8th Ed. New to Lizardmen need help.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by blindfire103, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. blindfire103
    Jungle Swarm

    blindfire103 New Member

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    Hi guys I'm new to Lizardmen and warhammer Fantasy all-togther. I decided on lizardmen as my first army (I usually play 40k tyranids so lizardmen models naturally appealed to me). Anyway I haven't gotten any models yet but I was wondering what a good start to a good lizardmen list would be? Any models I should avoid? Anything I should know as a WFB noob?
  2. Chunk

    Chunk Member

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    Well I'm hardly a vet, but I would start by suggesting getting models you like the look of or think are cool. There isn't an awful lot in the Lizardmen list that's really dead in the water, so basically don't worry too much about getting super efficient about it.

    That being said, both skinks and saurus are solid choices, and the new plastic Scar-Vet/Oldblood looks awesome and is useful in-game too.

    I guess it really depends on whether you want to start big with a 2000-2500pt army, or build it up gradually, but either way, grabbing some boxes of skinks, saurus, and the oldblood would be a good start. Maybe converting one of the skinks into a priest (or just buying a priest model) for some magic power in low points games would be a good idea too.

    Eventually you'll want to get a Slann though, since Slann are great, the model is beautiful, and it's really fun to have a giant magical frog destroy your enemies. When you decide to get a Slann is really dependent on how you want to collect the army.

    As for the WFB system itself, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

    1. Magic can be extremely powerful. Spells can and often are cast that wipe out entire units, or enable the easy destruction of enemy units. Luckily we have access to one of,if not the best, outside of special characters, spellcasters in the game, the Mighty Slann. This means we are often the ones destroying entire units, just don't expect to keep many gaming buddies if you do this a lot :p.

    2. Movement and line-of-sight is far more restricted when compared to 40k. I'm not sure if you've read the Fantasy rulebook yet, but units can only charge or shoot enemy units in their "front arc", basically any enemy unit that is at least partially in front of your unit. On that note, you can only charge enemies in the movement phase, the close-combat phase is simply for resolving assaults that originate in the movement phase. This might take a little getting used to if you've only played 40k before, but you'll soon get used to it. Other movement is a bit more complicated, so you're better off just reading the rulebook about it. Suffice to say that a unit can either move or march, marching doubles your movement but doesn't allow you to shoot that turn. Either way, you can't move and charge, since charging happens at the start of the movement phase.

    But yeah, the TL;DR version: Grab some skinks and saurus warriors, though you can't go far wrong with any models. Get a slann because they're great. Watch out for super spells in the Magic phase, and be aware that movement and shooting are more restricted than in 40k.

    Anyway, I hope this all helps, welcome aboard!
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I would like to add that Salamanders are probably the MVP unit against most armies at this stage. They march and fire, inflict lots of damage on large blocks on infantry and cause enemies to take panic tests with great ease.

    Our list ha one stinker in it. Jungle Swarms. You are probably better off not buying them. Not only are they are a sub par unit choice, but they are practically free to make as well since Saurus cavalry comes with snake bits. Glue three snake bits to a 40 mm and you have yourself a very cheap Swarm that costs the price of a 40 mm rather than whatever GW is charging for their actual jungle swarms.

    Razordons a borderline stinker unit. It's not that they are weak per se, it's just that they are so similar to Salamanders in many respects that may as well be sibling. Except at Thanksgiving dinner mom always asks Razrdon why he can't be more like his sister Sally.
  4. thomasthefinch

    thomasthefinch New Member

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    Have jungle swarms not got a lot better with the FAQ overrun changes?
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    They have improved, but they are still fairly expensive for what you get.
  6. thomasthefinch

    thomasthefinch New Member

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    I presume that it's just good for letting the enemy charge one and then crumble, then no overrun, then you can charge. Nothing more nothing less.

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