8th Ed. Double slann with same lore + loremastery

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Mahtis, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    Hi all! I felt inspired to make this thread after reading the thread about double slann lists (http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/double-slann-lists.10140/ and thought of all the possible things you could do with 2 slann with the same lore and loremaster. I'd put a short summary of thoughts here. Your thoughts are also appreciated!

    Lore of Fire:

    The lore attribute really says it all, giving an extra d3 to casting value on a target already shot with a fire lore spell is great, and with 2 fire slanns you can really bring pain to a single unit! If that was not enough, think about casting flaming swords twice! +2 to hit, so saurus would be hitting on 2+ :p not bad at all.

    The strength 4 it will be hard to damage anything with high toughness or as, so it would only work on empire, skaven or such.

    Lore of Beasts:

    This has a lot of potential in my opinion. Starting with the signature, S6 T6 Saurus! Then cast curse of anraheir on one enemy unit and it has a hard time to hit you! That's like overkill! If you like characters, you can cast the savage beast of horror and pann's impenetrable pelt twice on yout hero of choise, without a doubt it will be a killing machine, with 10 S 10 T 10 A! Who doesn't like that? The only downside in this lore is the transformation of kadon, a useless spell for our slann.

    Lore of Metal:

    If you liked the flaming sword in lore of fire, you'll also like the enchanted sword of Aiban, you get magical attacks with +2 to hit and armor piercing! With S4, that means 1+ as is going to be 3+! Nothing like slaying knights and such! Although the enemy won't have any armor left with double plague of rust, and transmutation of lead will make enemies hit worse (not much though). Glittering robe is still a meh, because it don't stack, but skinks will still love this.

    Any army with high as should just give up after seeing dual metal loremaster slanns

    Lore of Light

    While lore of light is an awesome lore in my opinion, it doesn't offer that much having two loremasters. It's easier to have one suber slann with all the goodies cast augments buffed, or having two with rumination. The only proper thing with this is that you'll have two magic missiles that do 2d6 hits with S5 and re-rolls on ward saves.

    Also worth noting is that with Ini at 10 most things will hit at 5+, with pha's protection cast twice on the same unit everything will hit the unit 6+ (unless they got a hero or lord with +1 to hit item)

    Lore of Life

    More units grown back and +4 (or +6) T on a unit? Sounds good! If you want to cast throne of vines for both of your slanns, it would be the only thing you do on your magic phase... But also the enemy will have a hard time dispelling two dweller's a turn (if they aren't dwarfs)

    Lore of Heavens

    Like in the post that inspired me to do this, the double comets of casandora is quite a threat to any gunline or shooting army. With two wind blast you can really push back enemy units, perhaps closer to the center of the comets landing place. Iceshard blizzard is also strong, especially when you also have one or two skink priests to cast it as well.

    Add tetto'eko to the mix to have 3 with heavens loremaster, you're going to nuke the whole battlefield to dust!

    Lore of Shadow

    Double miasma double withering, double enfeebling foe? That's one really weakened unit right there! Of course you can have lots and lots of fun with double shadow steed, you can really throw something nasty in the middle of the enemy (like a steg with skink cheif or EOTG) Two pit of shades a turn will weaken any army like there's no tomorrow!

    Lore of Death

    Perhaps being the ultimate double loremaster slanns lore because of the lore attribute, there's really strong combos here, like -6 ld, -2 S and T. Salamanders will have a feast and likely make the enemy unit run in fear in no time. Even a ld 10 will drop to a ld 4 in a second and that big unit is running away and help you win. You will probably kill any character in no time with so many sniping spells that its unfair. The enemy is so going to have a really bad time deciding what to dispell, -6 ld, -2 S and T or the sniping spells. If your really daring, you can have one or to purple suns roaming around wrecking the enemy.

    Other notes

    Having enough pd is going to be an issue with when having dual slann, you probably will never have enough (to satisfy all your casting needs!), it's probably good idea to take the forbidden rod to a slaan (or a skink priest, you don't need to spend any pd on him)
    Having great winds of magic rolls is needed for this magic heavy list of two slanns, but when you get a good roll at a good time, then you'll have good time :D
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I like this so much, I'm going to add this to the Tactica Index!

    I would like to make some small coments.

    -It would take a very large grand army to get the dual Slann Herohammer army to (EDIT) get the maximimum benefits from two Slann (EDIT) Slann are taking up most of the points spent on characters for themselves.

    -I think two Light Slann would be good in very large grand armies because one Slann could protect the left half of your army with bubble spells, the other your right half. You'd need a lot of power dice. One of the Slann should take the Channeling Staff and a Skink Priest with the Forbidden Rod (a Rod caddy is probably good in any dual Slann list really)

    -I woudl recommend against two Heavens Slann. I think a Heavens Slann plust Tetto'eko would be slightly more powerful for slightly less cost. The same power duo could really be made mighty with an Engine of The Gods priest using the Arcane Configuration power to boost the Lore of Heavens. Probably overkill but if you want to double down on Heavens, double down on it with all possible force!

    EDIT: I guess an Engine of the Gods could boost any lore, not just Heavens but Tet's one weakness is only getting +2 to cast spells or the extra power die and Arcane Configuration can partially make up for this.
  3. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    omg does bonuses and maluses from spells stack? :jawdrop:
  4. Irish_Lizard

    Irish_Lizard Member

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    Depends, straight up +/-x to hit/to wound/strength/toughness stack but a special rule like armor piercing wont give -2 if cast twice on the same unit.
    I may be misunderstanding this but most 2400 point tournament lists run double slann just fine.
    Why would you not take this on a slann instead unless points are very tight? The slann cant die(5W vs D3) and will get to ward save the wounds anyway.
    Why not double slann + Tetto for 3 guaranteed comets and make both loremaster for a potential 4!!

    Of the 8 lores I have seen double death,shadow,light and metal all work(metal is very match up dependent) and I think life might work but only if you can fit in rumination on both slann and there is not pd cap. Heavens tends to be more of a cloud of skinks style list that cant really spare the points for double slann but maybe at 3k+ while for beasts you want at least 3K to fit in all the scar vets(who will still have problems hitting :( ). With fire s4 is just not enough against some armies either due to armor or numbers and the lore is more of a support lore than a build your list around it(which can be done, see poland's 2011 etc list.).
  5. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    I'll edit the original post to fix some issues and add some additional things also :p Never thought I'd make tactica index :p
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I wasn’t saying that you couldn’t take two Beast Slann. I was trying to say that in my opinion, a strategy based on buffing heroes would be more difficult to do if all of your Lord points were eaten up by Slann. I guess you can buff Scar Veterans and maybe a few Skink chiefs, but if I was going all-out with Beasts Slann I’d want to try to take an Oldblood or Tehenhaun as well.

    Your point is valid, I am just paranoid about losing my Slann, perhaps needlessly paranoid.

    Well only Tetto’s coments are guaranteed if you read the rules carefully, but three comets is three comets, so go for it I guess.
  7. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    Im almost 100% positive that you cannot have 2 versions of the same spell active at the same time unless its something like commit. which is not remains in play just is.
  8. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    False. There is no basis for that statement in the rules.

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