8th Ed. My 1750

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by APhilmon, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Ok, this is kind of a review of my army done by myself and some of things I observed from my opponents.

    After each unit I am going to put some of my thoughts on them and also the things I have been told by my opponents. I will also note how my opponent reacts to them. Of course any ideas/thoughts you guys/gals have would be great to read! I just figure this would be a good way of being able to understand my own army as well as maybe helping others with some ideas with their own army.

    -Crown of Command
    -Plaque of Tepok
    -Focused Rumination
    -Higher State of Consciousness

    This guy is a point sink. I have never spent so many points on one character. I think he comes in at a flat 400, and for me that is just nuts. But with his utility I cannot really argue with it.

    1. He is a Ld 9 General
    2. BSB
    3. Almost as good as a Loremaster because of the Plaque. Shadow is very nice, especially with having a little skink priest running around that he is able to switch spots with.
    4. Immune to mundane weapons. He can hold up units which lack magical attacks. Very important to note. I have used him as an anvil, and my opponents reaction is always, "Wow!" Being stubborn w/rerolls on Break Tests is nice.
    5. Being categorized as infantry, he can join skink skirmishers(which can mitigate the effects of some of the miscasts) and he has the right footprint to join the Saurus unit if need be.
    6. Weak in terms of combat prowess, however that is not the duty he was slotted to do.
    7. The focused rumination discipline is scary. Having a potential of 3-4 extra dice per phase(if casting 3-4 spells per turn) is worrisome for most opponents. I haven't played anyone who didn't respect my magic phase.

    Skink Priest
    -Dispel Scroll
    -Cloak of Feathers
    -lvl 1


    1. He is a scroll caddy and has maneuverability on his side.
    2. Being a lvl 1 doesn't make him too much of a perceived threat. That however is where his strength lies. With a Slann that has Shadow, he can effectively allow for a swapping of places. In fact the other night my Slann ended up in the opponents backfield because of this guy.
    3. Decently cheap fellow

    30 x Saurus
    -Full Command


    1. 25mm bases "appear" more intimidating just because of the space they take up. Psychology is a pretty important part of WHFB.
    2. Fielded in a 6x5, I have a decent amount of ranks to take a few casualties.
    3. S4 @2 attacks apiece allows for a pretty messy combat phase against T3 troops.
    4. T4 allows for resiliency against basic shooting, some magic missiles, and HtH combat.
    5. M4 is not fun when the majority of your army is M6. You have to keep that in mind when making your movements and charges.
    6. Low Initiative makes them vulnerable to some of the big spells. I always try to stop spells which trigger nasty stuff due to low Initiative. Dispel Scroll is a nice guarantee(unless they irresistible).

    -2 Krox
    -18 Skink
    -Standard and Musician

    Highly Mobile Unique Unit

    1. Fast, M6 unit with full ranks and some heavy hitters.
    2. Javelins allow them to shoot even if they march with no penalties due to it!
    3. Krox allow the unit the put out some high Strength attacks and give the unit immunity to stomps. This is nice when facing monstrous anything!
    4. Great supporting unit when combined with a Steggy or a super killy hero because they provide ranks needed to overcome steadfast or to be steadfast.

    10 x Skink
    -Jav and Shield


    1. A quick missile screen! Deploy them in front of a high value target to either bestow the hard cover save or to become a target themselves.
    2. Be a Slann bunker. Well more like a wound counter. Being the Slann can join this unit and maintain skirmish(although they will be restricted by his movement) he will get a 2+ Look out sir. Even explosive miscasts will kill less of your troops due to the spacing.
    3. deploy on a flank to counter other skirmishers and some fast cav
    4. The use of shield allows this unit to have a little more resiliency against average skirmishers(not by much though).
    5. Quick to fire, being skirmishers, and having thrown weapons gives them a pretty nice shooting platform.
    6. Be aware of range, 12" is pretty short especially when having to deal with being charged.
    7. Throw these guys into woods on a flank if there is one and they can hold it for a bit(they become stubborn).

    Ancient Stegadon


    1. S6... Need I say more?
    2. d6+1 impact hits. It is random, however just like chariots this thing is psychologically intimidating.
    3. Terror. The chance to make units turn and run due to being charged is a nice little bonus
    4. Great hammer IF you have a good anvil in place(preferably one with ranks).
    5. A good anvil as well if within range of the general, he is stubborn afterall.
    6. Thunderstomp...
    7. Blowpipes. 4d6 worth of shots, poison!
    8. Large target, this is scary especially if the opponent is shooty heavy! Be ready to weather shots or deploy to try and prevent being popped on turn 1 cannon shots!

    8 x Chameleon Skinks

    Annoyingly good

    1. Simply the best point investments I have ever made. BS4 with poison and multiple shots can pretty much one shot a warmachine turn 1.
    2. -2 to being hit to start with. Their skin plus their skirmisher rule makes them very resilient to non-concentrated fire.
    3. Scouts... Deploy 12" from a warmachine, move to within 6 and you hit on 5s and 6s... Devastating.
    4. My opponents loathe these. They almost never have a direct answer for them, which for me is phenomenal.
    5. My unit of 8 strong usually pops a warmachine(cannon, helblaster, etc) on the first turn if I go first.
    6. M6 makes them extremely tough to catch and easy to get into place!

    5 x Chameleon Skinks

    Smaller, but just as nasty

    1. Same as the above with one difference, unit size. Their smaller size allows them to find space to fit in, or if I feel I need more shots on a target to add to the unit of 8, I can be supportive.

    1 x Salamander
    -Extra Handler

    1 x Salamander
    -Extra Handler

    Fiery Death

    1. Again, M6 skirmishers make an appearance. Place on flanks and move on out. I have occasionally placed one in the center due to wanting to try and cause maximum casualties against greatswords and other elite infantry with T3. Very effective to get them down to manageable size!
    2. Their flaming template attack is nasty against low T and high Armor troops. The panic test due to a casualty is also a nice bonus.
    3. Again another unit my opponent despises.


    1750 even
  2. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    The only thing I would say is blowpipes are generally better on the skirmishers, because they can fire multishots. But I'm not too sure what you'd spend another 10 points on.

    Otherwise, thats all. And I don't know how much you play dwarves, but that slann will be dead very fast then, because almost all their warmachines are magical.

    and don't forget stegs cause terror. I did for a whole game. Was a sad, sad, sad day for the old ones.
  3. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Understood, which is why you have skink skirmishers to let him join for the lookout sir and he has the 4+ ward save. It all just depends on the situation on whether you make him a lone floater or not.

    But yeah, I try to remember terror more often than not, but I do forget once in a while.
  4. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    Pretty nice review and justification, I would watch for Skaven warmachines too, can rip apart skink bunkers then all Skaven is magical!

    Only point is

    2. Javelins allow them to shoot even if they march with no penalties due to it!

    Javs don't allow rank and file skinks to fire after marching, that is the skirmishers rule not the quick to fire rule that grants the march and shoot rule, they can however move and shoot with no penalty and always stand and shoot but with penalty
  5. APhilmon
    Cold One

    APhilmon New Member

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    Not sure why I put that in the wrong section. Thanks for bringing it up.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'm sure you'll do fine, fantastically painted models tend to roll better. Just out of curiosity, are your chameleon skinks also blue or do did you paint them white to blend in with the snows?
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    ^^ I second the question that Scalenex posed. What color are they!?!?

    Don't forget:
    Very nice indeed. Ld tests are hardly ever an issue for us.

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