8th Ed. What do you want for new Lizzies

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Moustache, Aug 24, 2012.


What type of models do you want released?

  1. Unit

    2 vote(s)
  2. Cavalry

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  3. Lord/Hero

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  4. Rare

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  1. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Lol nice profile pic arli! Is that the count punching Edward from twilight? (I hope so)
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Yes, it is. That what a REAL vampire looks like. LOL :D
  3. nathanbomb6

    nathanbomb6 New Member

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    I thought of an idea of having something treated as a chariot but like a stegadon, it's basically an Ankylosaurus or something like that with saurus or skinks on the dinosaur. it;l be pretty cool also with some added stand like the stegadon but not as big.

    Picture of Ankylosaurus (not totally clear):
  4. zamtap

    zamtap New Member

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    or the first 2 dinosaurs on a spaceship for those who watch dr who
  5. liath

    liath New Member

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    My vote would be for skink attendants (or at least some rule so that a skink could use something other than Heavens)

    A big beastie

    Bring the relic priests back into the game, maybe something about the different spawnings of slann?
  6. Mordegald
    Jungle Swarm

    Mordegald New Member

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    A new unit or two might be nice. I've heard that in older editions (like the army name was Slann instead of Lizardmen kind of old) there was an option to take units of lobotomized human/elf/dwarf/whatever invaders as troops. Bringing that back might give us a much-desired (dunno about needed, but definitely desired) disposable unit in the vein of Skaven Slaves. Plus it'd be fluffy as all hell in a list with Mazdamundi.

    I'm not really sold on Lizzie war machines. We've more or less got that already, between Stegadons and the Hunting Packs. In particular, I would very much not like to see traditional bolt thrower/cannon/catapult stuff. It just wouldn't fit thematically (the Giant Bow is already pushing it IMHO). Some kind of Old One device could be cool, but we already have the Engine of the Gods, so that niche is kind of filled. Give it a miss, I guess.

    One thing I would really like is a little more variability and versatility with Skink Priests. At this point their only really viable use (at least in my somewhat limited experience) besides taking the Engine is spamming either Iceshard Blizzard (if you roll poorly) or Comet of Cassandora (if you roll really well), and maybe carrying a Dispel Scroll so the Slann's free to chill with the Cube of Darkness. You're basically required to give them the Cloak of Feathers if you want them to survive more than two turns, as evidenced by the fact that GW made a skink priest model with a feathered cloak on it to keep things WYSIWYG. Most damingly, though, they mean that Lizardmen have basically no magical staying power in games where a Slann is too much of an investment, or simply not allowed (I'm looking at you, 1,000 points). Compare to, say, Skaven, who can rock a level 4 Grey Seer in any point limit you care to name. I'm not saying make Skink Priests who can content with a Slann or something one-on-one, but at least give them some new tricks that are worth taking. Access to one or two other Lores would be nice, for example; or maybe even a Level 3 option that could be taken as a general. There's possibility here, it's just going sadly unexplored.
  7. Moustache

    Moustache New Member

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    Dinosaurs! On a spaceship! Also, bow-ties are cool.
  8. carno

    carno New Member

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    horned one cavalry, elite saurus , Lord choice skinks and war beasts would be nice

  9. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    New monster cavalry

    Bring back Horned One cavalry

    Reduced point cost on CoC so the new guys don't make them obsolete and waste all of our models

    Improvement to skink priests so Oldblood can be more viable

    Improve the razordons. Maybe keep their shooting as is but give them something nasty for COMBAT. Sals stay superior at ranged, but razors make more sense to shoot and then charge them/take a charge? Those models are too nice looking to never be used.

    Big new dinosaur kit, but not at the cost of the Steg.

    Sacred Spawnings or weapon/armor options for Saurus and TG

    Plastic skink musician/bannerman models

    Saurus hero models with GW/spear/halberd for foot and mounted
  10. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    I was looking at lizardmen fluff stuff from the wide world of the web and found some interesting birds living in the southern planes of lustria called Culchan. What I've find they are flightless birds and are rideable


    What do you think about skinks riding some of these birds? Would you like it? What kind of role would it have? Or would they compete on the same role as terradons or could terradons be given a different role? At least it would be something different :p
  11. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Someone made one of those. I think it would be a neat fast cavalry option. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/WARHAMMER-GIANT-CARNIVOROUS-BIRD-CULCHAN-C29-PAINTED-/00/s/MTA2NlgxNjAw/$(KGrHqFHJB8E7y)8tZ1LBPByNbgmO!~~60_35.JPG

    I think monstrous cavalry would be neat. Maybe make regular stegadons some sort of monstrous cavalry, and then Ancients as montsers? I don't know.

    I also would love something to make Oldbloods more viable.
  12. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Someone mentioned a new idea. Kroxigors pushing some sort of engine or device. Would be a cool looking model. Big base though.
  13. Bearded_Dragon

    Bearded_Dragon New Member

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    They need their own lore.....even stupid orcs have a lore....lore of the old ones would be sweet.
  14. Pyre

    Pyre Member

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    What I want and what I expect are two completely different things.

    1) Slann are going to get beat with the nerf stick... for days on end. Taking that into account, I'd like to see the number of Disciplines limited (maybe three) and the Disciplines given appropriate costs. They did a good job with the vampires, just applying that here rather than completely destroying them would be a dream come true.

    2) I like the idea of a lore for the Lizards, as has been mentioned. I think it could go one of two ways: something akin to High magic or Tzeetch magic and manipulate the magic phase itself; a lore that manipulates terrain or the battlefield itself (changing/moving terrain or some kind of weather effects).

    3) Make Old Bloods more interesting. Maybe give them their own traits, like permanent magical enhancements that have been cast on them over time. It might be a bit much having two lists of abilities, plus a separate lore, but I'm dreaming here.

    4) Our hero selection isn't too bad. I like skink chiefs, and give priests a little more variety in lores and I think they're fine. I'd like to see a Kroxigor hero as well, a big bruising hero. Maybe make either the scar vet or the chieftain a "beast master" to access #9 and #10 below.

    5) Give Saurus more equipment options: halberds, great weapons, even heavy armor with appropriate costs. Also let one unit take a magic standard.

    6) Let skink cohorts take spears and/or short bows. I think cohorts should have forest strider as well as water, as long as there are no Krox in the unit.

    7) Switch the cost for javelin and shield vs. blow pipes. Wait, so one thrown weapon is better than a 2 shot long range weapon?!

    8) Cut the cost of jungle swarms in half, or close to it, and allow them to count as core. If worried about an all swarm army (why they would I don't know), then tie them to the number of skinks.

    9) Allow terradons to be taken with and without skink riders.

    10) Add a ground based monstrous beast, maybe something like a Postosuchus, with and without skink riders.

    11) Change cold ones to raptors, our mounts don't live in dark caves. Add a medium sized therapod, I can't think of the name of one right now, as saurus monstrous cavalry. Personally I think our monstrous cavalry should be all about high toughness and wounds rather than armor, and maybe with regeneration.

    More to come, I got to eat.

  15. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    My Primary Want: Sacred Spawnings to come back, I didn't play during the time that they had them but I have my Saurus Warriors painted as Sotek and My Spearmen painted Topek. Opens up more options for Saurus Warriors that they could definitely use.

    Other than that:

    Lore of the Old Ones for Slann (We have deserved this for a while)
    Having our Special Characters be fixed so they are useful
  16. Bearded_Dragon

    Bearded_Dragon New Member

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    A SKINK LORD option....with different mount options apart from the terradon and stegadon.
  17. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I'm not really convinced a unique Slann lore is either totally necessary or particularly fluffy. From a mechanical perspective, rule book lores have been heavily toned down compared to the BRB. You can take that as you will: its possible that its a deliberate design decision by GW that unique lores are weaker so that there are fewer hangovers between edition changes (See: Lore of Tzeentch & Lore of Dark Magic, both of which are highly effective with extremely low casting values now that you take magic level in to account), and the BRB rules are the default go-to ones, making them easier to balance between editions.

    Either way, I don't see how a unique lore could be beneficial for gameplay terms - what could it do that Life or Light don't already do, and do very well indeed?

    Additionally, I have always felt that unique lores are a reflection of the race that uses them, developed in particular circumstances. I don't see Slann or Lizardmen as particularly intuitive or creative: thats why the Old Ones made Elves and Men. Lizardmen are the specialised redundancy. They are very, very good at what they are told to do - ie, the standard 6 lores of magic - but not particularly good at coming up with new things to do.

    I look at Skink lords the same way. Other than a level 3 who has access to other lores than Heavens but cheaper than a Slann, what other purpose could a Skink Lord serve? If you want a kitted out combat Lord, Oldbloods are going to be better than a Skink. If you want cheaper combat character, Scar-Veterans fill that niche. If you want to dominate magic, Slann are going to be better than a level 3. Even if you just want to be competent in magic, two level 2s or a 2 and a 1 and a sprinkling of arcane items does the same job that a level 3 does. Look at the number of lists that use 3s these days and you see hardly any, because its a very limited niche that hero mages fill. Sure, its an additional option but you have options in hero selection.

    What I would like to see are new options of a completely different kind, with heroes filling brand new roles rather than existing ones that we have. Lizardmen don't have the equivalent Warpriests, Witchhunters, Engineers, Necrotects, Banshees and so on. Lets get some of these character options that add synergy: Relic Priests that grant bonuses to nearby units, Skink Prophets like Tehenhauin with unique bound spells, and so on.
  18. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Yes, that would be cool. Like a Skink Beastmaster that lets you re-roll Salamander/Razordon artillery dice. Or as an upgrade for Stegs to let them re-roll charge distance or makes them Unbreakable. Or if he goes with Terradons to let them drop rocks twice!

    I'd really like to see the Skink/Krox spawn-kin relationship be expanded a bit more, maybe letting Skink Chiefs or Priests take a Kroxigor bodyguard upgrade or something similar.
  19. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Wow! You should work for GW. Those are some fantastic ideas!

    Good Job!
  20. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Exactly something like that, Qupakoco. Eternity Warden heroes who also function like Tomb Heralds, except they are actually worth a damn, would also be nice. Perhaps they debuff the enemy in some way.

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