I was just wondering what are some fun combinations with the magic items or what you guys like to play with. I'm thinking for a 1000pts army taking the Burning Blade of Chotec and the Carnosaur Pendant for a Saurus hero. Having up to 5 strength -4 armour save attacks seems powerful. Also, does anyone know if a Temple Guard Champion can take the items that say (saurus only).
The hero is already better then most in combat, for smaller point battles I tend to go with a better armor save and ward save.
Either the Sword of the Hornet or the Sword of Might for the TG champ is what I have thought would be a good addition to the unit.
Sword of might? His halberd gives him +1 strength for free, so all the sword would do is give him one better AS since he could use it with a shield (not hand weapon and shield bonus, but it is one handed unlike halberd). Not at all worth it IMO.. I tend to not like magic weapons on unit champs, though this guy could basically be a cheap hero since he gets 3 attacks. The burning blade might be nice for when fighting flammable armies or ethereals (it, of course, counts as a magic weapon as well) Edit: I would definitely say that Temple Guard unit champs could use Saurus only stuff since they are a form of Saurus.
I like giving him Venom of the Fire Fly Frog. All his attacks become magic on the cheap, and all his weapons gain poison. Not to mention cheap (as fitting a 1 wound warrior).
Alternatively, you can use the Revered Guardian as a carrier for your Blood Statuette of Spite. Most of the LM magic item goodies are Enchanted Items, so I usually have difficulty finding enough magic item slots... It doesn't matter that the magic item is almost as expensive as the charactor itself, you don't given up the VP on a champion unless you lose half or the entire unit.
Depending on the enemy i would go for Blade of Chotec. This way the TG have a good chance against heavy armor troops and the guys can still keep hw + shield while the champ makes up for that with his extra anti armor killiness. Also good if some tomb kings or treemen come along. Of course the Blade is not so good against low-armor armmies. Especially against enemys with toughness three lords the blood statuette is also pretty cool.
I usually play atleast one scar-veteran and he is almost exceptionally armed with the burning blade of chotec and the maiming shield.
I'm often drawn to the mirror shield for my Saurus Vets. Stick him in a unit and bounce nasty magic missiles back at the attacker. Pity its not 25 points though since giving it to the Revered Guardian would be awesome.
I'd say give him an enchanted shield, one plus on a champ might be worth the 15 points if it saves you +1 combat resolution one out of every 6 attacks, and if it makes the difference between keeping a 2+ save and a 3+ it halves the likelihood of the champ dying, and unlike magic weapons, it doesn't penalize your parry bonus, since your hand weapon is still non-magic.
Here's a list I compiled of character combos. Most aree based off of 2k battles but maybe you can take some inspiration from 'em. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=644
you guys are all crazy... the revered guardian should be given nothing.... its the standard bearer in the unit that needs to get the standard of chotec and protect the expensive unit from ranged fire