Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 3* RESULTS on page 5

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Craken, Dec 30, 2012.


Who do you think is going to survive the first round (listed in order they fight)

  1. Krusher MaceMaw Ogre Tyrant

    1 vote(s)
  2. Lord de Cochon Bretonnian Lord

    0 vote(s)
  3. Gustaff Viggost Dwarf Lord

    0 vote(s)
  4. Itza-gana Hurtz Saurus Oldblood

    0 vote(s)
  5. Twinklin' Liddlestar Savage Orc Warboss

    0 vote(s)
  6. Po'tsn Pa'nz Skink Chief

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Great battle writeup thanks.
    Pirhana blade is gonna be excellent my money is on the saurus for the long win.

    Nice rolling of two heroic killing blows.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Excellent writeup!
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys glad you liked it, rolling up the next round now.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I don't want to sound like I'm contesting Gustaff's crushing victory, but did Po'tsn use his 6+ Regen save? Not that it would have really mattered since the Dwarf Lord was Killing Blow-proof. Just curious.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 1* and Voting thread

    I did, I just never did it in my write up, I didn't forget though, I promise.
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    I forgot to mention it earlier, but....

    Great write up and we appreciate you doing this!
  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Ofcourse I have to vote for my hard-as-rock Dwarf!

    It's gonna be a tough (and long) one I guess, and I hope that my Dwarf can stand the overwhelming assault from the towering Saurus.

    Though it seems the odds are not in my favor...just the way I like it!

    And indeed Craken, this is awesome to read :)

    The Hunted
  8. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Round 2 action photo:

  9. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Thanks again guys

    Awesome pic Qupakoco!!
  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    That picture needs a battle-cry from my dwarf, which is easy:

    "Not the Beard!!"

    :), it looks awesome. The vast size difference and raw power vs just Dwarven toughness. Cool.

    The Hunted
  11. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Blast! Ah well, it takes a green skin to beat a green skin. Go Itza-gana hurt for the win!

    And as everyone else said, great write-up! Thanks for taking the time to do it so well.
  12. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* RESULTS on page 4

    ROUND 2

    Itza-gana Hurtz vs Gustaff Viggost

    The gate opens for the massive saurus decked out in heavy hides of other scaled creatures. The air is filled with tiny flakes of snow gently falling around the arena. At the opposite side the gate opens for the dwarf lord, he enters much the same as before, showing no fear to another lizard creature.

    They rush at each other, the saurus screaming a guttural roar, that would put fear in most beings, but dwarfs were made of tougher stuff, and he urged his men to carry him forward with but a simple word. Itza-gana leaped forward a top the shield, slamming the massive blade into the dwarf with a blinding fury, two were deflected by the dwarfs war axe, the third hit the dwarfs glistening armour, but did not penetrate. The last, crunched into the armour and looked as though it was going to open, but suddenly a burst of blue energy flashed from one of the runes on the dwarf mail; a red energy flashed on the saurus' necklace simultaneously, but seemed to have no effect over the repelling of his blade through magical means. The dwarf retaliated, surprised by the power of the lizardman, he struck the beast three times, but couldn't get through the protection the hides brought his opponent. The shield beares from beneath the shield managed to manoeuvre the shield so the lizardman, fell to the ground, they swung at him with axes, as he landed, but couldn't injure the saurus either.

    Itza-gana hopped back to his feet quickly, and returned to swinging at the dwarf a top the shield, Gustaff was more ready for him this time and was able to deflect all but one attack, which bounced off his armour with no sign of breakage. He swung back at the saurus, finding his only one of his own attacks hitting the saurus in the chest, but the scales proved stronger than he expected, working almost as well as the fines dwarf mail. The shield bearers from beneath attacked as well, with a hit of their own, though it as well failed to pierce the tough hide.

    A moment of fear passed through the dwarf as he was unsure of his fate for the first time in his long life, but he managed to over come the fear, and give his opponent a grim look of determination, the lizard would die at his hands. The saurus chopped at the dwarf Lord viciously but the dwarf deflected the attacks with seeming ease. Though his defence was great, the fear that was creeping on him affected his attack, and all his swings seemed wild and sloppy, all missing their target. One shield bearer did manage to strike a blow to the leg of the saurus but it was deflected of the creatures scales.

    Itza-gana saw the faltering blows of the dwarf and returned with his onslaught of swings, though only two met their mark, and those again only glancing blows that bounced off the shining mail of the dwarf. The dwarf responded in kind, but similar to the oldblood none could draw blood, even his bearers from underneath could only hit the massive beast, but none could find an opening in his defence.

    Enraged by the lack of damage his last round of attacks inflicted, the saurus put all his strength into his next set of attacks forgoing all defence, letting his hide take care of his defence. The dwarf moved side to side avoiding the first three overpowering slices, the last connecting to the massive shield he stood upon. The fourth strike slammed into his armour, it glistened retaliating the blow, but knocking the wind out of the dwarf, the last slammed into his chest the runes began to glow but the energy faltered and the blade cleaved deep into the armour and deep into the chest of the dwarf. He bellowed in pain, swinging back trying to make an offensive but the pain was unbearable at the moment and though a few found their mark, none where strong enough to injure the saurus. The shield bearers hearing the cry of pain from their master forgot their attacks and ran back carrying their master away from the terrible beast, Itza-gana was surprised by the cowardice and reached for the shield but fell short.

    Lord Gustaff Viggost shouted at the shield bearers below in old dwarven, "What are you doing! Back to battle, I will not be disgraced!", the shield bearers turned and faced the saurus, though the feared for their master as his blood trickled down from the shield above them. The saurus charged at the dwarf again, swinging his massive blade at the dwarf again, but all were deflected. The dwarf struck back, the first two attacks deflected by the piranha blade, the second hit but only hit the heavy armour of the saurus, the last stuck the exposed shoulder of the oldblood cutting into it drawing blood. Itza-gana roared as the pain registered in his mind. "I shall take you one piece at a time." said the dwarf with a wicked grin. The dwarfs from underneath struck as well but again could not find an opening.

    Itza-gana was in pain, but that only fuelled his battle hunger, he assaulted the dwarf again with heavy swing after heavy swing. Only two hits connected with the dwarf, hitting his armour, which seemed to waiver from the impact, but the glowing runes, seemed to keep the armour together through magical means. The dwarf struck back, with two of his own attacks connecting with the saurus armour, but again the hides repelled his blade and that of his shield bearers.

    Again a odd fear passed through the dwarf, and again he managed to retain his composure, even though the blood loss was beginning to effect his balance. The saurus was relentless, with another two powerful blows slamming into his armour, though his runes where working keeping the blows from doing damage. The dwarf swung back, though two hits slammed against the saurus armour, Gustaff's attacks were too weakened by the blood loss to pass through the armour. One shield bearer from below, as well hit the saurus but it was deflected by the hides as well.

    Gustaff stumbled on the shield as the heavy attacks came at him, he avoided the first three, the fourth slammed into his armour, the runes lit again, but then from overuse shattered, the fifth a powerful overhand swing came down chopping the dwarf from the right shoulder blade down to the left hip, shattering the dwarven mail, and causing blood and organs to spill atop the shield. Gustaff tumbled off the massive which followed him to the ground. In shock, the dwarfs underneath turned to see their master fall, they didn't even get to see the lizardman as he lopped off both their heads with one mighty swing.

    Itza-gana Hurtz bellowed a cry of victory as he stood before the blood soaked ground.

    ((Battle break down
    Round 1
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear(3)>4 hits>4 wounds>2 saved with first armor>saved 1 with armor reroll>ward saved last wound, even with reroll
    Dwarf>3 hits>2 wounds>both saved
    Shield bearers>1 hit>no wound
    Round 1: Dead even

    Round 2
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear(5)>1 hit>1 wound>saved
    Dwarf>2 hits>1 wound>saved
    Shield bearers>1 hit>no wound
    Round 2: Dead even

    Round 3
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear barely (9)>4 hits>no wounds!!
    Dwarf>No hits (ALL ONES)
    Shield bearers>1 hit>no wounds
    Round 3: Dead even

    Round 4
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear (7)>2 hits>no wounds
    Dwarf>2 hits>no wounds
    Shield bearers>1 hit>no wounds
    Round 4: Dead even

    Round 5
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear (2)>2 hits>2 wounds>1 saved>1 wound doubles to 2
    Dwarf>1 hit>1 wound>saved
    Shield bearers>no hits
    Round 5: Dwarf takes 2 wounds>FLEES! (10) 5 inches> saurus fails to catch 4 inches

    Round 6
    Saurus>Dwarf passes rallies, passes fear (2)>Charges>4 hits>1 wound>saved
    Dwarf>2 hits>1 wound>1 wound
    Shield bearers>1 hit>1 wound>saved
    Round 6: Tie>Lizard +1 charge, dwarf 1 with wound

    Round 7
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear (5)>2 hits>2 wounds>failed>reroll save
    Dwarf>2 hits>1 wound>saved
    Shield bearerst>2 hits>no wound
    Round 7: even again

    Round 8
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear barely(9)>3 hits>2 wounds>both saved
    Dwarf>2 hits>no wounds
    Shield bearerst>1 hits>1 wound>saved
    Round 8: even again

    Round 9
    Saurus>Dwarf passes fear(5)>2 hits>1 wound>save failed>save FAILED AGAIN>1 wound = 2
    Round 9: dead DWARF!!
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Wow What an Epic battle. :jawdrop:
    But in the end the will of the Old Ones prevailed. :smug:
  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* RESULTS on page 4

    I know 9 Rounds!!!

    I think the next will go a lot faster, my guess is two rounds max, but I may be wrong.

    I'm going for the saurus again, I wish death upon my creation.

  15. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Whew! Quite the duel. Excellent read too.

    Lizardmen vs Bretonnian? It's like a 5th edition box set throwback battle! I vote for Itza-gana again.
  16. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Great write up! I am still pulling for the saurus, but the brett lord will bring killing blow to the fight.
  17. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* and Voting thread

    Greenskins woo! Excellent write-up. I can't believe it went 9 rounds! Does Itza-gana have any ward save? This could get messy, quickly.
  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* RESULTS on page 4

    No just the 2+ armor save that the dwarfs just could never seem to crack
  19. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* RESULTS on page 4

    I imagine the toughness 6 helped as well. ;)
  20. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Re: AoD: Winter War *Round 2* RESULTS on page 4

    Yes it defiantly did

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