Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 3* RESULTS on page 5

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Craken, Dec 30, 2012.


Who do you think is going to survive the first round (listed in order they fight)

  1. Krusher MaceMaw Ogre Tyrant

    1 vote(s)
  2. Lord de Cochon Bretonnian Lord

    0 vote(s)
  3. Gustaff Viggost Dwarf Lord

    0 vote(s)
  4. Itza-gana Hurtz Saurus Oldblood

    0 vote(s)
  5. Twinklin' Liddlestar Savage Orc Warboss

    0 vote(s)
  6. Po'tsn Pa'nz Skink Chief

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    High on a mountain peak, among freezing clouds. Wind carried waves of fresh snow over the walls of the arena, pounding into its stone walls. Torches where lit with a strange blue fire that did not waiver to the natures onslaught. It shone like a beacon leading the warriors to their dire fate.

    All was silent, slowly the first warrior approached, an ogre a kin to the mountains, seeming to have no trouble in the harsh climate. He reached for the massive stone doors of the arena, but before his was able to push on them with his massive hands. The door opened on its own will, a echoed voice, coming from what seemed to be the wind itself spoke. "Welcome Krusher MaceMaw, please make yourself comfortable."

    Before him was a feast fit for an ogre king, he moved quickly filling his gut, placing his golden mace by his side. Taking his seat at the head of the table. Gnawing on meat he had hardly noticed the dwarf arrive, it wasn't till the voice spoke again, did he look up.

    "Welcome Gustaff Viggost, please make yourself comfortable." said the voice, as a dwarf entered being carried by two burly dwarfs atop a great shield, his armour sparking against the magic lights, he bore only a War-axe but was the host of many a rune. The shield bearers brought the dwarf to a seat at the great table, he slowly came off and seated, as the other dwarfs sat on either side of him. They ate first, and drank first, when it was established that the food was fit and free of poison, the dwarf lord, began to feast.

    "Welcome Itza-gana Hurtz, please make yourself comfortable." the voice spoke again shortly after the dwarfs arrival. One mighty Saurus oldblood entered, decked in thick hides and a nasty sword made from bone and stone. He hissed looking at the warm bloods as he entered, his green scarred face turned to the table at the scent of fresh red meat, he moved there and began devouring, his eyes never turning from his foes.

    Suddenly, a sound from above the group caused them to look upwards; as it sounded as though the winds where coming down upon them. Indeed that was the case as the downdrafts from the terradon, bellowed a cruel wind on their feast.

    "Welcome Po'tsn Pa'nz, please make yourself comfortable." spoke the odd voice again, the terradon landed then, and settled in the corner gnawing on a large beast that seemed to appear there. From its back came its rider a small brown skink, wearing armour and a scale shield, on his belt a cruel dagger could be spotted. He sat near his mount and the saurus but keeping a bit of distance from the latter.

    No sooner had he settled then the voice sounded again, "Welcome Twinklin' Liddlestar, please make yourself comfortable." A massive orc with face paint and glittering scale mail entered, from his belt a pair of thin massive blades. He looked around eyeing the dwarf, making sure to sit opposite him, rage swelled in him but his exhaustion quelled it, and he sat feasting.

    After a while, the door opened one last time, "Welcome Lord de Cochon, please make yourself comfortable." On a beautiful, though tired looking horse a knight as wide as he was tall entered wearing the most magnificent armour, and carrying nothing more then a warhammer. He dismounted, shortly after he removed his helmet, and gave a look of disdain to all his foes. Then sat and ate like the rest.

    The voice spoke again. "You shall eat and rest tonight, tomorrow three shall die, and three shall live like kings for another day." Rooms were revealed for the contestants and they all did what the voice told, as tomorrow would indeed be a good day to die.

    [ 2 ]..Itza-gana Hurtz Saurus Oldblood
    [ 2 ]..Twinklin' Liddlestar Savage Orc Warboss
    [ 3 ]..Po'tsn Pa'nz Skink Chief
    [ 1 ]..Gustaff Viggost Dwarf Lord
    [ 2 ]..Krusher MaceMaw Ogre Tyrant
    [ 2 ]..Lord de Cochon Bretonnian Lord
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    ((Poll doesn't seem to be working but my predictions are Itza-gana Hurtz Saurus Oldblood, Gustaff Viggost Dwarf Lord and Krusher MaceMaw Ogre Tyrant))
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I agree except for the one with Gustav. I believe he is fighting Po'tsn Pa'nz Skink Chief. I have to pull for the skink on the sheer coolness of the skink chief possibly winning.

    Of course, I root for my Ogre.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread



    Cochon (cuz I don't wanna fight an ogre)

    The second round seems weird, but that's ok.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I might roll to see who fights in the next round again, just so the person on the right doesn't get a free pass.
  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Moved the votes to the top thread make more sense there.
  7. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Nice intro, Craken! Especially given the names :p

    Po'tsn, Twinklin', and de Cochon to take out the first round!
  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Thanks Mossy
  9. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    When are you planning on doing the first round? The suspense is killing me!!
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I have to admit that I am a little concerned about the Brett Lord. I have faced some pretty tough ones before.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I hope the Skink Chief wins.

    I kind of wish I didn' tlet my prejudices against the names and my being unhappy with the vampire builds I came up with keep me from entering. If someone is gutsy enough to field a Skink Chief in this I shouldn't let the fact that points spent on wizard levels for a vampire are wasted (I didn't want to enter another Saurus Old Blood). I'll probably enter some approximation of Count Renliss in the next one of these contests.
  12. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    It would be cool if the skink chief wins. Gotta pull for the little guy!
  13. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    He's sort of a one-trick-pony. Well, he's actually got quite a few tricks, but one of his tricks is better than the others.
  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I got the results rolled up, now I just need to write the narrative, and I'll post it, hopefully I'll have it done tomorrow morning.
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Itza-gana Hurtz vs Twinklin' Liddlestar

    The two contestants enter the arena. The saurus oldblood enters, staring forward to the gate his massive obsidian blade in hand. From the opposite side the savage orc barrels out, his mouth full of a foamy slobber,caused by the anticipation of battle. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" the green warrior yells as the two slam into each other.

    The battle is a torrent of blades as the two seemingly attack at the same moment. The two block and parry Twinklin' Liddlestar blocking the heavy blows of the saurus by his oversized fencing blades, however two blows manage to find their mark, the Opal Amulet on the neck of the orc shatters, using its protective energy, the second digs deep into the orcs stomach, a blow that would normally be a glancing blow,instead digs deep, thanks to the design of Itza-Gana's terrible blade.

    The savage orc was slowed by the wound, his battle frenzy seemed lost, his attacks seemed weaker and his ability to block with his heavy blades was faltering. A heavy hit chopped into the orcs chest, as he fell to his knees, his blades fell and the last hit, slammed against the back of the orcs neck severing it, causing it to tumble forward into the snow, staining the white surface red.

    ((Battle break down
    Round 1

    Saurus R1: 3 hits > 1 wound> unsaved 2 wounds
    Orc R1: 3 hits> 2 wound> 1 wound> 1 save

    Round 1: Orc down to one wound, orc waaagh makes him lose only by 1, but loses frenzy

    Round 2

    Saurus R2: Orc Passes Fear> 2 hits>2 wound>unsaved 4 wounds
    Orc R2: 2 hits> no wounds

    Round 2: dead ORC))

    Po'tsn Pa'nz vs Gustaff Viggost

    The terradon stood above the gate waiting for his opponent to come through the gate, held fast by a powerful looking skink, Po'tsn Pa'nz, they both eyed the gate eagerly. The door opened and out came the Dwarf Lord, Gustaff Viggost, he entered the arena as though in a ceremony, carried by his shield bearers, posed in a static pose arm stretched making himself appear triumphant before the battle even started.

    Enraged the skink, goaded his terradon to swoop in and attack, the terradon grasped the massive shield the dwarf stood on, the dwarf showed no fear only contempt. Po'tsn swung his dagger at the dwarf the dagger hit off the dwarfs glimmering armour once, then again aimed at the heart of the dwarf, the bone dagger began to glow with a terrible red energy, as it pushed into the armour. Suddenly the runes on the dwarfs armour shone, at the dagger was repelled seemingly by pure runic energy. The dwarf suddenly snapped into battle, his axe slamming into the skink's scaled shield shattering it, the second blow slamming into the skink's stomach causing him to stumble atop the terradon, the last blow chopped through the thin neck of the skink, before cracking down on the terradon's head crushing the beasts skull.

    The shield bearers turned and moved their lord back through the gates, as the skink and terradon were left to their death throes.

    ((Battle break down
    Round 1

    Skink> Dwarf passes fear> 2 hits>1 wound>no save> reroll save.
    Dwarf> 3 hits>3 wounds>save one>lose two wounds

    Round 2: dead SKINK))

    Krusher MaceMaw vs Lord de Cochon

    Krusher stands at the gates, still picking his teeth with a bone, annoyed by the gristle stuck in his gums. His fat guts temporarily sedated, he looked forward as the fat Bretonnian lord entered atop his pristine warhorse. "Thems look tasty" thought the ogre, as he barrelled in towards his next meal.

    To the surprise of the knight this ogre and his massive golden mace were fast, striking with blinding and painful speed, he managed to dodge one blow, the other slammed into his chest, denting the plates and heavily bruising his chest, the second smacked into his helmet, but being build from a near magical material, not a scratch was seen on the helm. The Lord countered with accurate strikes, the ogre managed to block the first two with his iron fist, the third however came at the ogre's head the blue talisman on the ogre's neck activated, an a wave of blue energy halted the hammer, but a fourth unexpected swing caught the ogre under the chin and with unbelievable strength sent the ogre's head out over the wall.

    The ogre fell to the ground, as the night raised his hammer in praise to the Lady.

    ((Battle break down
    Round 1
    Ogre>Bret passes fear>3 hits>2 wounds> Save 1 >take 1
    Bret>4 hits>2 with heroic killing blow>Save 1, other= death.

    Round 1: dead OGRE))


    The first battle was really close with the piranha blade being the deciding factor. The second battle was one by the dwarfs amour save, as well as being immune to poison and killing blow, also he had an amazing turn of attacks. The third battle was a surprise for me I had thought the ogre would have it. The bret lord just managed to squeak in the saved he needed, the roll of two heroic killing blows is what did the ogre in, or else I think the ogre would have killed him in the next round.

    Now do you guys want me to shuffle these three or just let them fight as it stands.
  16. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I am not surprised about the Brett Lord. A friend that plays Bretts always uses that heroic killing blow on a knight that will kill almost any opponent he faces.

    I am saddened by the death of the skink chief more though. I really wanted him to come out on top.

    That said, I will put my cards with the Brett lord from here on in.
  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Huzzah! My dwarf crushed the tiny lizard :)
    Looks like I didn't even need a magical weapon :p

    My chances of reaching the final would improve vastly if I were to stand against the bret lord (I'm immune to killing blow). That being said; just let it play out. Stick to the plan/scheme you made beforehand.

    The Hunted
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Huzaaa !

    Parana blade for the win. :smug:
  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Might as well continue in here, as the poll is broken anyhow.

    So vote

    [ 4 ]..Itza-gana Hurtz Saurus Oldblood
    [ 1 ]..Gustaff Viggost Dwarf Lord

    I put my vote on the Saurus, just cause i favor lizards and I love the piranha blade :)
  20. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    NOOOOOOO!!! PO'TSN PA'NZ!!! YOU WILL BE AVENGED!!! Immune to Killing Blow!? That and his higher initiative were my only advantage! Drat.

    Great write up, Craken. Quite enjoyable to read.

    I vote for Itza-gana Hurtz. (Just realized the use of a major LM city in his name. Clever, n810)

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