If your referring to the fact that it doesn't cover very well on the first coat no it doesn't Rather than thicken your better off applying a couple thinner coats. If its thicker or you try and glob it on to get coverage you'll lose the details and the end result won't look great.
Yes, many thin coats is the way to go. You should also paint the gold parts brown first. The brown base-layer does wonders for making the gold stuff look thicker.
This used to drive me insane till I picked up Gehenna's Gold (Citadel Layer) which covers most everything in 2 coats (sometimes 1). It's far better than the older golds which took 10-15 coats lol
Seems like it worked for you! But yeah, any brown will be ok. I guess that middle brown would give the best results. A tan or a near black-brown color would probably still give the same splotchy coverage issues. I'll have to look into this stuff.
I've had some luck if I let the paint dry on the brush a bit before starting painting. That reduces gold down to two or three coats instead of four or five.
I'll echo the Gehenna's Gold over a brown base coat. I'm working on uploading my pictures, but I've had a great experience with this technique.
I just added my paint log. Everything that you see there that's gold got the following treatment: Black primer. Deathclaw Brown basecoat Gehenna's Gold layer Seraphim Sepia wash/shade I'll probably grab the Citadel Dry: Golden Griffon in order highlight some areas the next time I'm in the shop, but I'm pretty please with the current result.