8th Ed. First list 1500 pts. C&C needed

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Blood Drinker, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Blood Drinker

    Blood Drinker New Member

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    Hello everyone, this is my first post on the forum.
    I'm a long time vampire counts player and I've decided to start a lizardmen army.
    I usually play with armies sized at about 1500 points, so this is what I'll be working towards.
    This is what I have in mind so far:

    Slann mage-priest
    Cupped hands of the Old Ones
    The focused rumination

    20x Temple Guard, FC

    30x Saurus warriors, FC

    Salamander hunting pack

    Salamander hunting pack

    Saurus scar veteran
    Light armour
    Enchanted shield

    10 skink skirmishers + Brave

    10 Chameleon skinks

    This should total 1499 points. I'm looking foreward to your comments.
    Thanks in advance :)
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Solid list. The only thing I would consider is dropping your Skink Brave in favor of a cheap magic weapon for the Scar-Vet or Revered Guardian.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    You either played versus Lizardmne a lot, read the book very thoroughly, or poked around the forum. That is a pretty "standard" list and it's pretty difficult to poke holes in it and they tend to be personal preferences. It's also nice in that it's pretty balanced regardless of what lore you choose.

    That is almost identical to what my 1500 point would look like with the following minor exceptions:

    -I would go with javelin skirmishers (because I am on Team Javelin in the great debate)
    -I'd give the Salamanders extra handlers (I'd say this is more common sense than personal preference which the other ones are)
    -I would field the Chamo Skinks as two groups of five
    -I'd swap the Scar Veterans equipment for Gambler's Armor and a normal shield, that's slightly better protection for only 3 more points. Enhanted Shield costs 15 points for LM
    -Any points needed to make up the difference would come out of the Saurus Warriors. As long as I have at least 25 models in it (counting the Scar Veteran I'm assuming) I don't mind if it has a clean multiple of 5 Sauri.
    -I'd give the Temple Guard champion or the Slann the Iron Curse Icon (but that's because I tend to face a lot of artillery amongst my common opponents.
  4. Blood Drinker

    Blood Drinker New Member

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    Thank you for your replies!

    I have never before played as or against lizardmen, but I have indeed been reading through the book and the forum a lot. As I've always been a great fan of lizardmen. :rolleyes:

    I think I will definitly field the chameleon skinks as two groups of 5 and I will need to find some points for extra handlers :D

    Also thank you for pointing out the setup of the scar veteran, I totally overlooked that I needed to use the points value of the enchanted shield as registered in the army book. :D
  5. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    The only flaw with the list is the scar-vet. At the moment, he is not doing enough to be in the list at all. I would either spend a bunch more points (cold one and 50 pts of magic) or drop him entirely for more troops.
  6. Blood Drinker

    Blood Drinker New Member

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    I think I will drop the scar veteran for some more troops.
    What would you guys recommend? Some more saurus warriors or an extra unit of skink skirmishers? Or perhaps even 5 more chameleon skinks?

    Thank you for the nice tips so far :)
  7. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Anymore saurus and they should be in two blocks.
    I'd try another set of skirmishers, they are commonly voted as the best units in the game, they just take some practice. Flee and reform and drag other units out of place.

    Does your VC opponent bring spirit hosts? If so then the scar vet does have a place with a magic weapon and a 5 point magic sword for the TG is a good plan.

    That or bring a lore with magic missiles.
  8. Blood Drinker

    Blood Drinker New Member

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    This is what it's going to be:

    Slann mage-priest (Lore of light)
    BSB; banner of eternal flame
    Cupped hands
    Ironcurse icon
    The focused rumination

    20x temple guard, banner and unit champion

    30x saurus warriors, FC

    Salamander + extra handler

    Salamander + extra handler

    10x skink skirmishers

    10x skink skirmishers with javalins

    5 chameleon skinks

    5 chameleon skinks
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    That will handle most things the VC can throw at you handily. There are two things you will struggle with.

    1) ethereal characters buried in units. without magic attacks you can't kill the ethereal characters until theri entire units are dead. Light magical missiles should pummel the crap out of any ethereal stand alone units.

    2) Terrorgheists (I guess at 1500 points you can only face one Terrorgheist). Terrorgheists are probably the nastiest unit on the Vampire Counts army list (at least as far as we Lizardmen are concerned). Since your list doesn't have any high strength attacks you need to spam it with Light magic missiles and direct damage to take it down. If you dont take it out ASAP it will kill a Salamander or unit of Chamo Skinks per round.

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