hey all even thou i have a 3500pt army of lizardmen i have only been collecting them for about 1 year now, my main army however are the WE. I decided to go with a white skin with black scales army theme. i have only managed to paint one unit of skinks w/javilens with red coloured javs and blue sheilds so far. sorry if i ask many newb Qs i havent had much opportunity to play games with the lizards yet. i am starting to head to GW on my days off to practice with some 1000 and 1500 pt armies. i have to say the flexability of magic with the lizards is great... one thing that attracted me to the army. well thats a breif histroy about my experience with the lizardmen. cheers
Welcome to LO! We certainly can rock socks in the magic phase. The Lizardmen army can be quite flexible in all phases of the game as well since we have an abundance of quick skirmishers, decent shooting (not as strong as WE though), and solid combat blocks all around. Don't hesitate to post some army lists or put up a few pictures of your army in the painting section.