8th Ed. White Dwarf Civil War rules

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Scalenex, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    So I'm playing a map campaign and it just so happens that my neighbor is another Lizardmen player. On one hand I'd like some reptile solidarity. On there is a lot of really juicy territory in the border area between our empires so we might not agree on how to share it without fisticuffs.

    The GM said if two players of the same army battle he said we'd use civil war rules out of a White Dwarf. It seemed I was the only one who wasn't already familiar with those rules.

    So what do the WD rules mean if two Lizardmen fight?

    There are two Warriors of Chaos players, two Chaos Dwarf players (using Dwarf civil war rules), and two Empire players. Anything interesting likely to happen if they go at it?
  2. angrypearl

    angrypearl New Member

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    Sorry, my e-mail gave out on me. I will answer your questions ASAP.

    Re the Civil War rules: WD 384 for full reference: at the beginning of battle, roll 2D6 & consult the table. It's that simple. Some of the results will need to be slightly adjusted. I'll bring it to the store with other special info necessary

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