8th Ed. Old Blood Builds

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by rag, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. rag

    rag New Member

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    I am currently starting my lizardman army and due to the rather strange army build I am running an Old Blood as the general. So far I have only tested the army against DE and a goblin army and I am not sure I am getting the moneys worth from him.
    He currently runs with the fencers blades and two minus one to hit items so can only ever be hit on 6s in combat. He sits in my saurus block.
    He does not tend to die...unless he flees...but is not really doing it for me.
    The list in brief is;
    Old blood
    Level 2
    three tens of skink skirmishers
    thirty saurus
    three stegadons
    two ancients...

    Odd list I know but want to get the real charging thunder!
    My options are;
    to change the kit he has,
    drop him to a scar vet as its a big pts saver,
    Mount him on a cold one to charge out units.

    Any ideas? What Old Blood builds do other people use?

    I dont want to add a slann etc
  2. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Honestly i run an oldblood when i want a carnosaur, the rest of the time i go for vets either on foot or cold ones, that said an oldblood is one of the toughest SOBs in the game and running him also leaves your hero pts free for a couple more priests, iceshard blizzard is so much fun to spam :D

    Besides to run 5 stegs you'll need a pretty big game to begin with, and likely more core models TBH.
  3. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    Lately, I've been using this Old Blood build:

    Old Blood
    Cold One
    Ogre Blade
    Charmed Shield
    Talisman of Preservation

    For 265 points, I have 5 Attacks at WS 6, Strength 7 (plus an attack from the Cold One). For defense, he usually ignores the first hit with the Charmed Shield (mainly used for war machine defense), then has a 1+ Armor Save and a 4+ Ward Save. I've also found that being on a Cold One instead of a Carnasaur makes him less of a target - the opponent just doesn't consider him as big a threat as he is.

    This build has worked great for me. He is tough enough to stand up to pretty much any character in the game, has great mobility, and has enough attacks to take on some rank-and-file units effectively. Usually I start him in a unit of Saurus, but quickly charge him out of the unit after a high-value target. He is great against monsters or small elite units (like Mournfangs).

    Note that you could make him a little cheaper by exchanging the Ogre Blade for a Great Weapon, but I didn't want to give up the only decent initiative our army has (sure we'll still strike after other characters, but I4 will beat many rank-and-file units).

    This build has been working really well for me lately, and its a lot of fun to play something a little different (I still run a Slann, but he is bare-bones to make room for the Old Blood). Scar Vets can do much of the same job, but I like the extra punch of the Old Blood, especially the extra wound.
  4. Carnivorous

    Carnivorous New Member

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    The last time I've used an Old Blood on a CO--also my first time--I picked a Giant as a target.
    The Giant in turn picked in his nose a bit and then put this colorful lizzard in his mouth that was stinging his ankle and spit out a little Old Blood skull.

    Moral of the story:

    when you roll like crap it doesn't matter.

    ...maybe I am still a bit disillusioned.

    My Build cost about the same as yours - don't make him more expensive. GL
  5. Kor

    Kor New Member

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    Currently I run my Oldblood with...

    Armor of Destiny (Heavy Armor. 4+ Ward)
    Burning Blade

    Gives him a 1+/4+ with Flaming Attacks that cause an additional -2 to your armor save. So, being S5, your opponent is at -4. Suck it Warriors of Chaos! :bored:

    I just wish I could put him on a Carnasuar in a 2500 point game. I can, but not with my 400 point Slann...
  6. rag

    rag New Member

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    Cheers for the replies.
    Going to try;
    Armour destiny
    dragonbane gem
    poison firefly thing with a great weapon
    ......could dump the great weapon for biting blade maybe?
    People suggested mounting on coldone but after buying and painting the model I am damn sure going to try it out a bit!;-)
  7. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    If you use biting blade, you can't use Venom of the firefly frog. It only works on mundane weapons. The effect does not stack.
  8. Moonwolf
    Jungle Swarm

    Moonwolf New Member

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    The build I love is the following

    - Great Weapon / Halberd
    - Armor of destiny
    - Dawnstone
    - Venom of the firefly frog / the other tricksters shard
    - Carnosaur / Cold one

    This guy is more or less impossible to kill and hits like a truck, especially on his carnosaur. If you give him the venom of the firefly frog and put him on a carnosaur, its advisable to give him a halbeard to make him go before his mount. The rider will smack any regenerating monster with his flaming weapon, after which the carnosaur will tear it apart. Seen this build rip apart a doomwheel and two abominations in a single battle. Carnosaurs make for a wild card what with war machines and frenzy, but the model is so damn cool its worth it.
  9. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Venom is poisonous and magical but not flaming, doesn't stop regen....
  10. Stormfrog

    Stormfrog New Member

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    Should do well with a great weapon in that case.
  11. rag

    rag New Member

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    Cheers guy.

    Had the first game with the build and found him effective.
    Had the two hand weapons and the poison gave him that little bit of extra bite.
    Its was against an Empire army so he did not really face many attacks as whatever he came in to contact he did seem to kill :D

    Will be keeping him in the army for the event I am building the army towards but would still think about tinkering with his set up
  12. cammy

    cammy New Member

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    Is it worth running a Oldblood on a Cold One, as a unit with a few scar vets?
  13. rag

    rag New Member

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    I would love to try that!.
    I would in an ideal world have the ob on a cold one and with a scar vet also one cold one.
    Would put these in the saraus unit and burst them out if need.
    In the Thunderous charge list ( in the army list section) I just have the points so tight that even putting the Ob on the cold one is not possible.
  14. SouthlandLizardman

    SouthlandLizardman New Member

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    You may want to consider a Great Weapon with the VotFF. It makes your opponents Armor save a 5+ at best, negates it most of the time, and you will almost always wound on anything even most enemy characters on a 2+, and any 6s auto-wound from the poison. It also leaves most of your Magic Items Allowance available, which means you can usually take a Ward Save and Dawnstone to get a re-rollable Armour Save, which combined with toughness 5, makes any Saurus lord (Scar-Vet or Oldblood) especially survivable and packs a nasty punch (4-5 WS 5-6 S7 poisoned and magical attacks).
  15. exwhyzero

    exwhyzero Member

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    I usually run my old blood as follows:

    Blade of Chotec
    Gamblers Armour
    Dawn Stone
    Crown of Command

    He comes in at 461 points but is worth it

    The build makes him nigh on impossible to kill, giving him a 1+ re-rollable Armour Save (whether He is on the Carno or not) and a 6+ ward if he really needs it.

    And the the means he is dishing out 5 St5 attacks at -4 to any save ,Flaming

    Plus hes not gonna run

    (yes this is my first post here)
  16. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Welcome to the boards exwhyzero!

    That build looks fairly solid, I would just add some tweaks for my own reasons.

    Armor of Destiny over Gamblers Armor: Carnosaurs = warmachine magnets so you could be looking at taking multiple S10 hits that deny armor save and multiply into d6 wounds. Ponying up the extra points to push from a 6+ to a 4+ ward save is a wise investment.

    Old Bloods have a 4+ scaly skin, heavy armor increases the save by 2, so 2+ and since you are mounted you are already capped at 1+. This makes the shield irrelivant since mounted units don't benefit from a parry save.

    Since that shield spot is free'd up you can then look at taking a great weapon, which would also minus their AS by 2 (simply due to the increase in strength) and also make wounding easier. If you want you can then slap on VotFF to give you poison and magical attacks. I, myself, like taking the piranha blade. With more and more monsters hitting the fields these days it is great to lock with them and shred them to bits with the multiwound (2) effect from the blade. I've also used it on scar-vets on foot to rip apart enemy heroes in challenges.

    Crown of Command: This is a must, never leave home without it

    Dawnstone: Solid investment all around.
  17. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    When I play an Old Blood on a Carnosaur i use the Old but still fresh build:

    Great Weapon,
    Armour of Destiny
    The other tricksters shard

    I know he lacks of Magic attacks, and dosen't have stubborn, But he will eat most RnF Troops easilly, And once I was laughing because I survived a duel with a chaos lord on a juggernaut (Fun game) and my carni hit once, wounded and killed the lord:)
  18. Chunk

    Chunk Member

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    The one I'm gonna try out on Sunday looks like this:

    Armour of Destiny
    Venom of the Firefly Frog (this is actually a free item due to the campaign I'm in)

    I don't really see the point in giving him a great weapon, it just means he can't use his reasonably high (for us) ini of 4, and str 6 is good enough, especially since the carnosaur is also there to provide a bunch of str 7 attacks as well. Anyway, he's got a 1+ re-rollable save, 4+ ward, and five str 6 poisoned attacks, plus the carnosaur's attacks and stomps. Should be able to chew through plenty of RoF and go up against many a character too.
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I made the generalization that the local players I see tend to be challenge phobic (not the VC but everyone else) but they aren't shy about directing attacks from normal troops in numbers against.

    I plan to run an OldBlood with Fencers Blades and Glittering Scales to be very hard to hit and a potion of Foolhardiness. In the 2500+ games I tend to play I get a well tooled out Slann and still fit that Oldblood in my 625 max without a struggle. Hopefully the volume of S5 hits will be good crowd control but I haven't got to playtest this new build yet.
  20. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Mmmmmm almost no love my my Oldblood on this forum... Slann has got everyone's general spot pinned down :p

    For me, there are two ways to run an Oldblood as a general.. If you want him as a general you either want him to hit hard so you shell out for a Carnosaur or give him a handy blade that gives extra attacks, or you make him look dang sexy defense-wise and still formidable toe-to-toe and then plop him in a unit. One is very expensive and keeps you from being able to bring the magic protection that you need and makes your general a target, while the other can actually be very cost-effective (compared to using a Slann as the general you have just freed up 200+ points for other units and that is NOT including the amount of points you will be saving by not throwing in your unit of Temple Guard [not too many people factor in that cost when they choose a Slann vs. an Oldblood ;) ]).

    If you are going to use a Carnosaur then I would do as stated before, give him the 4+ ward heavy armour as well as a great Weapon (but I thought you couldn't use them on mounts, Its been a while since I looked at the rules so I don't remember too well) so you get great protection and then only spend a few points on a weapon vs. shelling out even more points for a magical one.

    If you are going with the cheaper version I always go with a Lord on foot. Putting him on a Cold One requires a unit of Cold Ones to keep him effectively safe and if you are going to bring a unit of those then by all means put him on a Cold One :) But I prefer the Hide of the Cold Ones. That is one sexy piece of armour for the simple cost of stupidity that gives him a toughness that only few heroes and beasts can deal with! And then I toss in a sword that gives him an extra attack or two (because 7 strength 5 attacks are okay in my book ;) ) and then run him into a unit of Saurus with a champion.

    Our Oldbloods can be built to have HUGE attacking power only beaten by very few (and equally expensive) generals, they can be irreplaceable anchors in a unit of Saurus, and provide swift kills in a unit of Cold Ones, the only problem our Oldbloods have is that people are more tempted by the fickle winds of magic ;) I have an OOP Slann that has been collecting dust for a little over 11 years because I just love my Oldbloods too much! You just have to know how to get them to do what you want and where you want it.. And if you're on a Carnosaur, avoid those flying balls of lead XD

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