8th Ed. "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army (updated)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Sealterbloind, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Kai Xla Mundi - "Forgotten law of the World"


    25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts)
    - full command

    25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts)
    - full command

    20x Temple Guard (380 pts)
    - full command
    - Skavenpelt Banner

    Huehepochtli (Slann Mage Priest) (350 pts)
    - Higher state of consiousness
    - Unfathomable presence
    - dispel scroll

    2x Salamander Hunting Pack (150 pts)

    2x Salamander Hunting Pack (150 pts)

    Razordon Hunting Pack (75 pts)

    Razordon Hunting Pack (75 pts)

    Terradon Riders (210 pts)


    This is my first army list ever, so please don't be tough on me ^^"
    I wanted to try out many different things here. Like Salamanders and Terradon Riders. I haven't use them before so I want to see how they act on the field~ This army is going to battle against High Elves first. Wish me luck, I really need it with Elves !
  2. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army


    Army list looks pretty solid, quite a combat heavy list so easy to play

    Salamanders will ruin high elves so are a must against them!

    What lore are you planning on running?

    The Skaven pelt banner can only be taken by a skink chief bsb not temple guard so swap that for the standard of discipline.

    The higher state of consciousness is not that very good when having temple guard, he has to be in that unit and has to be in the second rank so shouldn't be getting hit in combat anyway so the higher state is mostly wasted, you would be better off with focused rumination/focus of mystery/becalming cognition, these are the three best ones
    Unfathomable presence isnt bad but the item obsidian lodestone actually does the same thing for slightly less points

    Do you fancy a scar vet in there somewhere to give you some high strength attacks?

    Also you will need a BSB so make the slann the BSB too
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    Solid list versus High Elves. Salamanders brutalize everything on the HE list other than Eagles, Dragon Knights, and Elyrian Reavers and the Razordons should be able to keep the Reavers and Eagles off your Salamanders (Dragon Knights require something tougher if he takes them).

    The Salamanders don't need an extra handler because they are running pairs, but I think the Razordons could use an extra handler given that they slightly more prone to misfire than Salamanders and because single warbeasts in general benefit a lot from the fourth handler.

    I would recomend that you swap your Slann's disciplines for something else. Focused Rumination is easily the best discipline we have well let you cast lots of spells. Focus of Mystery is nice too but if this is your first game you probably don't need lore mastery, it might be easier to run with just four spells.

    Higher State of Cousciousness is great--for Slann wtihout Temple Guard. Since your Slann can't be struck by most nonmagical attacks until most/all of the Temple Guard are dead, so the extra protection from the disciplines is likely to go to waste. Unfathomable Presence isn't bad since the Magic Resistance carries over to your Temple Guard but you can do the same effect for cheaper with Magic Resistance bestowing Talismans from thh main rule book.

    Probably more detail than you need for your first game but a very handsome forumite wrote this thread about High Elves.

  4. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    my advice is to take the becalming cogitation. Some HE players think they are the master of magic. This could show him that's wrong :smug:
  5. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    isnt the skavenpelt banner skink only?
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    I disagree. Your first game will set a precedent. If you want set a precedent of being a mean power player, take Becalming Cognition.
  7. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    Yup, I pointed that out in my first post, the TG standard bearer can't take it
  8. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    Re: "Kai Xla Mundi" 2000 pts army

    Whoops, well, this was my first one, so I make mistakes.

    We took a match against the High Elves yesterday (with that list, because I didn't get to read this before it) and my army managed to fight really well. I lost but I fought back pretty well it wasn't a straight wipe out for High Elves.

    For now, I just have to make those changes you all pointed out. I'm so new player so I asked for help at my boyfriend but he haven't played Lizardmen so he doesn't know them eather :') We thought that Slann is BSB automaticly but that turned out during the game yesterday, and we didn't notice that Skavenpelt Banner was only for Skink Chief *facepalm*

    I took Lore of Light. Those disciplines we chose for Slann was pretty experimental, so better knowledge next time! And thanks for pointing out the Lodestone, I have to take a look at that. There was no Scar Veteran or Oldblood in my army.

    Scalenex pointed out that Razordons would need an extra handler and they sure needed that yesterday: Razordons were pissed out for some reasons and that ate all they're handlers BUT continued the battle : D Salamanders act nice and were very useful.

    But hey, thanks alot ! I would handle these changes and maybe I'll take a rematch ! ;) I'll let you know when I have modified this list !
  9. Sealterbloind
    Cold One

    Sealterbloind Active Member

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    25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts)
    - full command

    25x Saurus Warrior (305 pts)
    - full command

    20x Temple Guard (370 pts)
    - full command
    - Gold Sigil Sword (revered guardian)

    Huehepochtli (Slann Mage Priest) (420 pts)
    - The focused Rumination
    - Focus of Mystery
    - Dispel scroll
    - Obsidian Loadstone

    2x Salamander Hunting Pack (150 pts)

    2x Salamander Hunting Pack (150 pts)

    Razordon Hunting Pack (75 pts)

    Razordon Hunting Pack (75 pts)

    5x Terradon Riders (150 pts)


    So here's my updated Kai Xla Mundi :) Please give me some feedback, is it better now?
  10. Hinds

    Hinds New Member

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    What do you plan on using your terradons for? Imo you have too many in that unit, but it might work depending on what you use them for. For warmachine huting you can only have 2 in the combat vs warmachines if memory serves me. I'd go for 3 terradons but 5 can work too. I'd like to take a few skinks too, but overall a solid list. If it was me I'd swap the razordons for either more sallies or skinks, but that is a personal preference :)

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