8th Ed. temple guard advice

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Rettile, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    hey guys, what do you think about the size of a temple guard unit? Are 20 guards enough to protect the slann in fight?
  2. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    depends on the lore =)

    if u go life 20 usually does the trick, caus u can boost them realy hard

    going combat light, u need about 30 caus u cant regain losses=)
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My rule of thumb is to figure out what the appropriate size you think a hand weapon wielding Saurus Warrior block should be given what the point size of the game is. Let this number be x.

    Temple Guard Size
    Life Slann TG = x + 2 (TG are very well protected)

    Light Slann x +3 (TG are fairly well protected)

    Heavens or Shadow x +4 (TG are apt to fight weakened enemies)

    Metal or Beasts x + 5 (theory hammer, I have not yet used Metal yet and barely used Beasts, there is some battlefield control in these lores but not as much as I'd like)

    Fire or Death x + 6 (TG are mostly on their own, the buffs and hexes of these lores are probably best used to help the rest of your army. Death has Soulblight which can help TG a lot but this is counterbalanced by the fact that Death Slann usually have close to short range with nasty enemies quickly to use the sniper spells)

    Is the army you are facing renown for artillery? Add an Iron Curse Icon, +2

    Are you NOT planning to keep a supporting unit on both flanks? If yes, +3

    Do you have no Miscast protection for your Slann at all? If yes, +3.

    Do people comment on your Saurus warrior blocks being large? If yes, -3.

    Does your Temple Guard have a well-equipped Scar Veteran? If yes, -3

    Does your Temple Guard have a well equipped Old Blood? If yes, -5

    Are points an issue? If yes, throw out my guidelines altogether.

    If I have points left over when making a list but not anywhere close to another unit, I tend to use the extra points on Temple Guard.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    ^^ Quite the rule of thumb.

    I always run 20 and I've only lost them all in one game so far, largely due to a miscast.

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