarring.

    -The Old Blood/Scar Veteran, very cool looking, but how does it rank up with the doubled blade weapon?

    Page Two: The Skink crotch bulge is a little weird all things considered. On a similar note, as a newbie Empire collector I find GW sculptors REALLY like codpieces. I’m pondering using my miniature power sander to ummmm fix them. The soldiers might not forgive me if I took a little too much though.

    The pyramid stand for your Terradon rider looks good and is a good solution to their ranking up issues.

    Page ThreeI think the coarse flock enhances the look of your jungle floors, not weakens it. I may have to steal your motif of snake heads at the foot of temple stairs, if I ever get around to making a temple anyway.

    I’m not normally a fan of unit fillers, but good ones like your bowing Saurus (and many others I’ve seen elsewhere) may make a convert out of me.

    Page Four: I like your river.

    Page Six: The Salamanders look great. They look like they look like actual dinosaurs.

    Page Seven: I like the work you did on your “Carnosaur,” very detail oriented work. The struggling Old Blood is a nice touch. I just wish he had a more triangular head though that’d be difficult to convert without stealing the head from another toy.

    Page Eight: Temples just keep getting better. The hill is VERY good. It looks functional for playing yet dynamic to look at. A hard combination. The Olmec head is an awesome idea.

    Page Nine: My own work on the 2012 painting pledge convinced me that batches of more than ten are not a great idea. With the greater level of detail you put into your models it’s got to be even tougher for you.

    Page Ten: I like your Goblins. They yellow color scheme is similar to how I was planning to paint my goblins until I decided NOT to collect Orcs and Goblins and focus on the models I already have.

    I’m sure whatever you do in 2013 will be great. Your models are quite good, your terrain is even better. I’m sure your mysterious forest will be awesome.
  17. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On

    Wanted to say I love the signature, great way to track if your getting out of control on the hobby. Can also be used as a motivator, if I finish these ten models I can buy ten of something else.
  18. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On

    @Scalenex: Wow, I can't believe you read through all that. Thanks for the comments and compliments.

    The scar vet with the great weapon actually ranks up perfectly. I took a bit of extra care to make sure, which is surprisingly thorough for me.

    Yeah, with terradons varying the height makes it a lot easier to rank up, and I also find it makes the models and unit look more dynamic.

    I've used the flock a few times since them, and I'm definitely preferring the coarser granularity, too.

    I like my unit fillers, but they're just a little too static, and a little too dominating. It does draw a bit of focus away from the unit. Next time I make a filler, it's going to concentrate on making it fit properly with the unit's theme.

    I'm currently painting 10 orcs at once, and I'm enjoying it. Granted, the models are a lot simpler, but painting a manageable amount at a time makes painting fun again.

    @Eladimir: yes, it doesn't makes you realise just how much you're buying and spending. More than that, it's made me think about my habits. I get a little bit excited sometimes, and impulse buy something I really want, without thinking it through properly. Case in point, I just signed up for a gruelling 10 day hike, but I have a foot injury...

    An update! How slow is this plog :p Ah well, the internet lasts forever, right?
    So first, a little progress with my scar vet. I gave him a quick dark angels green undercoat, then went to give his scales a wash with my own green wash. Problem is, the black pigment I used to darken the wash is crazy strong, and just 2 drops (the second one snuck in :shamefullyembarrased: ) turned it into a black wash :(

    And some terrain, the start of my mysterious forest. I think I took an earlier WIP somewhere, but this is where I'm up to:

    I wanted it to sort of look like the trees had their brances in a back-swing, about to follow through and knock down the intruding unit. Not sure how I'm going to paint the trees. I had originally thought maybe a ghost gum, or some kind of birch, but I don't know anymore. Any suggestions?

    And last of all, I need some input with my orcs. So, these guys are going to be my blue-collar workers, and in Australia, that means they're wearing a blue singlet. Which is fine, but I'm not sure what colour to do their trousers. I've tried a couple of testers, but tell me what you think.
    From left to right: Scab Red; Bubonic Brown; Dark Grey; and Black
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On

    The orcs are well painted, but they are not what I am used to. The metal is shiny and neither rusty nor covered in gore. The Orc's boots and other clothes are not dirty, the handles of the spears are smooth and clean. They look like what I'd imagine Tilean mercenary orcs would look like. Better equipped than usual and making an effort to better blend in with the human soldiers they fight beside.

    It's also a lighter shade of green than I'm used to seeing but I guess this way you can see more of the sculptors details on the faces. A dark green wash may or may not be a good idea depending on what you are aiming for. I'd try experimenting with it just to see.
  20. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Oh definitely on all counts. These guys are very, very WIP. Still doing base coat, really. I'm more wondering what to do with their trousers. Good point about making everything look worn, though. I'll try to give that effect later in the production line.

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