Blog The Hosts of Cuexotl, the Ruby City

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by CaptainKirk, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Well, after a few years of off and on work on my Cold Ones I've finally decided to make my blog.. More pictures will be coming fast!

    My entire army will be more or less based on the city of Cuexotl, the city in the Southlands. The 'Red River' next to it in my mind is full of Rubies, hence why it is called the Red River ;) So not much detail on that for now but I'll be making some fluff for you guys on that a bit later, and the 'Ruby City' paintskeem will be showing up farther down the road (i'm just trying to get these blasted Cold Ones done for now!). Anyways...

    First there is my Cold One conversion. I shaved down the Cold Ones and then added some bulk/scales to them with a bunch of green stuff. I have them painted further and I have even done work on the riders but I haven't taken any pictures of the recent work yet:



    Now I have the start of my conversion for my Lord on 'Horned One.' The idea came from the High Elf conversions of 'White Lion Riders' so I decided to take a lion from a chariot and convert it to be either a Jaguar or Snow Leopard (I'm leaning towards the Snow Leopard because its my favorite of the cats but the Jaguar would fit the theme of the army better.. Maybe it'll just be a Black Panther to shut down both sides of the argument :p ). I shaved off the large mane and then I've already corrected the angle on the front left paw and added fur to the head, neck, and front right leg. Now I just need to find my super-glue so I can figure out where the rider will sit so I can finish putting fur on the flanks and adjust the hind legs and tail:


  2. dragodog

    dragodog New Member

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    Re: Captain Kirk's army blog

    Very good work. I like. When GW released the new Cold One models that are based on skeletal studies of Velociraptors and other dromaeosaurid fossils, I was disappointed they were not released right away for the Lizardmen. I debated if I wanted to do the conversion, but opted not to, mainly due to cost of acquiring the cold ones. But what you got there is pretty cool. Look forward to further posts.
  3. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Re: Captain Kirk's army blog

    Thanks for the comments! Yeah, I hated the new Cold One models as soon as I saw them.. I was really lucky on the cost though! I have 10 dark elf Cold Ones now. My local hobby shop was selling them used/open box twice XD while it would be nice to pay for Cold Ones that look good and are part of our army to begin with, I can't complain about my luck in finding those things on sale! And the first five I got the day I was prepared to go in and buy the DE unit just for the Cold Ones anyways so I was SUPER lucky there! :D

    Anyways, back to working on that blasted Lion -.-
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: Captain Kirk's army blog

    Very nice green stuff work. Adding mass to those Cold Ones really beefs them up. Can't wait to see the "Horned One" finished and painted!
  5. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Re: Captain Kirk's army blog

    Got some more work done painting the Cold Ones and I was about to snap some pictures when my battery died -.- I think it has been having issues and I might need another one.. Sigh.. Anyways, I decided to scrap the lion and I'm going to get a sabertusk from the ogre kingdoms army as they now have them in resin so I can work with them a little easier than all the cutting required on these blasted lions :depressed: I just sliced my finger today thanks to the ungrateful beast! So I won't be progressing on my 'Horned One' conversion until I can buy the kit, but I'll keep things up to date on my CO's and I'll show a little picture of my WIP Stegadon! Mind you, my painting is terrible guys, so don't get your hopes up or anything!

    Edit: Woke up this morning with a charged battery and snapped a couple quick photos :D



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