I saw the egg carton thread and became curious what everyone uses to transport their models. Back in 5th/6th Edition when I played Lizardmen I used GW's standard carrying case but was never too happy with it. Too many broken blowpipes. My army will be fieldable in a couple months so have started thinking about how i am going to transport them. What does everyone use? GW case? Army Transport bag? Battle Foam PACK bag? Pluckfoam in random container? Something homemade?
I'm a fan of magnetizing movement trays to the models, and just carting them about in some storage boxes, but if I was doing some proper moving, I'd want to magnetize the movement trays to the boxes as well. It's not a terribly hard job either, just a little planning.
I'll third the suggestion for magnetizing everything - I hate waiting half an hour just for an opponent to take each model out of its individual compartment before we can even think about playing. Once magnetized to the movement trays, I use Sterlite stackable ornament boxes (with the cardboard inserts removed). They are good sized, and you can just snap on an extra box when your army expands. They are pretty expensive at Amazon, but you might be able to find some in the after-Christmas clearance racks for next to nothing. http://www.amazon.com/Stack-Seasona...58430789&sr=8-2&keywords=ornament+box+storage
Looks like I need to look into magnetizing some movement trays Besides, I rather spend more money on models than cases and foam. The time-saving on setting upside also a great point.
I use the same type of container. I really like the modularity of these boxes. The only downside is the little plastic lips that they use to stack and connect are prone to breaking. As long as you are careful, it is not really an issue. I have recently seen these for sale at Walmart even.