Hey ladies and gents, Been lurking these forums for some time and decided to bite the bullet and post up something I've painted. A little background information first though I've been painting since February 2012 after realising at the age of 22 now is the right time to get into the hobby I grew up enjoying, albeit that involved watching my friends play as I didn't have the money for it. I've painted up 1,000 points of Necrons and besides that I've only delved into a few other models so this really is my second ever project, I've started by picking up the battalion and here are a few Saurus and my Old Blood in their current state, note the Old Blood isn't finished I'm finding with my method of painting which is similar to that in the painting guide by GW that I'm losing a lot of the shading on the models and it seems rather flat The current process I'm using and this applies to, to the old blood is Skin Prime: White Base: Stegadon Green Wash: Coelia Greenshade Highlight 1: Sotek Green Highlight 2: Temple Guard Blue Scales Base: Xereus Purple Wash: Violet (GW) Dry-brush: Genestealer Purple (Lightly) Jewellery Base: Brown (GW) Layer: Bronze (GW) Wash: Nuln Oil Dry-brush: Gold (GW) (I'm aware for the jewellery that isn't ideal but I'm not quite sure how to approach it aside from that way) For the skinks I do the same skin procedure however once I wash the model green I highlight then skin, leaving the skinks scales the washed stegadon green I think the warriors could use another highlight and perhaps some more attention to detail, I wont lie I still struggle at times to paint perfectly in the lines, anxiety is fine Would the next step from Temple Guard Blue be simply applying a bit of white to the mix? I have a tonne of other paints but I don't want the progression to be too steep The bases I will likely just dry brush having applied Stirland Mud Any constructive criticism is welcome, I know a lot of it will come down to practice but having seen some absolutely stunning logs here I know that my ambition of becoming a better painter will come off in time and I feel here is the ideal place to improve. My main look for criticism is the skin colour, I'm aware some stuff needs patching up! - Thanks for looking / reading P.S try ignore the capture card and Halo 4 in the background
First off welcome to lizardmen! Secondly, well done on your painting. The colors look great and compliment each other very well! I hope to see more soon!
Thank you very much A friend of mine said the scales of the skinks were not contrasting enough so I figured I'd try something a little more GREEN As I have another 40-50 to spray / paint I can easily change my mind about it, not sure if for the better or worse? And yeah they need some cleaning up I know, particularly the feet and accessories