7th Ed. Southlands

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Fall3n_Ang3l, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    Hey all.

    just started playing a southlands army and was wondering if anyone had an tips or great tactics that work well for the southlands

    so far i have played 3 games one at 1000 one at 1250 and one at 1500 and i have won them all.

    just trying to get the maximum out of my army.

  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Grats on the wins and welcome to the site :)

    I've never used a Southlands list, quite surprising considering the amount of games I'v played using the lizardmen! I guess it just didn't appeal to me :p

    More than likely you will learn the most through experience. As much as it pains me to say it, you actually learn the most through losing a game, you tend to analyse it more and think "where did I go wrong? what can I do to stop it happening next time?"

    Hopefully some other members might be able to give you some more explicit tips and tactics! :D
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Oh good, yeah I play almost only southlands armies (except when I want that 2nd generation slann). Congratulations on the wins so far, but I must warn you that as the points level increases, the southlands list becomes more difficult to play with (as we need more space to maneuver, and our lord choices are sub-par).

    However, I must ask you what the list you use is, as there are several paths that Southlands armies can take, just as in standard Lizardmen. For example, my current skink list uses 160 skinks armed with short bows, but the CC Special-heavy list works completely differently.
  4. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    well my 1500 points list is sumthn like this

    3 priests lvl 2.
    one with scout one with diadem of power and one with rod of the storm

    4 units of 10 skirmishers
    1 with scout and blowpipes 2 with short bows and 1 with javs

    1 unit of 20 cohorts
    with standard

    2 jungle swarms

    3 kroxigors

    3 terradons

    6 cham skinks

    2 sal hunting packs

    um it usually goes somthing like
    aim for all shooty untis and take them out whilst i do combined chrages with cohorts, krox, sal, terradons and swarms to break the enemy.

    simple yet effective
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Firstly, drop the skink cohorts. They are never worth their points. I understand if they have proven useful, but for their points you can get more bang for your buck. Static CR is nice, but the Southlands list really relies upon a more MSU approach.
  6. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    yeah thats the only reason i took them.

    wat do u suggest to replace them?

    another unit of krox.

    or more sallies and terradons?
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well that completely depends on your playing style. There are 4 distinct ways that you can play Southlands effectively (that i have seen). There is the first way, in which you field as many priests as possible, but such a prosaic approach doesnt take much other army design. The second approach is to field a large proportion of skinks w/short bows+chamo skinks, in which case you are playing a points denial list where mobile units that can deal ranged damage (i.e. Salamanders, and to a lesser extent Terradons) will be more useful. There is also a mobile CC MSU list, in which case horned riders w/huanchi, kroxigors w/skink screens, and 5-6 strong Terradon units can be used for CC, in which case I would suggest beefing up all your CC units to the standard 2k size (i.e. 4 Krox, 4-5 in a Terrie unit at least if they're seeing combat, 3 for Sallies, etc.). Then there is the total MSU list, in which rather than mobility, there is a stress on hitting power, with Stegadons w/chiefs, kroxigors, FSOD, JSOD, and a smattering of skinks and terries to command the movement phase.

    To me, the problem is that it looks like you have a jack of all trades, master of none approach. If you have a specific strategy in mind, it is that which will largely decide how you will build upon your list.
  8. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    i c wat u mean. i will ponder on this...

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