Well, might as well get started! I'very been wanting to get a Lizardmen army for a while, and now I'm able to! One unit as a time. Let's start off with a Saurus unit. The unit is just you're average spear block. But I wanted the 16th figure to be an old-blood. Something unique! More to come! I plan on priming with Army painter Ice Blue, with some other blue that I have. I think it's some Reaper paint. I got some blue Wonder Wash, but I read somewhere that it dried glossy... Anyone have any experience with Wonder Washes? P.S. this is the last time I post pictures using a smart phone. -.- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update! All models have been primed with Army Painters Crystal Blue: With some test washes on a few extra shields... The wash is a little more glossy than I wanted... But the white shield looks cool! I was testing to see if a white primed Saurus + wash would be an easy way to paint a Old-One... I think it turned out well, considering the only paint I had was a can of white Satin paint.
I agree with n810. Great conversion. I look forward to your additions to this Plog. How did you do the left fist for this guy? For a smartphone picture, that is a great picture.
Thanks. I haven't seen many giant-hammer wielding Saurus heroes, but it was one of the first things that popped into my head while looking at drum. I think it turned out alright. I was just going to have the shoulder pad on the left arm, like a small buckler/armor... Leaving the Giant hammer as the only weapon. But I realized the number of extra spears that I would have, so I snipped a few spear-heads off, and put a nice blob of green-stuff on the hand. Stuck the two heads on it, then used another small blob to put the shoulder plate on top. I wanted a unique hero without all the crazy bling that most seem to have. Something simple... I think I did a little more than I wanted with the hulkin' left-hand weapon... An Old-blood with two of those would be cool, but I might rethink it on this model.... Thoughts?
I really like your idea! XD I think the weapon is just a little bit too tall though.. Maybe trim it down about a centimeter?
I actually like the two spikes on the shaft... But it's difficult to chop off part of a spear and realign it... hrmmmm maybe cut from the top of the fist? but if that's not possible then i'd almost say the blue line :/ but its all your choice However you think it looks best, go with that XD
That could be the Maiming Shield and a Great Weapon. Not that you could technically use both, but it looks cool. Very original. I vote for the blue line. That way his hammer is only a little taller than he is.
Hmmm.... I wonder if cutting it right above the hand would be a better idea.... I like the two prongs as well... Well, I guess cutting it on the blue line would be the best option.... Maybe down the road I'll work on converting one with the really long hammer, have him hold it with two hands or something. Thanks for the advice!
Update. (Check first post) Priming is done. Next is painting the scales, then washing with the Wonder wash.
Update! I went on an Ebay spree. 30 Saurus warriors (One full command) 20 Vintage Saurus warriors, and 8 Cold Ones + a Cowboy. $5 and $7 for a Unit of Saurus. $15 for the Coldones. $21 for 15 OOP Saurus + $10 for another 5. (I had to have a round number) I bet you can tell which one of the above I bought first.... Before I found the "1-Click Bid" button... $58 + $28 in shipping = $86 While I spent WAY more that I wanted (I was shopping for $10 in Skinks.... <.<) And I didn't really want the OOP Saurus..... I think it was an all-around good deal in the end.... Anyway, here's a quick pic (From my camera): Well, I have all the blue on my First Saurus unit... Had a hard time highlighting (Why on earth don't I have any new white paint?) I ended up having to use a 1-2 year old Skull White pot that I had.... It's not totally dried up, but it's definitely not milk-consistency! Pictures of those to come soon... So I'm sittin' on 65 Saurus, 10 Coldone Riders, Four Scar-Vet/ Old-Bloods (Two of the new batches are extra.) And I'm getting my little brother's Bretonnians together soon!
Sorry I am late to this...just seeing it. Great conversion. Agree that the handle on that hammer is too long, and agree that the length represented by the blue line is the correct one. But the cut should be made just above the hand and the pole pinned back into the closed fist. If you don't know how to do this, let me know and I can give you more detailed instructions. Overall the figure is great!
Hey man, I already trimmed the staff. Next time I'll have to do that... I don't have a hand drill though.. I've never really done much pinning before. Anyway, thanks for the tips.
A quick paint update. I have to say that I was really concerned about the eyes turning out horribly... But they did all right. So I also have the OOP Saurus mostly painted... Their eyes, tongue, scales, and skin are all painted up. Now to finish the cloth, and go on to weapons.... The other two Saurus units are painted, but I ran out of WonderWash... So I did a 3-1-12 of blue-black-water, (respectively) wash on one of them... It didn't really run into the cracks well, so I'll have to do another layer or so.... But it's coming along. Closing question: Should the head of the hammer be black, or gray? (It's gray now... but it was black...)
Gotta love ebay! Sweet deal on the lizardmen army. I really like the converted saurus character especially the hammer idea. Nice stuff.