Jade Goody's publicity

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Sammy the Squib, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    There are a lot of people who think she is shameless to let the media pretty much document her final months. There are other people who think she has done a lot to raise cancer awareness and also if you could make money to secure your children's future, wouldn't you?

    What do you think?
  2. kakashi-sensi

    kakashi-sensi New Member

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    I personaly cant wait for this all to end, due to the fact millions of people die because of cancer.

    But one person who is a celebrity gets cancer and the world stops. Its pathetic.

    Sorry to all who believes this as harsh, but of course it is only an opinionated answer.
  3. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    I saw a picture of her in the paper yesterday, and basically all it was a model'esq picture of her with no hair and naked. (From at least the waist up (It wasn't a full picture.))
    To me, that isn't raising any sort of awareness, other than, "I'm Jade, I'm not a foul mouthed bully and racist idiot, honest, cause I'm dying!"

    Now granted, I've recently seen cervical cancer adverts on the TV, and great. But she hasn't been in them.

    What I found funny, was that the day she died, the family came out with this statement saying. "Please give us time for private grieving."
    Okay, fair enough. Thats understandable. But the very next day, they were being interviewed again. :rolleyes:

    TBH, I have to admit that one main reason I've not liked her getting all of this attention is that two weeks ago one of my best mates from school died out in Afgan. And he didn't even get a 1/4 of a page in the papers.
    The Sun gave Jade 27 of them. The same paper that printed these in 2002 and 2007:


    As for the kids, I can't help but think they will grow up thinking that they might be able to play and earn money on their mothers death, at least when their older anyway.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I think its pretty stupid.. Agree with kakashi-sensi. News seems to have a very very slanted view on what real news is. Constantly I see sport news on the front cover, usually a minor controversy surrounding a player, then many pages in a big disaster in some part of the world where lots of people died. I haven't bothered reading any of the articles on Goody, because I don't think its worth reading.
  5. Pavillios

    Pavillios New Member

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    Whenever I saw Jade Goody on TV, she always came accross as a nasty piece of work. It didn't appear to be an act either.

    Much as I detested her, I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody, and 27 years old is just too young to go. I think it's a good thing that she passed away fairly quickly after coming out of hospital as I reckon both jade and the press/media were up for a long drawn out public demise. Some of it was getting quite uncomfortable to watch. I think the most disgraceful incident was when she originally got the news about having cancer live on the Indian Big Brother set. Also, I didn't like seeing the wedding footage where her kids seemed to be like extras in a soap opera (although her groom needing early release and a curfew relaxed to attend the wedding is like something out of an Eastenders script).

    Like others, I am dubious about the cancer awareness Jade raised. But if just one life gets saved because of it, that's got to be good.

    The biggest legacy Jade left is a new definition of fame. You no longer have to be talented, powerful, liked, awesome, all-saving, intelligent etc. Thanks to reality shows and the supporting media, people can now be famous for being famous!
  6. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    "A single death is a tragedy a million deaths is a statistic" (Josef Stalin) seems quite apt to explain the situation.

    Also shown in Corey Delaney (note: only famous in Australia) and Paris Hilton.
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I was going to mention Corey Delaney, but I didn't think anyone would know him. What a complete wa**er, I'd follow the trend and bash him if I met him. Arrogant prune. Luckily media coverage on him has died down.
  8. kakashi-sensi

    kakashi-sensi New Member

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    I know about this one the Australian Boy who got famous online.
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah... Famous in the news too here. He basically threw a huge party while his parents were away, the police had to settle it down, then he was arrogant and didn't apologize or go home to talk to his parents. Definitely fame in the making.

    On the topic of publicity, I really hate how the media boost things like this so much. They go on and on about how sports stars need to set a good example to the community, but really it is the media that sets the bad example. They don't go around flaunting their drug habits or binge drinking, it is the media that hypes it up and tells everyone about it. If they just STFU no one would know and there would be no bad example.
  10. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    Its why I hate the media. Its all about selling papers and getting more ratings over the other networks. Never really about the news.
    I mean, you only have to look at the example I gave before with the Sun.

    Its okay to hate Jade, but the moment it turns out she has cancer, Such a brave woman! BUY OUR NOOS PAPPAH NOU!"!1!! LOK WE HAV TOO MOAR PAGEZ THAN DAT PAPPEH!!1

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