Ok they guy i play against is a veteran and his new book is tough (especially that damn ring!). I've started to learn to use their hatred against them (having to pursue), but does anyone have any good solid ideas against them?
Use a Carno to kill dragons/matnicores/ridicolously underpriced hydras. I wouldn't go for a Slann du to their Ring of Hotek. Simply make a skink priest carry a scroll and DoD and go offensive. But beware of assassins! They usually have a bunch of poisons and skills and are capable of killing most characters with their Always Strik First, so keep your oldblood away from units you suspect may have one (usually ranked infantry like spearelves). As you mention, their hatred can be exploited. Use skink units of 10 to trick key units like black guard away from the main fight (charge their flank or their rare if possible, he probably won't worry for 10 skirmishing, T2 skinks so it should be possible to accomplish). If he has chariots, you can try to trick them into difficult terrain (dirty one ). Terradons are a must. Use them to bombard repeater crossbows and threaten repeater bolt throwers. Salamanders will also come in handy. Dark Elves infantry are mostly T3 AS 5+ and thus die just as easily as empire state troops. Just some thoughts on how I would approach the game.
Dark Elf's magic items and Hydra are the most nasties, I think. Last time I played a game with them, I was able to kill the Lord with ring by throwing a lot of Str 4 attacks at him. He dies after 2 turns of 4 Str 4 attacks; although, I was quite lucky on the rolls on saving throws as well. Best way would probably to beat him with CR though. As for Hydra, Blade of Reality should work, as I don't think our tooled up Lord could beet his tooled up character... So better to use him to kill Elf's monsters. Watch out for Terror and Str 5 flame shooting though.
i assume the ring of hotec is arcane?? meaning only a wizard could take it?? if so why not just give each wizard the cupped hands of the old ones??
against darkelf as said is the damn hydra the biggest treat but i always defeat them by hitting it with kroxigors
Not to mention Black Guard and Cold One Rider Champions (It goes within their magic items allowance). Ridicolously underpriced IMO.
i would also consider a couple of steggies with bows for the hydras they tend to do well d3 wounds help with big nasty's even better if a skink chief is shooting the bow
Is he allowed to do that? Also, I think the steggies will be a bit fucked if he brings a manticore or two...
No, but have you seen the stuff the rider can take? Together, they are not something to laugh at for sure... I dont have the lizzardmen codex so I wasent sure.
well my best advice -- poison. just all out rain the poison down upon your enemy. have a descent amount of magic, and use oxyotl to kill their heroes. if i remember corectly he has two shots,and 5 bs? that means wounding on probably a 3+ because of sniping a character or wtv, and 5+ poison attack shots, just put a few chameleons with him, and that will kill a character easy. do that to all their magic, so they cant really dispel, and hopefully kill the guy with the ring or wtv that thing is... dont even know what it does but judging by the fact that you guys are scared of it it must be fairly decent. after that, id say that a few good shots and you can finish off their general, and other sorceresses they may have. that means slann are free to destroy the enemy's troops with the comet of cassandora. stegadon(EOTG, or ancient) vs hydras= stegadon wins every time. poison is really a fairly easy way to kill anything... hydras have a regeneration save right?
chameleons wont do you much good (or a slann) cos any sane DE player would fit the ring to a unit in the back of his army. And from what I know, chameleons cant shoot through armor and men. Also, the ring is very important for any DE player who faces a lizardmen army (cos of those stupid slanns), so he will do everything in his power to protect it. Also, killing a hydra isent that easy - it has regeneration. Also, its just 175 pts to get one. So bringing two will only cost you 350 pts! Also, if I were that DE player I wouldent use my hydra(s) to go for the stiggy. I would go for the troops. Cos thats what they are good at. Steggys are better killed using a manticore or two (or some other kind of support). Also harpies are skink killers. It would be better if he could give some info about the other players army.
Ok here's some more info on the other player, from what i can remember. He always takes the ring against me. Sometimes on a lord fighter, with a cold one unit, only if he has a mage on a pegasus (or is it a Manticor?). Otherwise its on a hero on a Pegasus, to move about and put the ring in annoying places. 1-2 units of Shades. Either 2 bolt throwers and a hydra, or double of one of them. At lease to hero mages, Witch elves, SpearElves, Harpies and sometimes halberdeirs (My spelling sucks)and Crossbow Elves. On the occasion the Blood Cauldron makes and appearance. I generally try to get a lot of Skirmishers, to move around and shoot stuff, and i'm, leaning towards 2 units of Terradons and 2 Units of Scouts. I usually try for salamanders and a Ancient Steg for the hydra, maybe i should try a normal Steg. We have a house rule of no special chars without previous agreement, and i would fear Shadowblade the day that happens. I'm thinking about using priests as only a magic defense.
i would use the steggies to shoot manticores and sallies to shoot hydras (at least i would try) also slann with lore of fire for hydras will help no regen is a big help burning blade on a flying saurus also could do some good or the old pirana blade bane head combo always helps with lots of large monsters 1 wound = 4 wounds is really scary for anything with multiple wounds just the piranna blade in a unit will help against monsters but it is a tough army to face in any case
salamanders do well vs the hydra (hear me out on this) wounding the hydra itself is hard but no regen, but the key is with the template you can kill off the T3 handlers who have no armor that you can't shoot with normal missiles. without the handlers the hydra is easier to deal with, and if they roll bad on the reaction chart can be ignored
Im note sure what your talking about. You just need to take lore of metal on the slan and cupped hands. First off hydras are easy to kill, if your taking metal you can cast spirit of the forge on it, 2d6 at str 5 no armor no regeneration. To kill the ring of hotec is easy, its normally on a champion so either law of gold it or ust the lvl 1 Lore of metal spell and snipe the champion out of the unit, if its a back guard you kill the champion on 3s, if its a cold one you kill it on 2s. Problem solved.