Okay, so here's my dilemma; I am currently in the process of re-shaping my army, and phasing out my old metal models in return for the newer fine-cast ones, and now, my Slann Mage-priest is up for the works. I've always put the greatest care into the base of my Slann, but now I want to completely redo my previous design. The last design I had was a slann who's chair was entwined between the vines of a small tree. (this was actually to make it far sturdier because he kept breaking off the small translucent pole.) I want to redo it. I've been stocking up on several things to rebuild it. the one thing I was unhappy about in my previous slann was his colour; my entire army is designed out of greens for the saurus (from the old rotting flesh to Catachan), the templeguards went from Deneb stone to scorched brown) and my skinks had a nice slight yellow to the brightest neon-green I could find in Citadel paints. All of them have bright red crests (sotek-themed)... However, placing a bright red toad on a stone-coloured throne is like shouting "Oy! Dwarves! Want a target?" seeing as my army is Sotek-themed and my slann is roughly 4 years old, I figured I'd give him a little brother; but what colours should he get? Should I go for a bright palette to indicate he's poisonous like frogs, or a more muted toad-like palette of dark greens and a red crest? ...
How about something like the old red eyed tree frog? Or perhaps this strawberry poison dart frog? Or somethink like this one that incorperates the other colors of your army?
Hi Raithial, I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm having the same problem myself. I'd like my Slann to stand-out but not stand out too much. I range from blue (the predominant colour in my army) to a bone colour (but I want the throne to be an ivory one so probably not enough contrast) to orange (a colour which is non existent in my army). He's got to stand out to a certain extent because ... well ... he's the Daddy. In writing this post i've decided that my Slann will be orange with a bone/sand coloured belly but fairly muted tones to match the other colours in my troop. Thanks for the help! If you follow the same train of thought as me then he's got to be red! Anyway the Dwarves should be worrying about your Slann not the other way round ;-). Good luck, DWS