8th Ed. 3000 light/death the result

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by angry lizard, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. angry lizard

    angry lizard New Member

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    Just wanted to thank you guys for the advice with this list. although my empire opponents luck was out last night the below army took him[a very exp empire player] apart.
    the high point was my little skink chief Hua the small jumping on his death wizard lord on a peguses from behind and killing him in turn 2 leaving my death slann free to start picking off buffing empire characters and my life slann to heal everyone up and dweller the shit out of alot of spearmen.

    Life slann[general]
    focused rumination, focus of mystery
    iron curse icon.
    cupped hands

    death slann[battle stand]
    higher state, be-calming cog
    huanchis blessed totem

    l.armour, shield
    gold sigil sword, glimmer armour[-1 to hit wearer]enchanted shield

    potion of speed, pihranha blade, luckstone gamblers armour

    skink priest[lev2]
    cube of darkness

    skink priest [lev2]
    dispel scroll

    skink chief
    sword of might
    cloak of feathers
    piegeon pendant [5+ ward against flyers]

    27 saurus with h.weapon,shield and command group

    27 saurus with h.weapon,shield and command group

    29 skinks with 3 krox, command group and chief

    steg with giant bow

    2 units of 5 cami skinks

    2 packs of 2 salamanders with extra handlers.
  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Awesome- I'm always rooting for the Sknk Chiefs, good to see that he got to be a game-changer!

    Just one more point, though... Scar-Vet 1 is still illegal, as he has two items of magic armor.

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