8th Ed. Need help preparing for high elves and Teclis

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Revered_Guardian, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    So, upon discovering a friend of mine plays high elves I immediately challenge him to a game. However, he happens to play with Teclis. Alot. Therefore, I built an army list that would be suited to fight the high elves, as well as try and lessen teclis' quite potent magic. The battle will be played at 2k. Here we go.


    Slann Mage Priest - Cupped Hands, Rumination, Unfathomable Prescence - Life - 365 points

    If I'm going to protect myself in the slightest against the magical onslaught I'm going to need a slann mage priest. The magic resistance should help the temple guard a lot, though I am aware that he ill iressistable force on any doubles. The issue is that he ill probably have both teclis' additional powerdice and the powerdice generated by that magical banner of theres (or is that dispel dice?) in either case, this should make my temple guard survive the magical onslaught better. His job is to beef up the big saurus unit and his own unit so that they can completely steamroll the elves in close combat, despite their ASF and rerolls. Cupped hands should be nice so that even if I miscast I can hand it to Teclis and he can see how it feels for once.

    Heroes -

    Scar Vet, Shield of Mirrored Pool, Sword of Might, La - 140 points

    This guy sits in the big saurus block and helps protect it from magic. At least, magic missiles anyways. The sword of might will help him break through more heavily armoured units.

    Scar Vet, Cold One, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Strife, La, - 155

    This guy rides with the cold one nights. He has adds a bit of punch with a nice 6 attacks and the luckstone got thrown in because I had 5 points left over.

    Core - Here's where stuff gets interesting

    40 saurus warriors, spears, FC - 510 points

    These guys are the heart and soul of the battle line. It is there job to get up to those elves, and turn them into tiny paste. In horde formation, they be able to fight in 4 ranks if charged and I can always use shield and hand weapons if I am the one charging. 40/50 str 4 attacks is nothing to sneeze at. (though usually it will be only about 30/40 unless he is also in hoard)

    10 Skink Skirmishers - 70 pts

    They do what skinks do best. Screen my important units. They'll probably die horribly but as long as they manage to protect my beautiful Saurii then they're worth it. Of course, any flying eagle or monster will need to watch out for their blowpipes. :bored:

    10 Skink Skirmishers - 70 pts



    20 Temple Guard, Full command. Blood statuette of spite and war banner! - 405 pts

    My slaan's beautiful bunker as well as the key to winning this game. At toughness 2, the blood statuette of spite has a very high chance of killing poor old teclis. I just need to draw out all his dispel dice first. Those who take teclis generally don't take a scroll, so if I get one good magic phase teclis should be as good as dead. The war banner is to help if this unit, which is much smaller then the saurii block, gets into combat.

    5 Cold One Riders, banner and musician - 205 pts

    How I love these guys so! Combined with the Scar vet hero, they should make mincemeat of most high elf units they come across! Where the saurii block is the anvil, this unit is definitely the hammer - they rarely fail to break through the enemies line and are absolutely devastating on the charge.


    Salamander with extra handler - 80 pts

    When you have exactly 80 points left, why not. These guys have proven themselves time and time again against my other opponents. That flame template is not to be taken lightly.

    Total: 2000 on the dot.
    Thoughts, comments and criticism are much appreciated!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    List looks solid, though you are lacking a BSB. Not that you need one but it can be handy.

    Teclis is often placed in a unit with the anti-magic banner, rendering the Blood Statuette useless. (correct me if I am wrong on that) Just something to think about.
  3. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    That is true. The elves do have that bloody banner as well. Then again, that'll just mean the statuette will have to be used against some poor noble, elves being squishy after all. I've just been tipped off that he may be planning to try tyrion instead so this list may undergo a few changes to make it more of an all round list. Would it be more effective to go lore of light and drop something so that I can get loremaster?
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'd take a Talisman that bestows magic resistance for your Slann. That will give you the same effect for far less than 50 points.

    Tyrion is not very threatening for his points cost. He has a Regeneration 4+ and Ward 4+ and AS 1+ and MR 2. In 8th ed you can't use a Regeneration and Ward Save at the same time. His Sword inflicts S7 flaming hits and has a breathweapon useable multiple times. You want to give all your Saurus characters the Dragonhelm or the Dragon Bane Gem. Then they can take Teclis. He still is T3 like every other elf except for Malekith.

    I'd take a BSB. You'll want it for fighting elite high elves.
  5. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    you can set the slann in this way: you MUST take the becalming cogitation. Teclis will often roll lots of dices to get a double, and if you cancel his 6s he will probably don't reach some casting values, blocking him for the rest of the magic phase (yes, he must reach the casting value). In addition, you could give your slann the feedback scroll and the bane head. If you use this combo in the right moment, you will destroy him easily ;)

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