8th Ed. New Warriors of Chaos

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Maazie, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    It's really not that bad. There are multiple template spells for dealing with large units, one of the best leadership denial spells in the game, a spell that removes levels and steals spells from enemy wizards, and Gateway still hits incredibly hard.
    Warpflame is annoying, but it isn't game breaking, especially with how many options warriors have for flamining now: flaming body power, Flaming banner, hellfire sword, breath weapons...
    People see one thing that seems bad about the lore and cry that it is horrible. The people that have played it have all seemed to do pretty well with it.
    If you take the precautions that you should against it if you plan on using LoTz, the negative part of warp flame will only apply to a few things, so the bonus D3 wounds when they fail the toughness tests will actually make a larger difference in the game.

    Granted, LoN is still better, and other BRB lores are better, but I wouldn't count out LoTz.
  2. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    I am planning to enter a tournament but the points limit is 800, and the points limit for characters in total is 200. What would you expect a Warriors of Chaos player to field? How would you counter this using a competitive Lizardmen list? Also, how well would a Saurus heavy list with a Salamander work against a Warriors of Chaos army at this points level?

    I am completely unfamiliar with the new book.


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