2013 New Years Painting/Converting Resolution

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Scalenex, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    So here’s my proposal for the 2013 pledge. Qupapoko and Old Mossy seem to think it’s a good one. I think 2013 it’s deserves its own stickied thread. Is this a satisfactory kick off for you?


    If no one is opposed, I’m going to propose a 2013 New Years Painting Pledge for the forum.

    2012 painting New Year’s Resolution was about thrift and productivity. Paint more than you buy.


    2013 painting New Year’s Resolution is about quality and daring. Start a difficult project this year outside your normal comfort zone and complete to a high level of personal satisfaction before December 31st.

    Note what counts as difficult and new for one person may be easy and routine for another. This is about competing with yourself not others. Encourage your fellow forumites in this endeavor but this is not a competition.

    WIP photos are awesome but if everyone does it this thread will get bogged down so I think everyone should make an initial challenge post and then later a completed works post with photos when they are done. As option you can also try to repeat the 2012 pledge too if you want to go for quality AND quantity this year.



    Link to WIP (If desired): (Remember to use the linkeh boxes around it!)

    2012 painting challenge this year?:

    I will Start us Off…

    Declaration: I, Scalenex have only thus far done minor conversions thus far in my table top gaming career and I have done few relatively large models. I plan to make a model where nearly every piece is kit bashed or converted. A Corpse Cart to be the centerpiece for my Lustrian theme Vampire Counts Storm of Magic Pact Army. This will be a stepping stone to even bigger conversion projects in the future.

    Plan: The Corpse Cart will have the basic chassis of the Corpse Cart but I will replace the wheels with crude wooden wheels, replace the corpses with converted Sauri and Skinks, replace the driver with witch doctor necromancer I found from Reaper, replace the zombies pulling the cart with zombified Cold Ones (the old school Cold Ones that looked ugly and brow beaten, perfect for the undead). I will paint the whole model in a nuanced detail oriented noticeably above the current level of my models. I plan to add other features as inspirations strikes me. To get me suitably warmed up for this project. I plan to boost my converted Lizardmen zombie horde from its current 4 members to something more substantial and make some similarly themed Spirit Hosts. In a waste not want not mentality, I will use the human corpses that come with the Corpse Cart to make a Charnel Pit. I’d also like to try to finish more models than I buy this year.

    Link to WIP: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/scalenexs-paint-log-and-fluff-piece-index.10274/

    2012 painting challenge this year?: Yes
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I'm in.

    Declaration: I have a Carnosaur that was supplied without a tail. My project for this year will be to sculpt a suitable replacement for the model as well as completely painting and basing my dino.

    Plan: Thinking about using green stuff for the sculpt. I haven't done any sculpting yet besides filling in the odd gap here and there, so this should prove to be challenging. Especially since I want it to look good with plenty of detail.

    Link to WIP: Qupakoco's Cohorts

    2012 painting challenge this year?: Yes. I haven't bought anything yet so at least I'm even at the moment.
  3. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    I like it, and I've been thinking of a project worthy of committing to. Aside from a general shift of mentality toward "less thinking, more painting", I'm going to go with:

    Declaration: Most of my plans for this year are very same-old-same-old for me, in terms of terrain, conversions, and painting. But I do have one thing that sticks out: I'm going to do some sculpts from scratch.

    Plan: Specifically, I'm going to be making some stand-in Squigs for my Orc and Goblin army. It's Australian themed, so I'll be making some savage looking wombats for squid herds, and murderous kangaroos! I've got some instant-mold, so I'll be making some casts of them, too.

    Link to WIP: I'll post it when I've got something :p

    2012 painting challenge this year?: You betcha. Currently at 32-14
  4. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Thanks for the new thread Scalenex :)

    Declaration: This year, I will be finishing my two conversions that have been started and finish painting my stegadon.. I will then continue on to what is the hard part for me... Painting troops en mass :jawdrop: I can't handle painting ranks of soldiers, so I think finishing two units of Saurus on top of the other three projects that are under way is a good enough goal for one year's worth of painting :)

    I first plan on finishing the Cold One conversion (just needs a bit more paint and the weapons/shields) and then I am going to finish the sculpting on my general. I don't think i'll paint him right away though. Then I'll finish off my Stegadon and then I'm going to pick up the Saurus Warriors that I need and take care of them. Then back to the general and if I finish early, I'll start working on the skinks :) I haven't had a painted army for about... 13 years (Holy cow, I just realized my last painted troops were from 5th edition... -.-) so I think finishing up a little under 2000 points will be a good accomplishment :)

    Edit: I took the photos down and put them into the start of my blog so you can find them all here:
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Declaration: I want to at least have my 1250 list of Lizardmen painted. That's another 30 Saurus-orcs who need tails as well. A repaint on my Slann, finish the 10 skinks that are nearly done. Another 10 skinks that haven't been started, and finish my homemade salamanders, which will be some conversion work then paint.

    Then I will go back to working on my ogres. It be nice to have that whole army completed by years end, but I'm not betting on it.

    So here's a list of what needs to be done, I will strike them out as they are completed:


    10 Yellow Skinks
    10 Unknown Color Skinks
    30 Saurus-Orcs
    2 Salamanders


    Ironguts all of them
    12 Ogres
    6 Leadbelchers
    2 Mournfang
    2 Sabertusks
    New Bruiser that's almost all done GS
    New Hunter (gotta make him from gs)

    Plan: I can't plan, I have a kid. So paint when I can is the plan

    Wip: Will be posted on the link in my sig for lizards and http://www.ogrestronghold.com/forum/index.php?topic=18375.msg256894#msg256894 here for ogres
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Nice work on the Ogres. Your have some really old Ogre models in that bunch too. That last model, the skull thrower (firebelly?) is really great.
  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, those are going to be my leadbelchers have 5 more to make (the fire throwers)

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