Area of Death Winter War A new challenge was spread through all the lands, claiming to crown the most powerful warrior in the world. In the cold North the tournament to prove ones might would be held. But reaching it would become its own challenge, combatants would have to travel through, frozen wastelands, cracking frozen rivers, and beast unimaginable and warped by dark energy. Those who survived the trek would have the honor of battling to the death, and either be crowned champion of the Winter War or be left as a frozen relic on the tundra. The Arena highlights a battle between two different characters, controlled by two different players. Each player selects a character from a Warhammer Army Book to compete. I, as the gamemaster, roll the dice and sees who will become the next crowned champion of the Arena. The following rules apply to this Arena of Death: 1. The character and his upgrades/magic gear must come to 250 points or less. (No going over). 2. Magic and shooting are banned, period. No questions. No exceptions. 3. It is assumed that the characters will start in base to base contact and begin the battle from there. (i. e., attack in Initiative order) 4. Assassins are allowed as a character choice. 5. All mounts with more than one wound are banned. Additionally, the Juggernaut and War Litter are banned. 6. No special characters allowed. 7. At the moment, Van Horstmann's Speculum is banned. 8. If you wish to pm a picture to represent your character be it a model you've painted (which would be the best), or just pictures you find, please do so or else I will find a suitable one on my own. If you wish to join, please fill out the following form and post it in your reply: Once you reply, just send me a PM with your character build. If approved, I will add your name to the following list. I will only be taking 16 competitors, so get your characters in fast! The deadline for submission is Thursday, December 27th! Note: I'm only making a character for this in the case of not getting enough players. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and I may at more banned items as I see fit.
Character name: Krusher MaceMaw Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): Tyrant Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): Ogre Kingdoms Thanks for setting this up.
Character name: Po'tsn Pa'nz Character type: Skink Chief Army: Lizardmen I'll send a PM with his gear in a bit. Thanks!
My first one! Character name: Gustaff Viggost Character type: Dwarf Lord Army: Dwarves PM with gear is coming right up! The Hunted
Character name: Itza-gana Hurtz Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): Old Blood Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): Lizardmen
And they filled up like a rocket! Character name: Twinklin' Liddlestar Character type: Savage Orc Warboss Army: Orcs n Goblins
Apparently I'm the only one here who doesn't like cheap puns for character names. DAMN YOU GAMES WORKSHOP!
Well put up a serious name character in the battle, and whoop the silly names right out of them...If your so inclined that is.
Huh.. I just came on to post my character, and apologise for not posting earlier, as I'd been at a wedding all weekend. Looks like I drunk posted at some point. Hope my build was ok...