Painting New Years Resolution

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by strewart, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I've been on a break from painting for awhile. Mainly due to lack of motivation. But I am very close to finishing 10 Cold One Riders! Hopefully I get that done this week. I also have the new Stegadon model to piece together and the new Scar-Vet model, so that's a little setback.

    I'm still positive for this year though seeing how I finished 52 Saurus a while ago.
  2. latch66
    Jungle Swarm

    latch66 New Member

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    I'm in the hole as well. I got a lot done this year. But, not more than I bought.

    I've finished 20 Assault Marines, 8 Death Company, 2 Sanguinary Priests, 1 Librarian, 5 Devestator Marines, 2 Razorbacks, 1 Rhino, and 1 Baal Predator for the Blood Angels Army. I also got 3 Killa Kans, 1 Deff Dread, 1 Truk and 1 Wartrak for the Orks finished.

    I'll be starting out behind the 8 ball after Christmas though. I already know my wife has picked me up another Lizardman Battalion set, a Slaan and a Stegadon to go with the Lizardman Battalion set and Skink Priest I picked up earlier this year.

    I've been talking with my oldest Son. He is going to start building his Tomb Kings army in January and I'm gong to start building my Lizardman Army then too.

    Should be some good "Father/Son" time.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Did some painting last weekend. Election results were too stressful to watch so I did some more painting. This week I got 11 Chamo Skinks done and 9 Saurus Warriors. Now I'm only 44 models in the hole this year. Also I finally passed 100 for fully painted models! I got enough things mostly painted in the pipeline that I should be able to finish more than 44 more before 2013.

    Edit: with 3 more Chamo Skinks and 4 more Saurus, I’m now 37 in the hole

    Second Edit: with a newly finished Saurus musician, 12 rank and file Saurus, and a Skink Musician I’m now 23 in the hole

    Third Edit: With two jungle swarms and 8 more skinks I'm now ten in the hole. I should be back in the black in a week, just in time to buy the Christmas Empire package (which I'm going to count as a 2013 project).
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Gratz! That's probably a good yearly number to shoot for.

    Well the end of the year is getting close! I recently purchased a box of skinks, so that's a 24 model setback. Fortunately last night I finished 9 skinks, so that helps a little.

    Painted: 71
    Purchased: 32

    Painted to Purchased Ratio (PPR) = 2.22 for me. Hopefully I can get 29 more models done in the next month.
  5. latch66
    Jungle Swarm

    latch66 New Member

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    That is very cool!

    Looks like something that would be great for me to shoot for as well.

    My intent is to get my Lizardmen done by sometime in May. I'm a slow builder/painter, but with 2 battleforce packs, a Skink Priest, a Slann, a Skink pack, and two Stegadons, I figure that will definitely be a streach goal for me.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I just finished 12 rank and file Skinks and a musician since my last update.

    This means I bought 100 this year and painted 100. On the nosey. With ten days to spare! Without this pledge I doubt I'd have finished 60.

    Before the end of the year I plan to finish my six Tichi's Raiders (I need to glue magnets on them) and I have 11 Skink Skirmisher. Once I have these done I plan to start a painting blog.

    Pretty much everything I have was quasi-speed painted. I have a box of 58 Empire models waiting for me at the store (I have to drive a ways to get to my favorite store), so I need of course to finish painting at least 58 models in 2013. I need to keep my buying under control and try to at least finish slightly more than I buy each year. I have just under 800 models and 158 are fully painted.

    My main goal for 2013 will be to focus on quality over quantity. Hopefully with the advice of the wise people on this forum, my blog will show incremental improvements.

    I won't be able to prime much till the weather warms up. So I plan to use Winter 2013 to assemble and convert. Mainly getting my Storm of Magic undead Lizardmen army up to snuff (currently it is only four skink zombies).

    Before the Spring thaw I plan to have my Corpse Cart assembled ready to prime. I got the base corpse cart, a witch doctor figure from Reaper to swap for the usual rider, old style Cold Ones to zombify and swap for the zombies pulling the cart, and a giant pile of LM bits to make reptiian bodies. To cap it off I'm swapping the wheels for simple wooden ones. Before the Summer it shall be fully painted and I will enter it in the Golden Bat Competition at Carpe Noctern.

    Thanks for the support everyone. Hopefully Scalenex will prowl more than the Tactics forum next year.
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well done, good work on the year.

    How is everyone else going? I have absolutely failed probably by the longest way on this thread, I almost don't want to work out an actual tally. o_O Definitely need to reign in my spending now and start trying to paint loads, plus probably begin selling off some of my old stuff to make room for the hundreds of models I already have preordered for 2013. Woops... I will be making much more of an effort next year to buy less than I paint.
  8. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Did you get in on the Reaper Bones kickstarter, strewart? I can't believe I found that 3 days too late. Devastated.

    Meanwhile, if I manage to finish off my night goblins in the next week, I'll hit 100 models painted for the year! Tall order, considering I'm moving house this week, as well as spending the next couple of days on the coast with my family...
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I got the Reaper Kickstarter. Some 300 models coming in March for me, including a couple of extremely big and impressive looking undead dragons and a huge Cthulhu! Along with a couple of other Kickstarter projects.
  10. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    That sounds amazing. Strewart is getting a second Christmas!

    I haven't made any progress since my last update, but I did indeed come out ahead at least. Much better than I have done in prior years. Like Scalenex, I haven't done much except gluing since I can't really prime any models with the current weather conditions.

    Anyone up for a 2013 painting resolution? Or a challenge?
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The old 2012 challenge was good because it was easy to quantify. You count what you buy and what you finish painting. My own personal challenge for myself for 2013 is harder to quantity.

    I plan to begin and finish my Lustrian Corpse Cart. Nearly every part will be kitbashed and/or altered. I have seen grander projects on this forum, but for me it's a very ambitious project. I've never done a major convesion before, just four skink zombies and three Skinks altered to hold right handed weapons left handed (so the champions could have two large weapons).

    So Scalenex's suggestion for a 2013 challenge is to undertake a major project outside your normal comfort level and complete to a high level of personal satisfaction. Then post your completed work on the 2013 challenge sticky. First decide on a major project (however you personally define “major”) describe your plan in as much detail as you like. Then post a picture when it’s done. I would say not to clutter the sticky link with WIP updates. I would say that would be best reserved for a personal challenge thread or as part of a personal PLOG (which could of course be linked in your initial “This is my challenge for 2013” post). I plan to start a PLOG soon. I want to finish a few left over projects from 2012 before I begin my major 2013 project but I still want to start work on my project before March.
  12. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Sounds like a good challenge to me. I have a few projects that could fit the bill.
  13. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Meanwhile, I sadly missed my 100 models painted by the closest margin :(
    This year though, I'm going to smash it!

    I think for a project, I'm going to do a whopper of a Mordheim board. Or possibly sculpt, mould, and cast some squig substitutes for my O&G army. I've never done any sculpting before.
  14. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Mmmmmmm I've been doing pretty bad with these pledges... But this is the year!! I'm going to finish my Cold One conversion, finish my General's conversion, and paint all of my Saurus!! And whatever I can finish on top of that is just icing on the cake :)
  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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