So I just bought a second oldblood/scar vet, and I was hoping to be wysiwyg and give him a greatweapon. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can convert him to have a greatweapon? I have spare halberds from my temple guard, but thats about the only large sized weapon i have. I could try my hand at sculpting one, but I've never done anything besides cosmetic fixes, terrain, and other small things with greenstuff, so i dont know where to begin with that. Ideas?
You could probaly carefuly slice some bits off the plasiic halbreds to make them look more like a great weapon.... baybe glue on some of the extra parts from the extra calvery kit.
I have seen a great weapon mace made from the saurus snake standard, not sure where the link is though.
Hello! Here's a nathanbomb's version of a self-made great weapon, maybe the one Arli was referring to: It's a good bit down the first post, a third series of pictures. Of course, this one is on a Kroxygor, so on Oldblood it might look a bit too big, but you can shorten the standard pieces or something. Good luck with the modelling!
I've made a bigger weapon like this: cut off the normal weapon and glue spear shafts on the hand (this might need some trimming or green stuff to keep it standing). Next, I glued together 4 skink brave weapons back to back and glued that on top of the spear shaft.
You guys are awesome, making a greatweapon out of the skink blades or saurus standards is easy, free, and good looking, which are the ideal combination. I'm going to try them out tonight and see what looks good. Thanks!
Late reply, but, what about cutting the standard off of the standard bearers pole from the Saurus kit, then cut that down a little. Put the club on the end, then green stuff to make the club look bigger?