Hi Everyone!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by dragodog, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. dragodog

    dragodog New Member

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    Greetings all. This is DragoDog. This is the first time I have joined a Warhammer web community, despite the fact I have been playing since 1994. I love playing Lizardmen, ever since I got my first Saurus Warriors from that Bretonian/Lizardmen starter box set. Loved how the model designs have improved (except for the stegadon) and have always the mythos behind the race.

    I am currently working on a new Lizardmen army, the biggest army I have ever worked on yet! I guess its my fascination with dinosaurs, pre-Columbian archaeology and table top war-gaming that makes me a Lizardmen fan. Good to meet you all.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Welcome! Solid choice for a first Warhammer community. This is probably the most friendly Warhammer community available. We tend not to do as much infighting as the lesser races do.

    Looking forward to your contributions!

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